Patogenesis TB
Patogenesis TB
Patogenesis TB
My objectives
Discuss Pathogenesis and different
pathologic features seen in TB
Diseases caused by Mycobacterium
The important species are
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the etiologic
agent of tuberculosis in humans. Humans are the
only reservoir for the bacterium.
Mycobacterium bovis is the etiologic agent of TB
in cows and rarely in humans. Both cows and
humans can serve as reservoirs. Humans can also
be infected by the consumption of unpasteurized
milk. This route of transmission can lead to the
development of extrapulmonary TB.
M. leprae : causes leprosy
Diseases caused by Mycobacterium
More than 50 species of the genus Mycobacterium are now
recognized as potential human pathogens. Species other than M.
tuberculosis and M. leprae have been designated as non-
tuberculous mycobacteria
M. kansasii, M. avium, M. intracellulare cause atypical
mycobacterial infections in humans esp in AIDS. They cause
respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms and can involve
other organs too.
They cause atypical TB.
Lymphocytic Rim
Caseous Necrosis
Epithelioid Macrophage
stain is an acid-
fast staining
method to stain M.
tuberculosis. The
Acid-fast bacilli
appear pink in a
The steps in M. tuberculosis infection are:
1. Entry into macrophages phagocytosis mediated by several
receptors expressed on the phagocyte, including mannose
binding lectin and other receptors
Infection - Immunity
The bacilli have 4 potential fates upon entering the human body:
Ghon Focus: lung lesion of primary TB, involves upper segments of the lower lobes
or lower segment of the upper lobe.
Ghon complex: combination of a peripheral ghon focus and involved mediastinal
or hilar lymphnode.
Microscopically the classic lesion of TB is a caseous granuloma
Caseating granulomas
progressive primary
Possible sequalae of tuberculosis
primary tuberculosis
1. No problems.
2. The disease may advance into
progressive primary tuberculosis in
immunocompromised patients such as
AIDS patients, elderly, and
malnourished children. The infection
progresses and spreads to other areas
of lung, lymph nodes or other multiple
3. The foci of scarring may harbor a small
number of organisms that remain
viable for years and later if immune
mechanisms wane or fail, these bacilli
may multiply and cause reactivation of
TB (secondary TB).
Low immunity
TB Vertebra
Potts disease
Psoas abscess
TB Prostate gland TB intestine
The prognosis is generally good if infections
are localized to the lungs, except when they
are caused by drug-resistant strains or occur in
aged debilitated, or immunosuppressed
persons, who are at high risk for developing
miliary TB.
1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the causative organism of
tuberculosis (TB) in the lungs and elsewhere.
2. Mycobacterium tuberculosis gains access to the lung by
inhalation and causes pulmonary TB.
3. A granuloma in TB, termed a 'tubercle', is composed of activated
macrophages, Langhans giant cells with surrounding lymphoid
cells and fibroblasts with central caseation necrosis.
4. Primary tuberculosis is the form of disease that develops in a
previously unexposed, and therefore unsensitized, person.
5. Secondary (reactivation) tuberculosis arises in previously
exposed individuals when host immune defenses are
compromised, and usually manifests as cavitary lesions in the
lung apices.
6. Both progressive primary tuberculosis and secondary
tuberculosis can result in systemic seeding, causing life-
threatening forms such as miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous
7. The outcome of tuberculosis depends on the adequacy of the
host immune response.