Intensified Tuberculosis Meningitis
Intensified Tuberculosis Meningitis
Intensified Tuberculosis Meningitis
ROC curve analysis was applied to evaluate the performance of serum albumin and the
Rockall score in identifying mortality in patients with NVUGB, as well as to determine the
optimal operating point that made a distinc- tion between deceased patients and
survivors with respect to serum albumin upon admission.
After exploring this optimal value for serum albumin, a comparative analysis was
performed to establish the differences between groups. Odds ratios were determined
for all the evaluated varia- bles. Categorical and continuous variables were analyzed
with the X2 and Mann-Whitney U tests.
Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS v17.0 (Chicago, IL, USA) and
MedCalc for Windows, version (MedCalc Software, Mariakerke, Belgium)
There was no evidence of a differential effect of intensified treatment on any of
the prespecified secondary outcomes
Overall, there was no significant difference between the treatment groups with
regard to clinical adverse events, apart from a higher frequency of seizures in
the intensifiedtreatment group than in the standard-therapy group
Adults with tuberculous meningitis, intensified
antituberculosis treatment was not associated
with a higher rate of survival than the rate
with standard treatment.