Etha Krishna Chowdary P.Kavya B.Tech (Petroleum Engg) JNTU-Kakinada
Etha Krishna Chowdary P.Kavya B.Tech (Petroleum Engg) JNTU-Kakinada
Etha Krishna Chowdary P.Kavya B.Tech (Petroleum Engg) JNTU-Kakinada
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Structure of Gas Hydrates
The hydroca rbon hydra te s are non-s toichiome tric subs ta nce s
Distinguishe d by the size of the cavities and the ratio be twe e n large and sma ll cavities
The size and sha pe of the gues t molecule influence s the structure forme d
Classification of Hydrates & Hydrate Stable zone
Class 1:-
Hydrate-bearing layer + underlying two-phase layer of mobile gas and water
This type of hydrate is considered as the most promising reserve
Class 2:-
Hydrate-bearing layer + Free Water
Pressure Depletion is small comparatively
Class 3:-
Absence of an underlying zone of mobile fluids.
The whole hydrate-bearing layer is in P-T balance stability region.
Therefore, the gas production rate is slow during the exploitation
Area Enclosed Between Phase boundary & Geothermal Gradient-
Hydrate Stable zone
Landslide & Subsidence
Global Warming
Water Disposal
Drilling Hazard
Case Study
1st Onshore Production test at Mallik field
Experience with test wells at Mallik and elsewhere suggests that most
problems in drilling and completion of gas hydrate wells can be
foreseen and successfully dealt with at the design stage, including
Chilled drilling fluids
Sand control methods
Ports for injecting chemicals and provisions for near-wellbore Heating
Monitoring devices
Production Tests ( 1,093 to 1,105 m)
Winter 2007 ( 1 day test ) Winter 2008 (six-day test )
Estimates of formation An ESP pump, down hole
permeability 0.1 to 1 Md sensing instrumentation and an
Natural fractures are ubiquitous electric borehole
to the gas-hydrate-bearing Sand screens were installed
interval across the production interval
A substantial inflow of sand into Three BHP of approximately
the bore did occurred 7.3 MPa, 5 MPa and 4 Mpa
Several flow responses were were achieved.
observed, with the flow rate An average flow - 70 Mcf/day,
during the latter part of the test with peak rates as 160 Mcf/day
exceeding 5,000 m3/day (180 Total water production was less
Mcf/day) . than 625 bbls (3,500 ft3).
Non-uniform formation response
was observed. 13
Consumption of Natural Gas is 100BCM/Year
750 psi
1000 psi
Methane Production is slow when the P-T conditions were
near the Methane Hydrate stability & at CO2 Pressure values
near saturation levels