Supply Chain Management: Presented by Sqn. Ldr. (RTD) Ghias Amjad Malik

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Supply Chain Management

Presented by

Sqn. Ldr. (Rtd) Ghias Amjad Malik

2005 Wiley 1
What is a Supply Chain?
The network of external suppliers,
internal processes, and external
distributors, and the links connecting
them, that deliver a finished product or
service to the customer.

2005 Wiley 2
A Basic Supply Chain

2005 Wiley 3
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management entails:
Making decisions regarding the structure of
the supply chain
Coordinating the movement of goods and
delivery of services
Sharing information between members of
the supply chain.

2005 Wiley 4
SCM Factors
SCM must consider the following trends,
improved capabilities, & realities:
Consumer Expectations and Competition
power has shifted to the consumer
Globalization capitalize on emerging markets
Information Technology e-commerce,
Internet, EDI, scanning data, intranets
Government Regulations - like trade barriers
Environment Issues e.g. waste minimization

2005 Wiley 5
Components of a
Typical Supply Chain

External Internal External

Suppliers Functions Distributors


2005 Wiley 6
External Suppliers
External suppliers provide the necessary raw
materials, services, and component parts.
Purchased materials & services frequently
represent 50% (or more) of the costs of
goods sold.
Suppliers are frequently members of several
supply chains often in different roles.

2005 Wiley 7
External Suppliers
Tier one suppliers:
Directly supplies materials or services to the firm that
does business with the final customer
Tier two suppliers:
Provides materials or services to tier one suppliers
Tier three suppliers:
Providers materials or services to tier two suppliers

2005 Wiley 8
Internal Functions
Vary by industry & firm, but might
Production Planning & Control
Quality Assurance

2005 Wiley 9
Logistics & Distribution
Logistics: getting the right material to the
right place at the right time in the right
Traffic Management:
The selection, scheduling & control of carriers (e.g.:
trucks & rail) for both incoming & outgoing materials &
Distribution Management:
The packaging, storing & handling of products in transit
to the end-user.

2005 Wiley 10
Dairy Products Supply Chain

2005 Wiley 11
Vertical Integration
A measure of how much of the supply
chain is controlled by the manufacturer.
Backward integration:
Acquiring control of raw material suppliers.
Forward integration:
Acquiring control of distribution channels.

2005 Wiley 12
Entails paying third-party suppliers to provide
raw materials and services, rather than
making them in-house.
Outsourcing is increasing as many firms try to
focus their internal operations on what they
do best.

2005 Wiley 13
Insourcing vs. Outsourcing
What questions need to be asked before
sourcing decisions are made?
Is product/service technology critical to firms
Is operation a core competency?
Do you have the capital to provide capacity &
keep the process current?
Will outsourcing extend lead times and limit
Can others do it for less cost and better quality?

2005 Wiley 14
Purchasings Role in SCM
Purchasing role has attained increased
importance since material costs
represent 50-60% of cost of goods sold
Ethics considerations
Developing supplier relationships
Determining how many suppliers
Developing partnerships
Industry trend is to a much smaller supplier
base. Why?
2005 Wiley 15
Partnering with Suppliers
Involves developing a long-term,
mutually-beneficial relationship:
Requires trust to share information, risk,
opportunities, & investing in compatible
Work together to reduce waste and
inefficiency & develop new products
Agree to share the gains

2005 Wiley 16
Supplier Relationships and JIT
Use single-source suppliers when possible
Build long-term relationships
Work together to certify processes
Co-locate facilities to reduce transport if possible
Stabilize delivery schedules
Share cost & other information
Early involvement during new product designs
2005 Wiley 17
The Role of Warehouses
General Warehouses:
Used for long-term storage of goods
Distribution Warehouses:
Transportation consolidation:
Consolidate LTL into TL deliveries
Product mixing & blending:
Group multiple items from various suppliers
Improve service:
Reduced response time
Allow for last-minute customization

2005 Wiley 18
Information Flow in Supply

2005 Wiley 19
Information Sharing
Supply chain partners can benefit by
sharing information on sales, demand
forecasts, inventory levels & marketing
Inaccurate or distorted information
leads to the Bullwhip Effect

2005 Wiley 20
The Bullwhip Effect
If information isnt shared, everyone has to
guess what is going on downstream.
Guessing wrong leads to too much or too little
If too much, firms hold off buying more until
inventories fall (leading suppliers to think demand
has fallen).
If too little, firms demand a rush order & order more
than usual to avoid being caught short in the future
(leading suppliers to think demand has risen).

2005 Wiley 21
Short-Circuit the Bullwhip
Make information transparent:
Use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to
support Just-In-Time supplier
Use bar codes & electronic scanning to
capture & share point-of-sale data
Eliminate wholesale price promotions &
quantity discounts
2005 Wiley 22
Electronic Data Interchange
The most common method of using
computer-to-computer links to exchange data
between supply chain partners in a
standardized format.
Benefits include:
Quick transfer of information
Reduced paperwork & administration
Improved data accuracy & tracking capability

2005 Wiley 23
Integrated SCM
Implementing integrated SCM requires:
Analyzing the whole supply chain
Starting by integrating internal functions first
Integrating external suppliers through partnerships

Possible Supply Chain Objectives

Reduce costs, improve quality
Reduce lead time and inventory
Reduce time to market
Increase sales
Improve demand data/forecasting

2005 Wiley 24

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