1-7 Manufacturing Basics
1-7 Manufacturing Basics
1-7 Manufacturing Basics
Solid Orals
Satish Mallya
Preparation of Granulation
Binder(s) binder solution
Drying LOD
Compression Hardness
Preparation Packaging
Film coating agent
and Labelling
Large number of processing Possible over compaction Possibility of lot to lot variations due
steps of slugs/compacts to differences in psd, flowability and
impact on dissolution moisture of excipients
More equipment
Possible particle Higher risk of content uniformity
Wetting and drying stages segregation failure in low dose products
are time consuming (geometric granulation indicated)
Greater possibility of cross Lack of moisture can create static
contamination charges that can result in un-
dust control (laminar air flow booths, glove boxes)
weighing accuracy
multiple lots of active ingredient with different assays, moisture and residual
solvent content
cross contamination
Exp 1
Exp 2
Exp 3
Exp 4
Exp 5
E 30.00 E 30.315
Exp 1 Kg
Exp 3 Kg
Blending is the most difficult operation in the manufacturing process since perfect
homogeneity is practically impossible due to differences in size, shape and density
of particles
Principle: A size enlargement process that converts small particles into physically stronger
& larger agglomerates
Why do it What are the equipment What are the problems
Exp 4 .Kg
and mix for 5 minutes with following
settings: Impeller speed-fast; Chopper
2.2 Spray purified water into contents of RMG
collect in FBD
To keep the residual Direct Heating Static Over drying (bone dry)
moisture low enough Solids Bed Dryers
(preferably as a range) to Excess fines
prevent product Direct Heating Moving
deterioration Solids Bed Dryers Possible fire hazard
Speed Medium
Knives - forward
4.2 Load dried granules from
4.1 into Conta Blender and
blend for 20 mins at 12+1
Exp 5 .Kg
and collect in tared double PE
lined container
5.2 Add contents from 5.1 to 4.2 and
blend for 3 mins and collect in
tared double PE lined container
Double compression
Parameter Frequency
Wt. of 20 tabs Every hour by production and every two
hours by QA
Hardness, thickness, length, width Every hour by production, every two hours
by QA
Wt. variation Every half hour by production and every
hour by QA
DT Every half hour by production, every hour by
of lubricated granules
of compressed tablets
of coated tablets
Metal detection
Scale up
Life-cycle management