Jordan University Faculty of Dentistry DR Mohammad Al-Tamimi, MD, PHD

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Jordan University

Faculty of Dentistry
Dr Mohammad Al-Tamimi, MD, PhD
The plasmodia are sporozoa in which the sexual and
asexual cycles of reproduction are completed in
different host species
The sexual phase occurs within the gut of mosquitoes
that subsequently transmit the parasite while feeding
on a vertebrate host
Within the red blood cells (RBCs) of the vertebrate,
the plasmodia reproduce asexually; they eventually
burst from the erythrocyte and invade other
uninvolved RBCs.
Of the many species of plasmodia, four are known to
infect humans and will be considered here:
Plasmodium vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, and P.
Life Cycle
1. The sexual cycle
1. Begins when a female Anopheles mosquito ingests
circulating male and female gametocytes while feeding
on a malarious human
2. In the gut of the mosquito, the gametocytes mature and
effect fertilization. The resulting zygote penetrates the
mosquitos gut wall, lodges beneath the basement
membrane, and vacuolates to form an oocyst
3. Within this structure, thousands of sporozoites are
formed. The enlarging cyst eventually ruptures, releasing
the sporozoites into the body cavity of the mosquito
4. Some penetrate the salivary glands, rendering the
mosquito infectious for humans
2. The asexual cycle
1. Occurs in the human and begins when the infected
Anopheles takes a blood meal from another individual
2. Sporozoites from the mosquitos salivary glands are
injected into the humans subcutaneous capillaries and
circulate in the peripheral blood
3. Within 1 hour they attach to and invade liver cells
4. Each sporozoites producing about 2000 to 40,000
daughter cells, or merozoites
5. One to two weeks later, the infected hepatocytes rupture,
releasing merozoites into the general circulation
3. The erythrocytic phase
1. Starts with the attachment of merozoite to a specific
receptor on the RBC surface
2. After attachment, the merozoite invaginates the cell
membrane and is slowly endocytosed. The intracellular
parasite initially appears as a ring-shaped trophozoite,
which enlarges and becomes more active and irregular
3. Within a few hours, nuclear division occurs, producing
the multinucleated schizont
4. Cytoplasm eventually condenses around each nucleus of
the schizont to form an intraerythrocytic cluster of
merozoite daughter cells
5. Infected erythrocytes rupture, releasing the merozoites
and producing the first clinical manifestations of disease
6. Other daughter cells are transformed into sexual forms or
gametocytes, continue to circulate in the peripheral
vasculature until ingested by an appropriate mosquito
Plasmodium vivax and P ovale may persist as dormant
forms, or hypnozoites, after the parasites have
disappeared from the peripheral blood.
Resurgence of an erythrocytic infection (relapse)
occurs when merozoites from hypnozoites in the liver
break out and succeed in reestablishing a red cell
The morphology of the stained intraerythrocytic
parasites shows three characteristic features:
1. red nuclear chromatin
2. blue cytoplasm
3. brownish-black malarial pigment, or hemozoin
The change in the shape of the cytoplasm and the
division of the chromatin at different stages of parasite
development are obvious
Gametocytes can be differentiated from the asexual
forms by their large size and lack of nuclear division
Plasmodium vivax P falciparum
trophozoite Schffner dots. Double rings

banana-shaped gametocytes
Malaria is the number one killer of all the parasitic
Malaria has a worldwide distribution . P. vivax is the
most widely distributed of the four species, and
together with the uncommon P. malariae, is found
primarily in temperate and subtropical areas. P.
falciparum is the dominant organism of the tropics. P.
ovale is rare and found principally in Africa
In hyperendemic areas transmission is usually
constant, and disease manifestations are moderated by
the development of immunity
Mortality is largely restricted to infants and to
nonimmune adults who migrate into the region
1. Fever
The hallmark of malaria, appears to be initiated by the
process of RBC rupture that leads to the liberation of a
new generation of merozoites (sporulation)
The resulting fever is irregular and periodic. Because
temperatures in excess of 40 C destroy mature
parasites, a single population eventually emerges,
sporulation is synchronized, and fever occurs in
distinct paroxysms at 48hour or, in the case of P.
malariae, 72-hour intervals
2. Anemia
Parasitized erythrocytes are phagocytosed by a
stimulated reticuloendothelial system or are destroyed
at the time of sporulation
Depression of marrow function, sequestration of
erythrocytes within the enlarging spleen, and
accelerated clearance of nonparasitized cells all appear
to contribute to the anemia
Intravascular hemolysis, although uncommon, may
occur, particularly in falciparum malaria. When
hemolysis is massive, hemoglobinuria develops,
resulting in the production of dark urine. This process
in conjunction with malaria is known as blackwater
3. Circulatory Changes
The high fever results in significant vasodilatation. In
falciparum malaria, vasodilatation leads to a decrease
in the effective circulating blood volume and
The intense parasitemias P. falciparum is capable of
producing adhesion of infected RBCs to the
endothelium of visceral capillaries can impair the
microcirculation and precipitate tissue hypoxia,
4. Thrombocytopenia
Is common in malaria and appears to be related to
both splenic pooling and a shortened platelet lifespan

5. Acute transient glomerulonephritis in falciparum

malaria and progressive renal disease in chronic P.
malariae malaria. These phenomena probably result
from the host immune response, with deposition of
immune complexes in the glomeruli
Clinical Manifestations
The incubation period between the bite of the mosquito and the onset
of disease is approximately 2 weeks

The clinical manifestations vary with the species but typically include
chills, fever, splenomegaly, and anemia

The hallmark of disease is the malarial paroxysm. This manifestation

begins with a cold stage, which persists for 20 to 60 minutes. During
this time, the patient experiences continuous rigors and feels cold. With
the consequent increase in body temperature, the rigors cease and
vasodilatation commences, ushering in a hot stage. The temperature
continues to rise for 3 to 8 hours, reaching a maximum of 40 to 41.7 C
before it begins to fall. The wet stage consists of a decrease in fever and
profuse sweating. It leaves the patient exhausted but otherwise well
until the onset of the next paroxysm
In falciparum malaria, capillary blockage can lead to
several serious complications
When the central nervous system is involved (cerebral
malaria), the patient may develop delirium,
convulsions, paralysis, coma, and rapid death
Jaundice and acute renal failure are also common in
severe illness
Most deaths occur within 3 days
Malarial parasites can be demonstrated in stained smears of
the peripheral blood in virtually all symptomatic patients.
Blood are stained with Wright or Giemsa stain and examined
for the presence of erythrocytic parasites. Thick smears,
where erythrocytes are lysed with water concentrate the
parasites and allow detection of mild parasitemia
Simple, specific card antigen detection procedures are now
available. The most widely used test, ParaSight F, detects a
protein (HRP2) excreted by P. falciparum within minutes.
The test can be performed under field conditions and has a
sensitivity more than 95%. A second rapid test, OptiMAL,
detects parasite lactate dehydrogenase, and, unlike ParaSight
F, can distinguish between P. falciparum and P. vivax
Serologic tests are offered at large reference laboratories but
are used primarily for epidemiologic purposes
Prevention and Treatment
Elimination of mosquito breeding places
Personal protection against mosquitoes
Prophylactic anti-malaria
No vaccine available for malaria
Anti-malaria drugs
Drug resistance malaria
Treatment of hypnotic malaria

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