Cryptographic Hash Functions

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Cryptographic hash functions compress variable length inputs into fixed length outputs and are widely used in applications like digital signatures, message authentication codes, and key derivation. The talk discusses how they are constructed and analyzed resistance to collisions.

Some applications of cryptographic hash functions discussed are digital signatures, message authentication codes, key derivation, and removing interaction from identification protocols.

Cryptographic hash functions are typically constructed using a Merkle-Damgård iteration starting from a compression function. The compression function takes the chaining variable and message block as input and outputs an updated chaining variable.

Cryptographic Hash Functions

and their many applications

Shai Halevi IBM Research

USENIX Security August 2009

Thanks to Charanjit Jutla and Hugo Krawczyk

What are hash functions?
Just a method of compressing strings
E.g., H : {0,1}* {0,1}160
Input is called message, output is digest
Why would you want to do this?
Short, fixed-size better than long, variable-size
True also for non-crypto hash functions
Digest can be added for redundancy
Digest hides possible structure in message
But not
How are they built?
Typically using Merkle-Damgrd iteration:
1. Start from a compression function
h: {0,1}b+n{0,1}n |M|=b=512 bits

c =160 bits h d=h(c,M)=160 bits

2. Iterate it
M1 M2 ML-1 ML

What are they good for?
Modern, collision resistant hash functions were designed to create
small, fixed size message digests so that a digest could act as a
proxy for a possibly very large variable length message in a digital
signature algorithm, such as RSA or DSA. These hash functions
have since been widely used for many other ancillary applications,
including hash-based message authentication codes, pseudo
random number generators, and key derivation functions.

Request for Candidate Algorithm Nominations,

-- NIST, November 2007
Some examples
Signatures: sign(M) = RSA-1( H(M) )
Message-authentication: tag=H(key,M)
Commitment: commit(M) = H(M,)
Key derivation: AES-key = H(DH-value)
Removing interaction [Fiat-Shamir, 1987]
Take interactive identification protocol A

Replace one side by a hash function challenge

Challenge = H(smthng, context)
Get non-interactive signature scheme smthng, response
Part I: Random functions
vs. hash functions
Random functions
What we really want is H that behaves
just like a random function:
Digest d=H(M) chosen uniformly for each M
Digest d=H(M) has no correlation with M
For distinct M1,M2,, digests di=H(Mi) are
completely uncorrelated to each other
Cannot find collisions, or even near-collisions
Cannot find M to hit a specific d
Cannot find fixed-points (d = H(d))
The Random-Oracle paradigm
[Bellare-Rogaway, 1993]

1. Pretend hash function is really this good

2. Design a secure cryptosystem using it
Prove security relative to a random oracle
The Random-Oracle paradigm
[Bellare-Rogaway, 1993]

1. Pretend hash function is really this good

2. Design a secure cryptosystem using it
Prove security relative to a random oracle
3. Replace oracle with a hash function
Hope that it remains secure
The Random-Oracle paradigm
[Bellare-Rogaway, 1993]

1. Pretend hash function is really this good

2. Design a secure cryptosystem using it
Prove security relative to a random oracle
3. Replace oracle with a hash function
Hope that it remains secure
Very successful paradigm, many schemes
E.g., OAEP encryption, FDH,PSS signatures
Also all the examples from before
Schemes seem to withstand test of time
Random oracles: rationale
S is some crypto scheme (e.g., signatures),
that uses a hash function H
S proven secure when H is random function
Any attack on real-world S must use
some nonrandom property of H
We should have chosen a better H
without that nonrandom property
Caveat: how do we know what nonrandom
properties are important?
This rationale isnt sound
[Canetti-Goldreich-H 1997]

Exist signature schemes that are:

1. Provably secure wrt a random function
2. Easily broken for EVERY hash function
Idea: hash functions are computable
This is a nonrandom property by itself
Exhibit a scheme which is secure only
for non-computable Hs
Scheme is (very) contrived
Contrived example
Start from any secure signature scheme
Denote signature algorithm by SIG1H(key,msg)
Change SIG1 to SIG2 as follows: Some
SIG2H(key,msg): interprate msg as code P
If P(i)=H(i) for i=1,2,3,,|msg|, then output key
Else output the same as SIG1H(key,msg)

If H is random, always the Else case

If H is a hash function, attempting to sign
the code of H outputs the secret key
Cautionary note
ROM proofs may not mean what you think
Still they give valuable assurance, rule out
almost all realistic attacks
What nonrandom properties are important
for OAEP / FDH / PSS / ?
How would these scheme be affected by a
weakness in the hash function in use?
ROM may lead to careless implementation
Merkle-Damgrd vs. random functions
h h h h
Recall: we often construct our hash functions
from compression functions
Even if compression is random, hash is not
E.g., H(key|M) subject to extension attack
H(key | M|M) = h( H(key|M), M)
Minor changes to MD fix this
But they come with a price (e.g. prefix-free encoding)
Compression also built from low-level blocks
E.g., Davies-Meyer construction,
Provide yet more structure, can lead to attacks
on provable ROM schemes [H-Krawczyk 2007]
Part II: Using hash functions
in applications
Using imperfect hash functions
Applications should rely only on specific
security properties of hash functions
Try to make these properties as standard and
as weak as possible
Increases the odds of long-term security
When weaknesses are found in hash function,
application more likely to survive
E.g., MD5 is badly broken, but HMAC-MD5 is
barely scratched
Security requirements
Deterministic hashing Stronger

Attacker chooses M, d=H(M)

Hashing with a random salt
Attacker chooses M, then good guy
chooses public salt, d=H(salt,M)
Hashing random messages
M random, d=H(M)
Hashing with a secret key
Attacker chooses M, d=H(key,M) Weaker
Deterministic hashing
Collision Resistance
Attacker cannot find M,M such that H(M)=H(M)
Also many other properties
Hard to find fixed-points, near-collisions,
M s.t. H(M) has low Hamming weight, etc.
Hashing with public salt
Target-Collision-Resistance (TCR)
Attacker chooses M, then given random salt,
cannot find M such that H(salt,M)=H(salt,M)
enhanced TRC (eTCR)
Attacker chooses M, then given random salt,
cannot find M,salt s.t. H(salt,M)=H(salt,M)
Hashing random messages
Second Preimage Resistance
Given random M, attacker cannot find M
such that H(M)=H(M)
Given d=H(M) for random M, attacker cannot
find M such that H(M)=d
For random salt, high-entropy M, the digest
d=H(salt,M) is close to being uniform

* Combinatorial, not cryptographic

Hashing with a secret key
Pseudo-Random Functions
The mapping MH(key,M) for secret key
looks random to an attacker
Universal hashing*
For all MM, Prkey[ H(key,M)=H(key,M) ]<e

* Combinatorial, not cryptographic

Application 1:
Digital signatures
Hash-then-sign paradigm
First shorten the message, d = H(M)
Then sign the digest, s = SIGN(d)
Relies on collision resistance
If H(M)=H(M) then s is a signature on both
Attacks on MD5, SHA-1 threaten current
MD5 attacks can be used to get bad CA cert
[Stevens et al. 2009]
Collision resistance is hard
Attacker works off-line (find M,M)
Can use state-of-the-art cryptanalysis, as much
computation power as it can gather, without
being detected !!
Helped by birthday attack (e.g., 280 vs 2160)
Well worth the effort
One collision forgery for any signer
Signatures without CRHF
[Naor-Yung 1989, Bellare-Rogaway 1997]

Use randomized hashing

To sign M, first choose fresh random salt
Set d= H(salt, M), s= SIGN( salt || d )
Attack scenario (collision game):
Attacker chooses M, M same salt (since salt
is explicitly signed)
Signer chooses random salt
Attacker must find M' s.t. H(salt,M) = H(salt,M')
Attack is inherently on-line
Only rely on target collision resistance
TCR hashing for signatures
Not every randomization works
H(M|salt) may be subject to collision attacks
when H is Merkle-Damgrd
Yet this is what PSS does (and its provable in the ROM)
Many constructions in principle
From any one-way function
Some engineering challenges
Most constructions use long/variable-size randomness,
dont preserve Merkle-Damgrd
Also, signing salt means changing the underlying
signature schemes
Signatures with enhanced TCR
[H-Krawczyk 2006]

Use stronger randomized hashing, eTCR

To sign M, first choose fresh random salt
Set d = H(salt, M), s = SIGN( d )
Attack scenario (collision game):
Attacker chooses M attacker can use
different salt
Signer chooses random salt
Attacker needs M,salt s.t. H(salt,M)=H(salt',M')
Attack is still inherently on-line
Randomized hashing with RMX
[H-Krawczyk 2006]

Use simple message-randomization

RMX: M=(M1,M2,,ML), r
(r, M1r,M2r,,MLr)
Hash( RMX(r,M) ) is eTCR when:
Hash is Merkle-Damgrd, and
Compression function is ~ 2nd-preimage-resistant
Signature: [ r, SIGN( Hash( RMX(r,M) )) ]
r fresh per signature, one block (e.g. 512 bits)
No change in Hash, no signing of r
Preserving hash-then-sign
M =(M1,,ML)

M =(M1,,ML) RMX r

(r, M1r,,,MLr)

Application 2:
Message authentication
Sender, Receiver, share a secret key
Compute an authentication tag
tag = MAC(key, M)
Sender sends (M, tag)
Receiver verifies that tag matches M
Attacker cannot forge tags without key
Authentication with HMAC
[Bellare-Canetti-Krawczyk 1996]

Simple key-prepend/append have problems

when used with a Merkle-Damgrd hash
tag=H(key | M) subject to extension attacks
tag=H(M | key) relies on collision resistance
HMAC: Compute tag = H(key | H(key | M))
About as fast as key-prepend for a MD hash
Relies only on PRF quality of hash
MH(key|M) looks random when key is secret
Authentication with HMAC
[Bellare-Canetti-Krawczyk 1996]

Simple key-prepend/append have problems

when used with a Merkle-Damgrd hash
As| M)
tag=H(key a result,
to extension attacks
tag=H(Maffected by collision
| key) relies on collision resistance
HMAC: Compute attacks
tag =onH(key | H(key | M))
About as fast as key-prepend for a MD hash
Relies only on PRF property of hash
MH(key|M) looks random when key is secret
Carter-Wegman authentication
[Wegman-Carter 1981,]

Compress message with hash, t=H(key1,M)

Hide t using a PRF, tag =
PRF can be AES, HMAC, RC4, etc.
Only applied to a short nonce, typically not a
performance bottleneck
Secure if the PRF is good, H is universal
For MM,D, Prkey[ H(key,M)H(key,M)=D ]<e)
Not cryptographic, can be very fast
Fast Universal Hashing
Universality is combinatorial, provable
no need for security margins in design
Many works on fast implementations
From inner-product, Hk1,k2(M1,M2)=(K1+M1)(K2+M2)
[H-Krawczyk97, Black et al.99, ]
From polynomial evaluation Hk(M1,,ML)=Si Mi ki
[Krawczyk94, Shoup96, Bernstein05, McGrew-
As fast as 2-3 cycle-per-byte (for long Ms)
Software implementation, contemporary CPUs
Part III:
Designing a hash function
Fugue: IBMs candidate for the
NIST hash competition
Design a compression function?
h h h h

PROs: modular design, reduce to the simpler

problem of compressing fixed-length strings
Many things are known about transforming
compression into hash
CONs: compressionhash has its problems
Its not free (e.g. message encoding)
Some attacks based on the MD structure
Extension attacks ( rely on H(x|y)=h(H(x),y) )
Birthday attacks (herding, multicollisions, )
Example attack: herding
[Kelsey-Kohno 2006]
Find many off-line collisions d1,1 h M2,1

Tree structure with ~2n/3 di,js M1,2

d2,1 h
d1,2 h
Takes ~ 22n/3 time M1,3 d
Publish final d d1,3
M1,4 d2,2

Then for any prefix P d1,4 h
Find linking block L s.t. H(P|L) in the tree
Takes ~ 22n/3 time
Read off the tree the suffix S to get to d
Show an extension of P s.t. H(P|L|S) = d
The culprit: small intermediate state
With a compression function, we:
Work hard on current message block
Throw away this work, keep only n-bit state
Alternative: keep a large state
Work hard on current message block/word
Update some part of the big state
More flexible approach
Also more opportunities to mess things up
The hash function Grindahl
[Knudsen-Rechberger-Thomsen 2007]

State is 13 words = 52 bytes

Process one 4-byte word at a time
One AES-like mixing step per word of input
After some final processing, output 8 words
Collision attack by Peyrin (2007)
Complexity ~ 2112 (still better than brute-force)
Recently improved to ~ 2100 [Khovratovich 2009]
Start from a collision and go backwards
The hash function Fugue
[H-Hall-Jutla 2008]

Proof-driven design
Designed to enable analysis
Proofs that Peyrin-style attacks do not work
State of 30 4-byte words = 120 bytes
Two super-mixing rounds per word of input
Each applied to only 16 bytes of the state
With some extra linear diffusion
Super-mixing is AES-like
But uses stronger MDS codes
Initial State (30 words)

Process M1

New State

Iterate Mi


Final Processing

Output 8 words = 256 bits

Collision attacks
Think of M1, ,ML
Initial State (30 words) and M1,,ML
Process DM1
means that
New State DMis are
not all zero
Iterate DMi

D State = 0? D State = 0
Internal collision
D State 0
Final Processing External collision

Processing one input word
Initial State (30 words)

1. Input one word M1 Process

2. Shift 3 columns to right M1
New State
3. XOR into columns 1-3
4. super-mix operation
on columns 1-4

Repeat 2-4 once more

This is Iterate
where the
Final Stage
SMIX in Fugue
Similar to one AES round
Works on a 4x4 matrix of bytes
Starts with S-box substitution
Byte b, S[256] = {...};
b = S[b];
Does linear mixing
Stronger mixing than AES
Diagonal bytes as in AES
Other bytes are mixed into both column and row
SMIX in Fugue
In algebraic notation:
b'1 S[b1]
b'2 S[b2]
= M16x16
b'16 S[b16]
M generates a good linear code
If all the bi bytes but 4 are zero
then 13 of the S[bi] bytes must be nonzero
And other such properties
Analyzing internal collisions*

now D28-10 3 columns

still D1-40

before SMIX: D1-40 4SMIX
nonzero byte diffs
before input word: D10 D
After last input word: DState=0

* a bit oversimplified
Analyzing internal collisions*

D25-10 3 columns

D28-40 4SMIX
nonzero byte diffs
now D28-10 3 columns
still D1-40
before SMIX: D1-40 SMIX
before input word: D10 D
after input word: DState=0

* a bit oversimplified
Analyzing internal collisions*
before input: D1=?, D25-300 D
D25-10 3 columns

D28-40 SMIX
now D28-10 3 columns
still D1-40
before SMIX: D1-40 SMIX
before input word: D10 D
after input word: DState=0

* a bit oversimplified
Many nonzero byte
differences before
the SMIX operations
The analysis
from previous
slides was
upto here
Analyzing internal collisions
What does this mean? Consider this attack:
Attacker feeds in random M1,M2, and M1,M2,
Until StateL StateL = some good D
Then it searches for suffixed (ML+1,,ML+4),
(ML+1,,ML+4) that will induce internal collision

Theorem*: For any fixed D,

Pr[ suffixes that induce collision ] < 2-150

* Relies on a very mild independence assumptions

Analyzing internal collisions
Why do we care about this analysis?
Peyrins attacks are of this type
All differential attacks can be seen as
(optimizations of) this attack
Entities that are not controlled by attack are
always presumed random
A known collision trace is as close as we
can get to understanding collision resistance
Fugue: concluding remarks
Similar analysis also for external collisions
Unusually thorough level of analysis
Performance comparable to SHA-256
But more amenable to parallelism
One of 14 submissions that were selected
by NIST to advance to 2nd round of the
SHA3 competition
Hash functions are very useful
We want them to behave just like random
But they dont really
Applications should be designed to rely on
as weak as practical properties of hashing
E.g., TCR/eTCR rather than collision-resistance
A taste of how a hash function is built
Thank you!

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