Mrs. Broermann's Kindergarten class follows a daily schedule that includes arrival and breakfast, an English language arts mini lesson, daily reading and writing workshops, lunch and recess, math, physical education on Mondays and Wednesdays, art on Tuesdays, music on Thursdays, and media/technology on Fridays, as well as science, social studies, and social skills lessons in the afternoon before dismissal.
Mrs. Broermann's Kindergarten class follows a daily schedule that includes arrival and breakfast, an English language arts mini lesson, daily reading and writing workshops, lunch and recess, math, physical education on Mondays and Wednesdays, art on Tuesdays, music on Thursdays, and media/technology on Fridays, as well as science, social studies, and social skills lessons in the afternoon before dismissal.
Mrs. Broermann's Kindergarten class follows a daily schedule that includes arrival and breakfast, an English language arts mini lesson, daily reading and writing workshops, lunch and recess, math, physical education on Mondays and Wednesdays, art on Tuesdays, music on Thursdays, and media/technology on Fridays, as well as science, social studies, and social skills lessons in the afternoon before dismissal.
Mrs. Broermann's Kindergarten class follows a daily schedule that includes arrival and breakfast, an English language arts mini lesson, daily reading and writing workshops, lunch and recess, math, physical education on Mondays and Wednesdays, art on Tuesdays, music on Thursdays, and media/technology on Fridays, as well as science, social studies, and social skills lessons in the afternoon before dismissal.
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Broermanns Kindergarten Daily
Schedule 7:20-7:40 Arrival & Breakfast School News, Morning Meeting, Smart 7:40-8:10 Gym 8:10-8:30 English Language Arts Mini Lesson 8:30-9:30 Daily 5 9:30- Writers Workshop 10:00 10:00- Bathroom Break 10:10 10:15- Lunch & Recess 11:10 11:10- Read Aloud 11:20 11:20- Math Block 12:05 12:05- WIN Switch 12:30 12:40- Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 1:20 Phy. Ed Art Phy. Ed Music Media & Tech
1:20-1:30 Finish up Math
1:30-1:45 Science/Social Studies/Social Skills 1:45-2:00 Shared Snack 2:00-2:10 End of Day Routines