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Death is a subject that most people are
uncomfortable with and refuse to talk about, but it is
a reality that each one of us must face. This is due to
the fact that we are naturally afraid of things that are
uncertain and what become of us after death is very
There are many causes of death; it may be the result
of an accident, malnutrition, a disease, predation, or
suicide and euthanasia.

Suicide is the act of
killing oneself. It
ranks number 13 on
the leading causes of
death in the world,
with over a million
people committing
suicide every year.

Causes of Suicide
Being Hopeless
Serious Depression ( Jobless, Poverty,Prisonment)
Failure in Examination
Family history of Suicide
Family Violence ( physical and sexual abuse )
Having guns at home
Loss of love ones
Shame (Rape)
Assisted Suicide
Is putting one person to death by another humanitarian
reasons through merciful, painless by means upon the
patients request.


also used. It involves a doctor who assist the patient
including counselling about lethal doses of drugs and
prescribing such lethal doses.
I've been depressed and angry all my life, ever since I can remember my life has
been miserable. As a child I was subject to a lot of emotional abuse - I was
alienated and isolated from the rest of my family by my father. All my childhood
memories are of being miserable, crying and howling until I had a headache. As a
result, I was a severely dysfunctional child, so I was bullied by my peers, the only
way I ever learnt to stop it was by lashing out with anger and violence. I started
smoking pot at 13 and was kicked out of school a year later, that was the last time
I actually completed a year of study (1994). I wasted my teens smoking pot and
not getting educated, my twenties I wasted doing meth and/or recovering from
from meth. I've never had a relationship because I'm so dysfunctional and angry at
the world. Now I'm 32 and I've wasted every opportunity to fix my problems,
pretty much set my neural pathways in stone and can't see much hope for
becoming a real person. I'm so, so sick of being so damaged, so depressed, so
angry, and so abusive to the people I care about. I hate myself, I despise who I am
and really don't think I want to keep going. And what's so great about life anyway?
I feel the need to emote, shout into the wind so to speak, I've been using Bluelight
for a long, long time now and I feel this is as good a place as any, I feel I know
and trust the forum but am anonymous enough that I can do this without feeling
like too much of an attention seeking wanker. So I want to do a pros-and-cons list
to get my head around where I really want to go next.
PROS: career etc) to live the kind of life
I can't hurt anyone else I want
Won't inadvertently bring another Incapable of having a
life into this world and pass on relationship, again that window
my shit onto another poor soul has closed, I've never leaned how
Won't grow old to love so will be painfully lonely
Won't die an sad, lonely, old man Stop feeling miserable
- rather a sad lonely young man -
less suffering in the long run CONS
Won't die slow and painfully Would devastate my family
from some horrible lingering Things might get better (though
disease like cancer (it's any student of history would
something that runs in the have to be highly pessimistic on
family) this point)
Remove someone I hate from the Death might be worse than life
world (this is the biggest point I think,
Life has been a litany of failures, I'm scared that it will be much,
am now too old to really make much worse)
the changes necessary (education,
So that's about it, even though the cons list is pretty small
the first and last point weigh pretty heavily on me. I'm
going to try and do something to help myself, I've had some
temporary results on the depression with acupuncture in the
past - so going to try that again next week to get some
respite. And I'm going to get a few sessions with a
psychologist under a mental health plan (6 sessions
subsidized - that's about all I can afford as I'm incapable of
holding down a job, my interpersonal skills are just so
terrible). I've been trying to do meaningful stuff lately, like
volunteering with a political party I support and with an
environmental group, but it isn't really helping. At the end
of the day I don't think I have the balls to do it but at this
stage I really can't see much hope for things to get better,
maybe if it was ten years ago I'd still have a future but right
now it look pretty dark on the horizon
Pros and Cons of Suicide
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
- He argued: If and when an individual reaches a point where all that he feels are terrible pain, agony, and misery then
suicide becomes excusable nay permissible
- In his views, ones fear of suffering that is worse than death itself is the most excusable incitement to self-killing.
John Donne (1573-1631)
- Suicide in his view is a means of liberating oneself from exploitation and oppression . Thus, the prohibition
of suicide is a surreptitious way of preventing the masses from escaping the tasks expected of them by
Baron de Montequieu (1689- 1755)
- He justified suicide by saying it is unjust to compel a person to labor for a society he no longer consents to be a
member of this justifies the act of terminating ones own life.
- The act of suicide does not disturb the order of providence, nor does any other human act after modifications of
matter, and (3) though the soul is separated from the body, the order of regularity in the universe never changes.
David Hume (1711-1776)
- He defended suicide by saying (1) The removal of misery makes suicide morally justifiable and permissible- to bear
unbearable pain is no way part of a natural inclination.
- Moral duty is reciprocal while alive and healthy, it is my duty to render service to society as it protects m e in return,
but when my life becomes a liability and burden to society, my withrawal is not only innocent but laudable; there is
no such thing as order designed by God, mans life is as dsposable as that of an oyters.
Cons of Suicide
Suicide is a Crime
The soul is a depositum
St. Augustine
Suicide is a wicked act and is contrary to the Divine Will
Self-murder is against the 5th commandment
Suicide deprives one of the opportunity to repent
Euthanasia comes from the Greek language
which means good death.
Another word for euthanasia is mercy
killing. It is the process to end of an ill
persons life in a painless way.

In the past years there has been much discussion
about euthanasia all over the world. In some
countries, like Switzerland, Belgium or the
Netherlands certain types of euthanasia are legal.
In other countries where euthanasia
is illegal courts do not punish people who
practice it.
Euthanasia is illegal in the Philippines. In
1997, the Philippine Senate considered passing a
bill legalizing passive euthanasia. The bill met
strong opposition from the country's Catholic
Church. If legalized the Philippines would have
been the first country to legalize euthanasia.
Under current laws, doctors assisting a patient to
die can be imprisoned and charged with
Active euthanasia a doctor or a nurse
gives an ill patient medicine that will kill
Passive euthanasia a patient does not get
the medicine or treatment that they need in
order to stay alive.

Euthanasia is generally
classified into:
In some cases life supporting machines are
turned off and patients die. Sometimes it is
decided not to give patients food any more. In
other cases antibiotics, chemotherapy or
giving person morphine may lead to their
The main problem is who decides if and when
euthanasia should be carried out. Sometimes
the relatives of an incurably ill person make
the decision, based on what they think the
patient wants. In other cases a patient may
have written down a will that says they want
to have machines turned off if there is no
Voluntary euthanasia - euthanasia
performed with the patient's consent
Non-voluntary euthanasia - where
the patient is unable to give their
informed consent, for example child
Involuntary euthanasia - performed
on a patient against their will

There are 3 types of euthanasia

It provides a way to Euthanasia devalues
relieve extreme pain human life
It provides a way of Euthanasia can become a
relief when a person's means of health care cost
quality of life is low containment
Frees up medical funds Physicians and other
to help other people medical care people should
It is another case of not be involved in directly
freedom of choice causing death

Pros and Cons

1. Legalizing Murder
Legalized murder in another form. Things can easily get a little out
of hand and in some cases, euthanasia may be completely
justifiable. In some other cases, it might be a way for incompetent
doctors to get away with pure stupidity, and in other cases, it can
mean doctors can get away with murder, by saying it was the
patients choice, and since the patient wont be there to defend
himself, who is going to know? The issue needs to go deeper, and
other current problems with our society will come up, like
corruption, greed, envy, and so on.


2. Religious Conflicts Among Different Belief Structures
Religious concerns may exist with euthanasia. No one can be say that
God exists. No one can deny that God exists, no one can prove God
exists. From the dawn of our existence we have believed in a greater
being, whether it is a man with a beard up there, or nature itself, or
the universe itself, there is surely a motive within us that makes us
believe that there is something bigger out there. The truth is, religious
books are written, and no matter what major religion we talk about,
there are millions of followers involved, which means these books do
contain truth to some degree, whether or not there is a superior being.
By ending it all, even if consciously, we are choosing to terminate
our search for whatever might be above us, or right by our side
looking after us. Perhaps if someone is miserable enough to desire
death, or weak enough to desire death, could this person keep the
hope up, and try and look for divinity, even if within? No one is a
simple waste of space and oxygen, we are all here for a reason, and
that reason is certainly not wait for death, or to hurry it up.
In 2012, a pair of identical twins, Marc and Eddy Verbessem,
who were born deaf, were killed by Belgian doctors after seeking
euthanasia when they found out they would also soon go blind.
In a unique case under the country's euthanasia laws, the 45-
year-old brothers, from Antwerp, chose death as they were unable to
bear the thought of never seeing one another again. On December 14,
they were euthanized by lethal injection at Brussels University
Hospital in Jette, after spending their entire lives together.
Their case was highly controversial as neither twin was
suffering extreme physical pain or was terminally ill. The twins both
worked as cobblers and shared a flat together. David Dufour, the
doctor who presided over the euthanasia, claimed the twins had made
the decision in "full conscience."

The twins who were going blind

and asked to be euthanized
In 2013, an Indiana man left paralyzed from the shoulders down after a
hunting accident chose to be taken off life support two days after the accident.
Timothy "Tim" Bowers, 32, of Decatur was deer hunting when he fell 16 feet
from a tree and suffered a severe spinal injury. Unable to move and dependent on
a ventilator to breathe, the Bowers family asked doctors if they could bring
Bowers out of sedation, remove his breathing tube, and ask him what he wanted
to do. They were able to inform him that although he could have surgery to fuse
his vertebrae, he would never be able to walk or even live outside of a hospital
again. According to his sister Jenny Schultz, We just asked him, Do you want
this?' And he shook his head emphatically no. Doctors repeatedly asked him the
same question and were given the same response. So they removed his breathing
tube and he died five hours later.
Bowers, just married three months before, left behind his pregnant wife,
Abbey, stepson Greg Shively, and "Baby Bowers." It was claimed that he had
previously spoken with his wife about his desire to avoid life in a wheelchair
should something ever happen.

The newlywed paralyzed man who chose to end

life support before meeting his unborn son

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