Presented By: M.Sher Juni Roll No:BG833400 Program: PH.D Mass Communication Course
Presented By: M.Sher Juni Roll No:BG833400 Program: PH.D Mass Communication Course
Presented By: M.Sher Juni Roll No:BG833400 Program: PH.D Mass Communication Course
Code No:6766
Carl Hovland
Paul Lazarsfeld
Harold Lasswell
Kurt Lewin
Samuel Stouffer
Douglas Waples
Wilber Schramm
Bernard Berelson
Joseph Klapper
Industrialization,urbanization,Mass media
Mass circulated Newspapers, Motion picture and
The media has powerful and deep rooted influence
on the lives of the people as it has power and
proficiency to effect and construct public attitude,
refine their thoughts and actions (McQuail, 2005).
Walter Lipmann; Public Opinion (1922)
Picture in our heads
Media Create the pseudo reality and public react to
Lasswells Propaganda Techniques (1927)
This qualitative work analyzed the content of
propaganda messages of world war I
Identifying various propaganda techniques
Payne Fund Studies (1929-32)
Blumer: how film influence the children every day behavior,
dressing, interaction, ideas about romance and their plans.
Findings indicated powerful effects on children
Peterson: Sun of God and Birth of Nation ( Indicated
Powerful effects)
Dysinger : Conducted studies on emotional responses of
children to movies and concluded that younger treated the
films as fancily but children take it real
Payne fund studies proved that children were deeply
influenced by mass media contents
Institute for Propaganda Analysis (1937):
This research institute was formed in response to public
fear regarding the persuasive power of propaganda via
mass media
Studies were conducted in an effort to understand the
effects of propaganda
Cantril Study 1939:
Media has powerful effect on public or not?
Effects were not equal
Tradition changed and notion of MBT rejected
Carl Hovlands (1942-45):
Conducted persuasion research for the Research branch of US army
They found that the films did not increase soldiers motivation
Mr.Biggot Study 1947:
Examined the effects of cartoons that poked fun at prejudice
Rather than changing any attitude
The peoples Choice 1948:
Lazarsfeld, Berelson and Gaudet studied voting decisions among voters in Erie
county Ohio
Found that interpersonal contacts were more powerful than mass media in
influencing the voting choice and decisions
Mass media messages reached influential citizens called opinion leaders
This process was labeled the Two Step Flow of communication
Voting 1954:
Berelson, Lazarsfeld and Mcphee conducted panel surveys
among voters in Elmira, New York during 1948 campaign
Found that mass media influence played a small part in
affecting the voting decision
Personal influence was found to be most important factor
determining a persons voting decision
Klappers, s effects of Mass Communication 1960:
This classic work surveyed several hundred media effects and
concluded that the effects of mass communication were limited
McLuhans Understanding Media 1964:
Media effects did not result from media content but from the form of
medium itself
The effects occurred at a very base level, altering pattern of perception and
Tichenor, Donohue and Olien 1970:
These researchers posited the Knowledge Gap Hypothesis
Which states that as the infusion of mass media information into a social
system increases, segments of population with higher socioeconomic status
tend to acquire this information at a faster rate than the lower status
So that the gap in knowledge between these segments tends to increase
rather than decrease (Tichenor, Donohue and Olien, 1970 pp 159-160).
Mccombs and Show 1972:
These researchers concluded that first study of the
agenda setting hypothesis which posits that news
media coverage of particular issues influence their
audiences views about what issues are important
Spiral of Silence; Noelle Neumann 1973:
Suggest that people become reluctant to speak an opinion that is
counter to the majority opinion in the society
Mass media are instrumental in shaping impressions about public
opinion that are dominant or becoming dominant
Ball Rokeach and DeFleur Dependency Theory 1976:
This theory stresses a relationship between social system and
It states that the degree to which audience depend upon mass media
information varies based on individual differences
The amount of disorder or conflict present in society and the number
and centrality function that they serve
Kurt Lewin
(September 9, 1890 February 12, 1947)