TB Spine
TB Spine
TB Spine
Increasing incidence due to increasing number of migrant workers
15% of patient with PTB will have extrapulmonary involvement
o Spine (thoracic region) most commonly affected
Early infection
o Begins at the metaphysis of vertebral body
o Spreads under anterior longitudinal ligament & leads to
1. Contagious multilevel involvement
2. Skip lesion
3. Paraspinal abscess formation
o Usually does not affect disc spaces
o In children, the disc can be the primary site
Chronic infection
o Severe kyphosis and anterior vertebral collapse (gibbus formation)
o Risk of spinal cord compression, leading to paraplegia
o Late-onset paraplegia due to osteophytes deposition & other chronic
degenerative changes
o Formation of cold abscess
o Constitutional symptoms
o Back pain
o Neurologic abnormalities (cervical spine TB > thoracic spine TB)
o Bony deformity
o Neurological deficit
1. Mechanical pressure on cord
2. Mechanical instability
3. Stenosis from ossification of ligamentum flavum
Chest X-ray
Spine radiographs
o Early infection shows anterior vertebral body involvement with sparing of disc
space, demineralization of end-plate & paravertebral abscess formation
o Late infection shows disc space destruction, lucency and compression of
adjacent vertebral bodies & kyphosis
o Risk factors for buckling collapse
1. Retropulsion
2. Subluxation
3. Lateral translation
4. toppling
Spine X-ray
Lytic destruction of anterior portion of vertebral body
Increased anterior wedging
Collapse of vertebral body
Reactive sclerosis on a progressive lytic process
Enlarged psoas shadow with or without calcification
Fusiform paravertebral shadows suggest abscess formation
MRI (to demonstrate the extension into soft tissue)
o Presence of smooth walled abscess & breaching of epidural space
o End-plate disruption
o Paravertebral soft tissue shadow
o Bright signal of the disc in T2
o Spinal cord changes
o For types of destruction
1. Fragmentary
2. Osteolytic
3. Subperiosteal
4. Sclerotic
Other Ix
Biopsy and culture
Blood Ix
Inflammatory markers
TB workup
Multidisciplinary effort
o Orthopedics surgeon
o Neurosurgeons
o Rehab team
1. No neurologic deficit
2. No persistent symptoms