Review Questions in Crop Science

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1. From Coronas classification, this type of climate is characterized by having

no dry season and has a very pronounced maximum rain period from
November to January.
a) Type I climate c) Type II climate
b) Type III climate d) Type IV climate

2. A hectare of rice plants uses approximately how many liters of water for its
entire growth duration?
a) about 10 million liters c) about 5 million liters
b) about 8 million liters d) about 1 million liters
3. One of the following is not a characteristic of a well-prepared upland field:
a) pulverized c) clean
b) puddled d) organic matter decomposed

4. Wider plant spacing is adopted when:

a) soil fertility is low
b) plants have erect or vertical growth habit
c) plant grows into a big tree
d) soil has water holding capacity

5. In arid places, the most economical means of irrigation method is:

a) overhead c) drip
b) furrow d) sprinkler
6. What is the approximate output of a healthy and mature human being in
terms of horsepower?
a) .25 HP c) .50 HP
b) .10 HP d) .30 HP

7. Primary tillage is referred to as:

a) harrowing of the field c) fixing of the levees
b) initial breaking of the soil d) puddling of the soil

8. The following factors increase the rate of evapotranspiration except:

a) low temperature c) rapid air movement
b) low relative humididty d) high temperature
9. In a situation where a farmer is running short of time, he should resort to
raising seedlings by:
a) dapog method c) drybed method
b) wetbed method d) any of the above

10. Which of the following is not true?

a) plenty of water at germination period
b) more and more water applied up to flowering time
c) lesser amount of water through the maturing period
d) less amount of water during ripening

11. Direct seeding is commonly practiced in planting:

a) eggplant c) corn
b) mango d) tomato
12. Planting system in orchards or plantation crops where one can have the
a greater number of trees per unit area:
a) square method c) quincunx method
b) contour system d) hexagonal or triangular system

13. The main purpose of cultivation or intertillage:

a) improves water infiltration c) enhances soil aeration
b) weed control d) prevents excessive rise
in temperature

14. A farmer planted his one-hectare corn field with .75 cm spacing between rows
and .50 cm between hills and seeding was maintained at 2 plants per hill.
Approximately what is the plant population per hectare?
a) 44,300 plants/ha c) 60,000 plants/ha
b) 53,300 plants/ha d) 58,500 plants /ha
15. In tomato, poor drainage or waterlogging could result in the following
a) production of adventitious roots c) yellowing of leaves
b) production of suckers d) reduction of stem growth

16. The most common indices of the need for water by crops except:
a) stage of the crop c) surrounding vegetation
b) appearance of the crop d) actual soil moisture tests

17. The following are advantages of using straight-row transplanting in rice except:
a) optimum spacing is attained
b) rotary weeders can be used for weeding
c) easier to apply pesticides and herbicides
d) seedlings grow rapidly
18. Rhizomes are planting materials for:
a) potato c) sugar cane
b) ramie d) jute

19. Apart from native wooden and steel plow, moldboard plow, and disc plow,
this is considered a primary tillage equipment:
a) spike-tooth harrow c) rotavator
b) lithao d) subsoiler

20. The following are nursery practices involved in planting vegetables except:
a) hardening c) balling
b) pricking d) potting
21. Who is the present GMA Rice Program Director?

a) Jesus Binamira c) Rene Rafael Espino

b) Frisco Malabanan d) Domingo E. Angeles

22. The agency responsible for certifying seeds in the Philippines

a) Bureau of Agricultural Research c) PhilRice

b) UPLB College of Agriculture d) Bureau of Plant Industry

23. The practice of growing a new crop out of shoots arising from the previous
crop is called:

a) replanting c) ratooning

b) re-cropping d) rejuvenation
24. Among the following dessicants, _______ is the most effective and a smaller
amount is required:

a) lime c) silica gel

b) charcoal d) wood ash

25. This class of seed is not for sale:

a) foundation c) breeder

b) registered d) certified

26. This class of seed is issued red tags by our Seed Certifying Agency:

a) registered c) foundation

b) breeder d) certified
27. Root crops like gabi and ubi are propagated commercially by:

a) suckers c) root cuttings

b) division d) runners

28. Which of the following is not a hybrid rice variety?

a) Mestizo 1 c) Arize Bigante

b) Burdagol d) SL-8 e) Bioseed 401

29. Hybrids utilize the phenomenon of heterosis. Which of the following is not true for

a) it could be positive or negative b) it is expressed in first generation only

c) it varies according to level of parental diversity

d) it is expressed in second generation only

30. Former UPLB Chancellor Wilfredo P. David and his group was responsible for
developing what type of irrigation equipment currently in use today?

a) small farm reservoirs b) shallow tube well

c) furrow irrigation d) perforain irrigation

31. The current Secretary of Agriculture:

a) Arthur Yap b) Emmanuel Paras

c) Bernie Fondevilla d) Salvador Salacup

32. The leading export crop of our country:

a) abaca b) coconut

c) banana d) sugar
33. The agency involved in approving the release of recommended varieties in
the Philippines:

a) Int. Rice Research Institute b) National Seed Industry Council

c) Bureau of Plant Industry d) Philippine Seed Board

34. Triticale is usually used for pasta. Is this a man-made species?

a) yes b) no

35. Corn is native to North America while rice is native to India.

a) yes b) no

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