Taxonomy, Biology, Ecology &mgt. of Insect Pests of Rice

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Taxonomy, Biology, Ecology

and Management of
Insect Pests of Rice


MS Entomology
Taxonomy & Systematics
Department of Agriculture
Regional Crop Protection Center
(049) 536-1905 / 09475264491
[email protected]
Insect Pests of Rice
Defoliators: rice whorl maggot,
cutworms, armyworms, short-
horned grasshopper

Grain sap-feeders: Rice bug, rice grain


Plant sap-feeders: green leafhopper, brown


Stem borers: rice stem borers

Root feeders: mole cricket, white grubs, aphids

Other Vertebrate/Invertebrate Pests

Grain feeders: birds, rats

Stem feeders: golden apple snail, rats

Competitor: giant earth worms

Other Biotic/Abiotic Factors
Competitors: weeds, other
plants/trees which provide
Nutrient Deficiency: Zinc, NPK

Toxicity: Iron, Boron, pesticides,

Varietal: lodging, susceptibility and
resistance to pests and diseases,
location adaptability etc.
Others: flooding, lodging, drought, el-nino, la-
nina, climate change, pesticide/spray
drifts, effects of pesticide to none-
target organisms
Insect Pests of Rice in Region IVA & B
Rice whorl maggot Hydrellia philippina
Cutworms Spodoptera litura
Armyworms Mythimna separata
Rice leaf folder Cnaphalocrosis medinalis
Stem borers Scirpophaga incertulas
Green leafhopper Nephotettix spp.
Brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens
White-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera
Rice bugs Leptocorisa spp.
Rice grain bug Pachybrachius spp.
Rice black bug Scotinophara sorsogonenensis

* There are 58 known insect pests of rice but only 10 are considered major pest.
The average yield loss in Southeast Asia due to insect pests is 18.5%
Rice Whorl Maggot / Langaw Bukid*

Order: Diptera
Family: Ephydridae
Genus: Hydrellia
species: philippina Ferino
Common name: Rice whorl maggot
Local name: Langaw bukid

* First recorded as a pest of rice in Thailand (Patanakamjorn 1964)

RWM: Geographical Distribution/Distribusyon

RWM: Host Plants/Alternatibong Pagkain
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Kawad-kawad)
Echinochloa colona (L.) Link
E. crusgalli (L.) Beauv.
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.
Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl.
Paspalum scrobiculatum L.
Rice Whorl Maggot: Taxonomy

adults are dull grey
legs yellow except femora I to
inner portion of femur I with
about 10-12 spines

larva vermiform
puparium light to dark larva
brown and ovoid.
RWM: Damage Symptoms/Sintomas o Sira
RWM: Life Cycle/Inog ng Buhay
5 - 10 days ADULT
(Pupate in the leaf 3 7 days

18 40 days
(13 15 generations

8 17 days 2 6 days
(3 larval instars) (100 eggs)
laid singly on
either surface
RWM: Biology & Ecology*

The peak time of adult emergence is from early to mid-

The flies are most commonly found in high moisture
conditions and are not found in upland rice fields.
They are often found on floating foliage in calm water and
prostrate vegetation near slow flowing drainage and
irrigation canals (Karim, 1969).
The flies move by a combination of walking and hopping in
a zig-zag pattern.
Larvae feed on the mesophyll tissues of the foliage.
RWM: Biology & Ecology*

Adults are saprophagous and feed on dead aquatic insects.

Adults locate rice fields by sunlight reflected from the water
Once the canopy closes they can no longer locate the rice
crop, thus direct seeded fields or seedbeds are not
highly attractive to the adults.
The fly population begins increasing in July and continues
to increase up to November after which it declines.

* Ferino 1968
Rice Whorl Maggot: IPM

Draining the water at intervals of 3-4 days during the first

30 days after transplanting reduces egg laying as the
adult flies are more attracted to standing water (Salazar
et al., 1993).
Covering the water surface with Azolla and Salvinia molesta
in Indonesia (Bangun, 1988) helped to prevent
Direct-seeded rice fields or seed beds are not as attractive
to adults as the transplanted crop.
Close planting decreases oviposition and subsequent
damage by H. philippina (Viajante and Heinrichs,
Rice Whorl Maggot: IPM

Nurullah (1979) reported that whorl maggot leads to no

adverse effect on tiller production and it even increases
the number of productive tillers to compensate for
possible grain losses.
After 35 DAT, the maggot cannot anymore damage the
leaves due to its weak mandibles and also due to
hardening of the foliage.
Rice Stem Borers: Classification*
Order: Lepidoptera
Pyralidae: Scirphophaga incertulas (Walker) yellowSB
Pyralidae: Scirphophaga innonata (Walker) whiteSB
Crambidae: Chilo supressalis (Walker) stripedSB
Crambidae: Chilo polychrysus (Meyrick) dark-headedSB
Noctuidae: Sesamia inferens Walker, pinkSB
Common name: Rice stem borer
Local name:
According to Pathak, 1975 there are 24 species of stem borers around the world.
In Asia yellow and striped are the major stem borers and are widely distributed from
India to Japan.
Stalk-eyed Borer: Diopsis sp. (Diptera: Diopsidae)

Additional Info.

Diopsis macrophthalma is a major pest of rice in many parts

of tropical Africa. Can be mistaken as natural enemies in the field.
The role of this pest in the Philippine rice ecosystem is uncertain.
However, relatives of this species is present in our country.
Geographical Distribution of S. incertulas*


* S. incertulas (yellow stem borer) is a serious pest of rice

throughout the Orient.
Geographical Distribution of S. innonata*

Geographical Distribution of C. suppressalis*

Geographical Distribution of C. polychrysus*

Geographical Distribution of S. inferens*

Stemborers: Taxonomy (Line drawings)
S. incertulas

S. innonata

S. inferens

C. polychrysus

C. suppressalis CABI
Stemborers: Taxonomy (habitus)

S. incertulas
C. auricullus

S. incertulas
C. suppressalis

S. Innonata S. inferens
S. incertulas: Taxonomy

Female moth
The female moth is
bigger than the male and
its forewings are bright
yellowish brown with a
distinct black spot in the
S. incertulas: Taxonomy

S. innonata: Taxonomy

The male has a

wingspan of 18-22 mm.
Length of labial palpus
two times diameter of
compound eye.
Forewing ochreous
white, underside fuscous;
Hindwing white.
The female has a
wingspan of 22-33 mm.
Anal tuft white.
C. suppressalis: Taxonomy
Forewings are 11-14 mm long
with ground-colour varying
from dirty-white to yellow-
brown, variably sprinkled with
grey-brown scales.
The hindwings are white to
CABI yellowish-brown.
The male genitalia have a
juxta plate with symmetrical
arms, distinctly swollen near the
apices and without subapical
teeth, and the aedeagus has a
long, thin ventral arm and no
bulbous basal projection.
C. polychrysus: Taxonomy

Young larvae are greyish-

white, with a distinctive
black head and prothoracic
Fully grown final-instar
larvae are up to 25 mm
long, creamy-white with five
purplish-brown stripes along
the body.
CABI The head and prothoracic
plate are dark-brown to
S. inferens: Taxonomy
Moderately robust moth with pale
yellow brown body.
The head and thorax have a thick
brown hair tuft. The wingspan ranges
from 28 mm in the male to 35 mm in
the female.
The forewings are light brown with
some scattered dark brown spots
A faint purplish red band radiates
CABI from the wing base to the apical wing
margin and is bordered by light strips.
Hindwings are whitish with light
yellow scales along major veins.
The antennae are filiform (long and
thin) in the female and pectinate
CABI (feather-like) in the male.
SB: Host Plants/Alternatibong Pagkain
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Kawad-kawad)
Echinochloa colona (L.) Link
E. crusgalli (L.) Beauv.
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.
Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl.
Paspalum scrobiculatum L.
S. incertulas: Life Cycle
6 - 10 days 2 3 days (tropics)
(Pupate inside the 5 8 days
rice stem) (Taiwan & India)

18 40 days
(13 15 generations
CABI /year)

30 days 5 8 days
(6 larval instars) (100 150 eggs)
CABI laid singly on
either surface
S. innonata: Life Cycle
6 - 10 days 2 3 days (tropics)
(Pupate inside the 5 8 days
rice stem) (Taiwan & India)

IRRI 18 40 days
(13 15 generations

30 days 5 8 days
5 larval instars) (50 250 eggs)
IRRI laid singly on
either surface
C. suppressalis: Life Cycle
6 days Male moths
(Pupate within are strongly
the rice stem) attracted to
virgin females

35 60 days
(1-5 generations
/year) IRRI

3 5 days
LARVA 50-80- eggs
20-48 days (3-5 nights/
(5-6 to 9) larval batches)
instars) (Total: 100-550
S. inferens: Life Cycle
8 - 11 days (1 Mating only)
(Pupate inside the Strong flight
rice stem & leaf capability:
sheath) 32 50 kms.

45 54 days
(6 generations
/year) IRRI

31-33 days 6 10 days
(6 - 7 larval (250 400 eggs)
instars) CABI
C. polychrysus: Life Cycle
4-6 days 2 5 days


20 40 days
(12 overlapping
generations /year) IRRI
4 7 days
20-150 eggs
20-41 days
(Total: 480 eggs)
(6 larval instars)
3 4 nights or
CABI batches
Damage Symptoms of S. incertulas*

Larvae of stem borer

feeding inside the stem

Dead heart at
vegetative stage
Damage Symptoms of S. incertulas*

White head at
reproductive stage
Damage Symptoms of S. incertulas*

Larvae feeding on green tissues Feeding damage of

of the leaf sheath rice whorl maggot
S. incertulas: Biology and Ecology

It is regarded as monophagous with exclusive host

specificity to rice.
However, studies by Zaheruddeen and Prakasa Rao 1983
have shown that wild rices Oryza rufipogon, O.
nivara, O. latifolia and O. glaberrima and a grass
weed Leptochloa panicoides considered as potential
alternate host plants of S. incertulas.
The moths usually emerge at night and mating generally
occurs between 7 to 9 p.m.
They are not active during the daytime, but can be seen
resting on stems and leaves.
S. incertulas: Biology and Ecology
The female moths lay eggs early at night in small masses
covered with hairs and scales derived from the anal
They move downward and wander about on the plant
surface for one or two hours.
They can also be seen hanging down by a silken thread to
be carried by wind to adjacent rice plants. During this
roaming period, many larvae die.
The survivors enter between the stem and the leaf sheath
and feed on green tissues of the leaf sheath for two to
three days.
The caterpillars then start boring in the stem, often at the
nodal region and feed on the inner tissues of the plant.
S. incertulas: Biology and Ecology
They move in search of other plants in cylindrical cases
made up of rolled leaf tips in which they drift on the
irrigation water.
After reaching a suitable host plant, the larvae bore in,
leaving their cases sticking to the stem at right angles.
In mature rice plants, the caterpillars bore into the stalk at
the top region just below the earhead.
At this stage, a number of larvae are found in the same
stalk (Banerjee and Pramanik 1967).
The full-grown sixth instar larvae are 25 mm long, white or
yellowish white.
S. incertulas: Biology and Ecology

The larval period usually lasts for 30 days. Before pupation,

the larvae make an exit hole through which the adult
moth later escapes.

Pupation takes place inside the stem, mostly in the lowest

node of the plant or just above the water level.

Because the larvae cannot survive in the cut straw, they go

down into the stubble to diapause.
S. incertulas: IPM
In Japan, where plant stems are cut near the soil level at
harvest, the stubble harbors far fewer borers than in
Taiwan and Philippines, where longer stubbles are left
when rice is harvested.

1% - straw; 24% - rice stubbles; 75% - soil

S. incertulas: IPM
Saturate the field with water and plowing the rice field
after harvest to destroy rice stubbles and other possible
breeding site of stem borer.

Rattoon provides food and

shelter to stem borer
S. incertulas: IPM

Plants receiving more nitrogenous fertilizers are preferred

for oviposition to those treated with lower rates and
provide a better nutritional source for larval growth
(Saroja and Raju 1981).
2 N enriched crops attract
1.8 moths
De Kraker et al 2000
Moths per 4 hills

1.2 0 kg/ha
1 75 kg/ha
0.8 150 kg/ha
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Weeks after transplanting
S. incertulas: IPM
Rainy Season: stem borer population is low from June to
August, high in the month of September and with a peak
in October and November.
Dry Season: stem borer population is low from January
to March and slowly increasing from April to May.



S. incertulas: IPM

However, the application of high amounts of potash

reduces the incidence of stem borer, probably by
inducing resistance in host plants (John and Thomas
1980, Vaithilingam 1975).

The augmentative release of Trichogramma japonicum in

the field at the rate of 70 to 100 cards per ha. One
tricho card contains approximately 1,500 to 2,000
Trichogramma wasps ready to parasitize eggs of
Trichogramma japonicum*

Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Trichogrammatidae
Genus: Trichogramma
species: japonicum Ashmead
Common name: Trichogramma
Local name: parasitikong putakti
Trichogramma japonicum: Egg parasitoid

The trichogrammatids belong to a large group of minute

parasitic wasps which attack eggs of different insect
pests, especially lepidopterous on which many are of
economic importance.
In 1968, Dought and Viggiani classified the family
Trichogrammatidae into 64 genera comprising 347
species worldwide.
They inhabit various kinds of habitats, from marshy
marshlands, low lying vegetations, and arboreal habitat
to hot dry deserts (Nagarkatti and Nagaraja 1977).
Geographical Distribution of Trichogramma japonicum

In 1968, Dought and Viggiani classified the family Trichogrammatidae

into 64 genera comprising 347 species worldwide.
Trichogramma japonicum*

Trichogramma wasp Adult female Trichogramma wasp

inserting egg to its host egg
Trichogramma spp.: Life Cycle


7-8 days




One Tricho-card
1,500 2,000 eggs
Application of Trichogramma japonicum on rice field

Apply tricho-cards at the

rate of 100 cards/ha.
First application: 30-35
Second Application:
Rice Leaf Folder
Kingdom: Animalia
Class; Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Crambidae
Genus/species: Cnaphalocrosis medinalis (Guenee, 1854)
Common name: Leaf folder
Local name: Maniniklop
Leaf Folder: Taxonomy

The adult moth is golden-yellow or

orange-brown with almost
perpendicular, darker orange or brown
inner, and outer bands traversing
entire forewing. The middle band is
short and incomplete. Outer band of
forewing appears extended in the
entire hindwing. Kodama (1969) and
Barrion et al. (1991).
Leaf Folder: Damage Symptoms

The larvae fold the leaves and scrape the green tissues of the leaves
from within and cause scorching and leaf drying.
Alternate Hosts of Leaf Folder
Major hosts Musa (banana)
Oryza sativa (rice) Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco)
Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) Panicum miliaceum (millet)
Triticum (wheat) Pennisetum glaucum (pearl
Triticum aestivum (wheat) millet)
Zea mays (maize) Saccharum officinarum
Minor hosts Saccharum spontaneum (wi
Avena sativa (oats) sugarcane)
Cocos nucifera (coconut) Setaria italica (foxtail millet)
Echinochloa colona (junglerice)
Eleusine coracana (finger
Hordeum vulgare (barley)
Life Cycle of Cnaphalocrosis medinalis
6 8 days
(Pupate on leaves)

24-39 days

15 25 days 3 6 days
(5 instars) FECUNDITY
300 eggs
Geographic Distribution of C. medinalis

The rice leaffolder, C. medinalis, earlier considered as a minor and sporadic

pest of rice in many Asian countries, appears to have become increasingly important
with the spread of high-yielding rice varieties and accompanying changes in cultural
Biology and Ecology of Rice Leaf Folder
Misuse of insecticides and excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers
have been cited as the cause for high leaf folder populations
(Dhaliwal et al., 1979).
But when K was applied alone, leaf folder infestation was
significantly reduced (Subramanian and Balasubramanian
It is interesting to note that the damage is more severe in shady
areas particularly near the levees (Velusamy and
Subramaniam 1974).
Close crop growth consequent to heavy manuring is also
conducive for leaf folder activity.
The increase in fecundity under laboratory conditions resulting
from the utilization of hopper-excreted honeydew indicates
that adult moths can use honeydew as a source of sugar in
rice fields (Waldbauer et al. 1980).
IPM of Rice Leaf Folder
Avoid excessive application of insecticides.
Split application of Nitrogenous fertilizers, the use of LCC
(Leaf Color Chart is highly recommended).
Avoid planting near shady areas.
Avoid closer spacing in heavily infested leaf folder areas.
Weeds, grasses and sedges serves as alternate hosts of
leaf folder thus weed management must be
properly observed, especially on levees.
Synchronous planting.
Mechanical Weeder to Control Weeds

Avoid too much application of herbicides in the field.

Kingdom: Animalia
Class; Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Noctuidae
Genus/species: Spodoptera exempta (Walker)
Black armyworm
Spodoptera mauritia Boisduval
Paddy swarming caterpillar
Mythimna separata Walker
Paddy armyworm
CABI, 2005

S. exempta S. mauritia M. separata

Damage Symptoms of Armyworm
Masiit, Calauan, Laguna

Courtesy of Melanie Cruz

Courtesy of Melanie Cruz

Damage Symptoms of Armyworm

Courtesy of Melanie Cruz Courtesy of Melanie Cruz

Damage Symptoms of Armyworms and
Cutworms on Other Crops

Courtesy of Melanie Cruz Courtesy of Melanie Cruz

(July 2010) (July 2010)
Life Cycle of Spodoptera exempta
3 7 days approx. 12 days
(Pupate in the soil) MIGRATORY

25 days
13 generations per

LARVA 2 5 days
11 24 days FECUNDITY
(6 instars) 10 600/1000 eggs
(6 days)
Life Cycle of Spodoptera mauritia
6 9 days ADULT
(Pupate in the soil) 8 11 days

25 days
Several generations in
a cropping cycle

LARVA 2 5 days
10 12 days FECUNDITY
(6 instars) 50 150 eggs
Life Cycle of Mythimna separata
Prepupal 1 2 days 5 12 days
Pupal 8 9 days MATING
(Pupate in the soil) 1 day after

25 days
Several generations in
a cropping cycle

LARVA 3 days
14 21 days FECUNDITY
(6 instars) 500 900 eggs
(no hair covering)
Alternate Hosts of Armyworms


Geographic Distribution of Armyworms
Mythimna separata

Spodoptera exempta

Spodoptera mauritia
Biology and Ecology of Armyworms
Adult female can fly and cover longer distance and can
disseminate its eggs randomly on different host plants.
Armyworms are nocturnal (mate, lay eggs and feed at night).
Adult female can lay as much as 150 to 2,600 eggs.
Wind helps in the widespread distribution of the pest. Moths
have been intercepted in ships flying the ocean and marked
moths have been recorded as dispersing 600-1400 km.
Larvae can survive in long period of drought, S. exigua exhibits
cannibalism. Heavy rainfall can shorten the larval period and
trigger early pupation.
Long dry spell or low soil relative humidity can also lengthen
the pupal period thereby can trigger synchronize emergence
once climatic factors became favorable.
Hypothesis 1: Effects of Climatic Factors (Drought) on the
Population of Armyworm, Cutworm and its Natural Enemies

DROUGHT Soon natural enemies re-

colonize to kill insect pest
Kill other host plants
1 Kill insect pests
Kill the natural enemies severe
thus Creating a Vacuum crop 3
Phenomenon damage

RAIN Insect pests re-colonize

Vigorous growth of & multiply rapidly in the
grasses & weeds, due to absence of natural
nitrogen flush in the soil enemies
Hypothesis 2: Effects of Climatic Factors (Photoperiod) on
the Behavior of Armyworm and Cutworm Pupa


High Relative Humidity (Heavy

Low Relative Humidity Rain)
(DROUGHT) Signals the pupa to emerge
Lengthen the Pupal Period as adult

Increase the Pupal Population Increase the adult population in the

in the Soil ecosystem

Synchronize behavior Can trigger synchronize mass

egg laying or deposition
Increase the pest population in the
next generation
IPM of Armyworms: Land Preparation
Thorough land preparation To destroy hibernating pupa in
the soil.
Plowing Plowing the border or perimeter of the field to
prevent rapid migration of armyworms.
Use of Machine Powered Cultivator To effectively till the
soil and exposed the larvae and pupae buried in the soil.
Flooding Flooding the field to kill larvae and pupae deposited
in the soil.
Sanitation Clear or planting of weedy vacant areas which
serves as breeding site for armyworm.
Livestock farming The utilization of farm animals e.g. cows
and goat to eliminate weedy vacant areas.
IPM of Armyworms: Cultural Mgt.
Hand picking Manual hand picking and kill by placing them
on tin can with kerosene.
Trap Crops Planting Sunflower or Castor as alternate hosts.
Construct large pit or canal This will trap migrating larvae.
Replanting Often times armyworm infestation is so fast and
severe that insecticide spraying is useless to avert the
infestation and provision of planting materials is the only
practical option left for government agencies.
Heavy Rain This will surely lessen or even stop armyworm
and cutworm infestation, thus weather forecasts can be of
great help before planning any wide-area application of
insecticides (Consider PAG-ASA weather forecasts in the
management of this pest).
IPM of Armyworms
Chemical Spray In case of severe infestation, proper
monitoring, surveillance and synchronize spraying of green
label contact insecticide is recommended to lessen their
population. The last option to consider.
Ash Baits Spread ash baits to kill the larvae.
Pest Profile The pest profile or history of armyworm
infestation in one locality (province or municipality) will
be of great help in the forecasting and management of this
pest (Construct computer database).
Establishment of Bantay Peste Brigade A group of
dedicated technicians and farmers that will conduct
surveillance and monitoring of the pest in case seasonal or
favorable climatic factors is at hand.
IPM of Armyworms: Bacillus thuringiensis
Javelin WG
Bt is a Gram-positive, rod-
shaped, poorly motile,
spore-forming bacterium,
facultatively anaerobic
which at sporulation
produces a crystal of toxic
protein containing delta
endotoxins. (Bt corn)
Nephotettix spp. / Green Leaf Hopper
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Cicadellidae
Genus/species:Nephotettix virescens
Nephotettix nigropictus
Nephotettix malayanus
Recilia dorsalis (zig-zag leaf hopper)
Common name: Green Leaf Hopper
Local name: Berdeng Ngusong Kabayo
Nephotettix virescens (Distant 1908): Taxonomy

male female
Nephotettix nigropictus (Stal 1870): Taxonomy

male female
Nephotettix malayanus Ishihara &Kawase: Taxonomy

Geographic Distribution of N. viescens

N. virescens is frequently the most abundant

leafhopper in tropical rice (Heong et al., 1991).
Recilia dorsalis (Motchulsky 1859): Taxonomy

Population Dynamics

Cook and Perfect (1989) R.

dorsalis was the most abundant
vector species on the rice
seedbeds and weed-covered
leves between rice-growing
seasons in farmers' fields in the
Philippines, whereas N. virescens
was the most abundant on the
rice crop.

Damage Symptoms: Rice Tungro Virus


Courtesy of Dr. Nancy Tungro infested field in Boac, Marinduque

Castilla, IRRI (September, 2012)
Life History of Green Leaf Hopper (N. virescens)

20.2 = Female
11.6 = Male


6 days
35 days 200 300 eggs
(5 instars) (8-16 batches)
Green Leaf Hopper: Biology and Ecology

Tungro virus disease is transmitted by leafhoppers, wherein

the most efficient vector is the green leafhopper,
Nephotettix virescens (Distant).
The disease complex is associated with rice tungro
baciliform virus (RTBV) and rice tungro spherical virus
RTBV cannot be transmitted by leafhoppers unless RTSV is
Insects could acquire the virus from any part of the infected
plant. After acquiring the virus, the vector can
immediately transmit to the plants.
Rice Tungro Virus

Rice Tungro Bacilliform Virus


Rice Tungro Spherical Virus

Variation of Tungro Virus Infection

IRRI Rice Tungro Bacilliform Virus


Rice Tungro Spherical Virus

Green Leaf Hopper: Biology and Ecology
Tim Chancellor et al., 1996

Early immigration of leafhoppers into rice plots was greatest in WS

and was also high in a late-planted DS crop, which was out of
synchrony with surrounding rice fields.
Peaks in population density occurred by 50-65DAT in WS, but
varied more widely in DSs.
N. virescens was the most important vector species because of its
earlier colonization of rice plantings, more rapid population
development and higher transmission of tungro viruses than
N. nigropictus or Recilia dorsalis.
Tungro disease incidence was not directly related to the size of
leafhopper vector populations.
Green Leaf Hopper: Biology and Ecology
Tim Chancellor et al., 1996

Rapid spread of tungro disease was recorded in the 1991 DS, when
leafhopper numbers were relatively low, but infection
pressure was high.
The results suggest that vector numbers are not an accurate
indicator of tungro disease risk, unless account is also taken
of inoculum pressure.
It is proposed that a tungro management strategy aimed at
reducing the amount of inoculum, is more likely to be
effective in controlling the disease than a strategy based on
reducing leafhopper numbers through insecticide
Rice Leaf and Plant Hoppers
Leaf Hoppers
Nephotettix virescens (GLH)
Nephotettix nigropictus (GLH)
Nephotettix malayanus (GLH)
Recilia dorsalis (ZLH)

Plant Hoppers
Nilaparvata lugens (BPH)
Sogatella furcifera (WBPH)
Incomplete Metamorphosis
with sucking mouthparts
vector of plant pathogens
Brown Plant Hopper

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Delphacidae
Genus/species: Nilaparvata lugens (Distant 1908)
Common name: Brown Plant Hopper
Local name: Kayumangging Ngusong Kabayo

Alternate Hosts: rice, wild rice and grasses

Nilaparvata lugens (Distant 1908)

female male
Life History of Brown Plant Hopper (N. lugens)

10-20 days


28-32 days at 250C
23-25 days at 280C
NYMPHS 7-11 days
10-15 days FECUNDITY
(5 instars) 100 200 eggs
2-4 days for (4-10 batches)
each instar CABI
Larval Instars of BPH

Macropterous and Brachypterous Forms
MACROPTEROUS or long-winged
Nymphs and brachypterous adults move
by walking and hopping; macropterous
adults move by flying, walking, and


BRACHYPTEROUS or short-winged
nymphal crowding
decreasing host-plant quality
short daylength CABI
low temperatures.
Long Distance Migration of BPH and WBPH

The growth of
populations of N.
lugens and S.
in Japan starts from
transported from the
south by a warm
and humid maritime
air mass (Kisimoto,
Geographical Distribution of N. lugens

N. lugens feeds and reproduces primarily on rice. Some wild

Oryza species in Asia also serve as field hosts for N. lugens.
It is capable of long-distance migration.
White-backed Plant Hopper

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Delphacidae
Genus/species: Sogatella furcifera (Horvath 1899)
Common name: White-backed Plant Hopper
Local name: Puting Kayumangging Ngusong Kabayo

Alternate hosts: rice and grasses

Sogatella furcifera (Horvath 1899): Taxonomy

male female
Geographical Distribution of S. furcifera

White-backed plant hopper is a vector of Southern

Rice Black Streak Dwarf Virus (SRBSDV)
Life History of White-backed Plant Hopper (S. furcifera)

20.2 = Female
11.6 = Male


4-8 days
14-21 days 300 350 eggs
(5 instars) (7-19 batches)
Damage Symptoms of BPH and WBPH

Patchy distribution pattern

of hopper burn caused by
BPH and WBPH infestation

Hopper burn in Pila, Laguna

Damage Symptoms of BPH and WBPH

Sooty Molds on BPH and WBPH

infested rice field in Pila, Laguna

Nymphs and adults of BPH and

WBPH on infested rice field in
Pila, Laguna
Other Virus Diseases Transmitted by BPH



Plant resistant/tolerant varieties.
Change or rotate varieties every 2 to 4 croppings to
delay insect pests and disease adaptation, thereby
preventing build up of virulent pathogens and insect
Synchronous planting
Avoid dense planting in areas with history of recent
planthopper/leafhopper infestation.
Plow under ratoon, weeds and volunteer crops after
harvest as these may serves as inoculum for viral
Drain the field for 3-4 days to drive away BPH & GLH.
Nitrogen Can Reduce Predation Rates

Split nitrogen
fertilizer into 3
applications to
reduce GLH & BPH

Prey size is doubled

Increase in handling time
Decrease in number preys attacked per female
Effects of Nitrogen on BPH Fitness
Number eggs laid Egg hatchability

Nymphal survival Female longevity

Secondary Pest Outbreak

Joshi et al. 1992

400 Treated with insecticide

BPH (no.)


Avoid early spraying of

200 insecticides 30 DAT or
40 DAS which abruptly
100 reduced the population
of natural enemies of
0 7 14 21 28 35 42
Time (DAT)
Secondary Pest Outbreak
Treated Untreated
BPH (no.)

Time (DAT)
Biological/Natural Control
Stable population / Natural
control / Ecological Equilibrium

Lotka Volterra Model (1926)

Natural Enemies of BPH and WBPH

Mirid bug

Pipunculid fly

Parasitic wasp

Dryinid wasp
Rice Bug

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Alydidae
Genus/species:Leptocorisa oratorius*
Leptocorisa acuta
Leptocorisa chinensis
Common name: Rice bug
Local name: Seksing Atangya ng Palay

Alternate hosts: rice and grasses

*In the Philippines, L. oratorius is more abundant than L. acuta
Rice Bug: Taxonomy
Damage Symptoms of Rice Bug


Alternate Hosts of Rice Bug (L. oratorius)

Major hosts
Oryza sativa (rice)

Minor hosts
Phaseolus (beans)
Senna tora (sicklepod)
Vigna (cowpea)

Wild hosts
Digitaria ciliaris (southern crabgrass)
Eleusine indica (goose grass)
Paspalum conjugatum (sour paspalum)
Geographic Distribution of Rice Bug (L. oratorius)
Life History of Rice Bug (L. oratorius)

120 days


7 days
250 300 eggs
NYMPHS (7-19 batches)
(5 instars)
Biology and Ecology of Rice Bug
Adult bugs aggregate in uncultivated areas during the
dry season, and become active when the rainy
season begins.
They complete one or more generations before
dispersing to rice fields.
One generation is completed in a single rice field, but if
rice plantings are staggered (asynchronous),
reproduction may be continued in later fields.
Adults are active fliers and are attracted to fields with
grassy weeds that may flower earlier than rice.
Active during the late afternoon and early morning.
Biology and Ecology of Rice Bug

Rice bugs are found in all rice environments, but are

more prevalent in rainfed wetland or upland rice.
Factors that favor high bug populations are adjacent
woodlands, extensive weedy areas near rice fields
and staggered rice planting (Reissig et al. 1985).
Nymphs prefer grains at the milky stage for feeding.
Uichanco (1921) considered that the bugs inhibited
kernel development either through mechanical
injury at feeding or injection of some toxin in
addition to the removal of milky sap.
IPM of Rice Bug

Srivastava and Saxena (1967) recommend clean

cultivation of bunds around paddy fields and
periodic burning of grass grown on the bunds and in
fallow fields to prevent breeding of the rice bug and
reduce the numbers infesting the next crop.

Reissig et al. (1986) also recommend avoiding staggered

planting of the rice crop in infested areas

Synchronous planting.
IPM of Rice Bug
In the Philippines, Gryon nixoni (Hymenoptera:
Scelionidae) parasitizes eggs of L. oratorius at levels
of 9-47% (Morrill and Almazan, 1990); however the
effect on population levels of the pest is not known.

Conserve natural enemies and avoid excessive use of

IPM of Rice Bug
Use of dead and odorous shrimp, fish, snail, rat bait
coupled with insecticide to attract and kill rice bug
in the field.
Rice Grain Bug
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Superfamily: Lygaeoidea
Family: Rhyparochromidae
Genus/species: Pachybrachius spp.
Issues: species complex
Common name: Rice grain bug
Local name: none

Alternate hosts: rice and grasses

Rice Grain Bug (Emerging Pest of Rice)

Rice Bug and Rice Grain Bug

long / short
green / black
Pronotum (sides):
straight / convex
narrow / broad
not enlarge /
enlarge RCPC-IV

CABI, 2005
Biology and Management of Rice Insects
Thank You and
God Bless


MS Entomology
Taxonomy & Systematics
Department of Agriculture
Regional Crop Protection Center
(049) 536-1905 / 09475264491
[email protected]
Other Vertebrate/Invertebrate Pests
Mechanical Weeder

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