19 February 2017: Morning Report SMF/ Bagian Ilmu Bedah FK UNDANA - Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang

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Morning Report

SMF/ Bagian Ilmu Bedah

FK UNDANA Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes

19th February 2017


Name : Mr. DM
Sex : Male
Age : 39 Year
Religion : Catholic
Job : Civil servants
Address : Fatululi
Chief Complain :
Bitten by a snake.
Present Complain:
Patients present with a swollen hand due to snake bite.
This incident took place 30 minutes before the patient
came to the hospital. At the time of the incident, the
patient was plucking grass located in the courtyard of his
house, suddenly a green snake bite index finger and
middle finger of his left hand. After the bite, the patient felt
her hands were swollen, patients feel pain but not so
great. there is no spontaneous bleeding in patients. the
patient has not received any treatment. the patient does
not feel the nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, fatigue.
Physical Examination
Primary Survey
A : clear, patent
B : RR 20 x/m
C : BP 120/80 mmHg, Pulse 87 x/m, warm,
D : Alert
E :
Secondary Survey

GCS : E4V5M6
Hair : Black, Allopesia (-), injury (-)
Eyes : Hematom : -/-
Conjungtiva : Anemis (-/-)
Sclera : Icterik (-/-)
pupil : isokor, pupil reflects +/+
Ears : otorhea (-),
Nose : Rhinore -/-
Mouth : Lesion -/-
Neck : Limphonodes (-)
Inspeksi : Chest expansion symetric
Palpasi : mass (-), krepitasi (-)
Perkusi: sonor (+/+)
Auscultasi : Vesiculer (+/+) , Ronchi (-/-),
Wheezing (-/-)
S1/2 single, murmur (-), gallop (-)
Inspection : mass (-), scar (-), wound (-)
Auscultation : peristaltics normal
Palpation : tenderness pain (-) , mass (-)
Percusion : timpany sound (+)
Extremity :
Look : Udem et regio dorsum manus digiti II & III
Feel :Warm (-), pain (+)
Movement : ROM normal, lateralisasi (-)

Snake Bite Regio Dorsum Manus Digiti II & III


Inj. Ketorolac 2 x 30 mg /iv

Inj. Dexamethason 2 x 5 mg/iv
Inj. Ranitidin 2 x 50 mg/iv
Inj. Omeprazole 2 x 40 mg/iv
Anti Bisa Ular 3 vial drip dalam D5 100 cc
30 menit
Bersihkan Luka tanpa Cross Incisi
Observasi Ketat

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