Cataract: By: Reci Maulita I11110032
Cataract: By: Reci Maulita I11110032
Cataract: By: Reci Maulita I11110032
By : Reci Maulita
Anatomy of the crystalline lense
Position Shape
Immediately behind the iris Biconvex
Held in place by zonules that attach to the About 9 mm on diameter and 4 mm thick
ciliary body. Avascular, receive its nutrients from the aqueous
Anterior to the lens is the aqueous humor; humor
posterior to it, the vitreous humor. Transparant
composed of 4 layers
o Capsule
o Subcapsular epithelium
o Cortex
o Nucleus
Function of the crystalline lense
Contributes 15-20 D of refractive power.
Provides accommodation
Composition of the crystalline lense
Contains water (65%), protein (35%) and minerals.
Kalium mineral higher than other tissues
Crystalline Lens metabolisme
1. glucose metabolism
Glucose enter the lense from aquos humor by
difusse facilitated process.
90-95% glucose fosforilated by heksokinase ->
glukose-6 phosphate -> glikolisis anaerob and
pentosa phosphate pathway
Sorbitol pathway more active on
hyperglicemia condition,
2. protein metabolism
Lens have higher protein concentrate than other
Protein degradation can inhibit, lens can control
protein degradation by marking the protein with
This process happen on the epithelial and need
Protein lens changes into peptidase by
endopeptidase, then changes again into amino
acid by eksopeptidase
3. Glutation
Maintain the transparency of the lens by
prevent crystalline agregation and protect
oxidative stress
4. Antioxidan mechanism
Lens have glutation peroksidase, katalase dan
superoksida dismutase enzymes to protect
itself from free radical.
5. Regulation for balancing water and cation (Kalium
and Natrium)
Important for maintain the transparency of the lens
Greece => Katarrhakies
England => Cataract WaterFall
Latin => Cataracta
Indonesian => Bular
Capsular cataract
Subcapsular cataract
Nuclear cataract
Cortical cataract
Senile cataract
All of the opacity condition of the lens that
happen above 50 years old
Incipient Cataract
- Cloudiness starting from the edge of the equator, grilled-
shaped head to anterior and posterior (cortical cataract)
- This cloudiness can lead to polioplia where the
refraction index is not the same in all of the part of the
Intumescent Cataract
- Cloudiness start and acommpanying by swollen of
the lens, where the degenerative lens absorbed
- The swollen pushing the iris and make the eye
chamber became shallow than normal
Immature Cataract
- Only part of the cloudiness found in the lens (not affected all
the part),
- The volume of the degenerative lens will increase due to the
osmotic pressures rise
The nucleus of this lens is apaque (nuclear cataract), while the cortical layers
remain clear. The opacity appears as a dark shadow againts the red reflex.
Mature Cataract
- The cloudiness already covered the masses of the
lens, which caused by calcium ions deposition
- If there is no surgical procedure during
intumescent or immature cataract, then the liquid
will came out of the lens bring out the cloudiness
all over the lens, which in prolonged condition will
cause the calcification of the lens
- The anterior eye chamber will be in the same
normal depth
Hypermature Cataract
- A continuation of degenerative stage of cataract , will result
in hard, soft, or melting
- The degenerative lens mass will be out of the lens capsule
and the lens will be shrink, yellow and dry.
- Sometime the shrink process will continue and make the
zonular of zinn got loosen.
- If the cataract process continue, accompanied by thick
capsule, the degenerative cortex will shown like a box of
milk-shape with a drowning heavy nucleus inside the cortex
lens (condition knows as Morgagni cataract)
Senile Cataract: Morgagnian Cataract
P = A 2,5 L 0,9 K
2. Design