FDI Vs Trade - Last
FDI Vs Trade - Last
FDI Vs Trade - Last
Economic Growth
Presented to:
Prepared By;
Hossam Adel
Bassem Dyab
Ahmed Mohye
Dalia Mohamed
Heba Azzam
Research Question
Literature review
FDI and Economy
promotes imports.
Also the results of the study show that an increase in the export
2009 2010
Sharp decline in both GDP and FDI might suggest a direct
causal effect
2011 to 2016
Almost complete mismatch between the two factors in terms
of performance pattern and magnitude . the reason could
be attributed to other more powerful factors intervenes the
GDP performance .
Trade VS GDP
Exports vs GDP
There seems to be a significantly strong resemblance between the two
factors performance curves . That emphasises the role of exports as a
determinant of GDP performance .
Imports Vs GDP
Surprisingly there is a semi complete matching between both imports and
GDP magnitudes .
There are many reasons for that requires investigation but may be attributed
to importing production goods or just imports due to improvement in economic
conditions .
Trade balance Vs GDP
2001 t0 2007
Increase in the negative gap between exports and imports
accompanied by increase in the GDP.
Sharp improvement in trade balance accompanied by
sharp decline in GDP
Matching between imports and FDI is almost perfect in pattern, that might
be attributed to the need for production goods that are not available
domestically .
Major GDP sectors VS Imports