Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
The Cost of
Net Proceeds
rS = (D1/P0) + g
rE = rF + b(rM - rF).
rs = D1/P0 + g
rs = rF + b(rM - rF).
rn = = D1/Nn - g
To estimate the weight for equity, simply divide the total book
value of equity by the book value of total assets.
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The Weighted Average Cost of Capital
= 11.13%
BPj = AFj/wj
BPj = breaking point form financing source j
AFj = amount of funds available at a given cost
wj = target capital structure weight for source j
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The Marginal Cost
& Investment Decisions (cont.)
Assume that in the example we have been using that the firm
has $2 million of retained earnings available. When it is
exhausted, the firm must issue new (more expensive) equity.
Furthermore, the company believes it can raise $1 million of
cheap debt after which it will cost 7% (after-tax) to raise
additional debt.
Given this information, the firm can determine its break points as
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The Marginal Cost
& Investment Decisions (cont.)
This implies that the firm can fund up to $4 million of new investment
before it is forced to issue new equity and $2.5 million of new investment
before it is forced to raise more expensive debt.
Given this information, we may calculate the WMCC as follows:
11.76% WMCC
13.0% A WMCC
12.0% B
This indicates
C that the firm can
accept only
Projects A & B.
11.13% D