Week 3 Income Tax Accounting
Week 3 Income Tax Accounting
Week 3 Income Tax Accounting
Financial Reporting
Current Tax
-Recognize liability for unsettled portion of tax expense.
-Recognize an asset to the extent amounts paid exceed
amounts due.
-Tax loss which can be used against future taxable income
can be recognized as an asset (deferred tax asset).
The Nature of Income tax
Accounting profit is usually different from taxable profit, Because they are
determined by different principles and rules. the difference arise from a
number of common transactions and may be either permanent or temporary
in nature.
Permanent difference- in accounting and tax profit arise when the treatment
of a transaction by taxation legislation and accounting standard is such that
amount recognized as part of accounting profit are never recognized as part of
taxable profit or vice versa.
- this includes income never subject to taxation and expenditure incurred by
an entity that will never be an allowable deduction. Where such difference
exist, taxable profit will never equal accounting profit.
Temporary difference- in accounting and tax profit arise when the period in
which revenue and expenses are recognized for accounting purposes is
different from the period in which such revenues and expenses are treated as
taxable income and allowable deduction for tax purposes.
Temporary difference may be either:
a) taxable temporary difference - which are temporary difference that will result in taxable amounts in
determining taxable profit ( tax loss) of future periods when the carrying amount of the asset or liability is
recovered or settled.
- in simple terms, this means that a deferred tax liability will arise when
the carrying value of asset is greater (>) than its tax base or
when the carrying amount of the liability is less (<)than its tax base.
b) deductible temporary difference- which are temporary differences that will result in amounts that are
deductible in determining profit ( tax loss) of future periods when the carrying amount of the asset or liability is
recovered or settled.
-when the carrying value of the liability is greater (>) than its tax base or
when the carrying value of the asset is less (<) than its tax base,
Calculate taxable profit and accounting profit for the year ending 30 June 2012.
AN entity acquired plant and equipment for $1
million on Jan 1st 20X9.
The assets is depreciated at 25% a year on SLM
and tax legislation permits to depreciate the
assets at 30% a year for tax purpose.
Calculate any DTL that might arise on the plant
and equipment at 31/12/x9. Its tax rate is 30%.
Mc Tavish Limited has the following assets in its balance sheet as at 30
June 2011.
Machinery: Acquired at a cost of $400000 on 1st July 2009. It has a useful
life for accounting purposes of 5 years and no expected salvage value. Its
carrying value at 30th June 2011 therefore is $240000. For tax purpose it
can be depreciated at 25% per year.
Interest receivable: Has recorded interest receivable ( interest earned but
not yet received) at $100000. The Tax authority will not tax the interest
until it is received.
Account Receivables: Has made sales on credit terms amounting to
$80000 and at the end of the reporting period the $80000 is still to be
received. The ATO has already included the $80000 in taxable Income.
Determine the respective tax bases of the above items as at 30 June 2011.
Calculate the DTL or DTA
Scott Dillon Limited has following liabilities in its statement of financial
position as at 30Th June 2011.
Revenue received in advance: The company has received $100000
for interest revenue received in advance. The tax authority taxes
the revenue when it is received.
Accrued expenses: The company has accrued expenses relating to
unpaid salaries amounting to $50000. The amount of the accrual
will be deductible when actually paid.
Loan Payable: The company has a loan with a carrying value of
$40000. The payment of the loan is not deductible.
Determine the tax base of Scott Dillon Limited's liabilities.
Calculate the DTL or DTA
Farrelly Limited's statement of financial position
shows that a provision for warranty expenses
exists with a balance of $10000.
All of the provision was created in the current
financial year and no amount have been paid.
The warranty expense is not deductible until such
time as cost associated with the warranty are
actually paid. The tax rate is 30%.
Required: Determine the balance of the deferred
tax asset and provide the relevant journal entries.
The following formula is applied to derive the tax base from the carrying amount of the asset:
Carrying amount - Future taxable amounts+ Future deductible amount = Tax base
Future Future
taxable deductible
CA amounts amounts Tax Base
Provision for annual leave $3900: not
deductible for tax until paid 3900 0 -3900 0
Trade payables $34000: Expense already
deducted from taxable income 34000 0 0 34000
Subscription revenue received in advance
$500: Taxed when received. 500 -500 0 0
Loan Payable $20000 : Loan repayment will
have no tax consequences 20000 0 0 20000
Accured expense $6700: deductible when
paid in cash 6700 0 -6700 0
Accured penalties $700: Not tax deductible 700 0 0 700
Calculation of DTA or DTL
Temporary differences at period end 80 000 270 000 (10 000) (200 000)
Prepare a worksheet to calculate the end of reporting period adjustment to DTA or DTL
account as ta 30th June 2012 and show the necessary journal entries.
Week 3 Reading 2 The Reputational Costs of
Tax Avoidance
Week 3 Reading 3 Determinants of the
Accounting Change for Income Tax