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Communication Satellite Subsystems

Communication satellite subsystems, their Functions and Parameters

of Importance:
Subsystems Functions Parameters of
Repeaters Amplify signals and Noise figure, linearity and
transmit back output rf power
Antennas Receive and transmit Coverage, gain
Electric power supply Provides electric energy at Power, voltage regulation
various voltage levels
Structure Supports equipment Stiffness

Attitude and orbit control Attitude stabilization, orbit Accuracy

Thermal control Temperature regulation Heat dissipation capability

Propulsion Provides velocity Specific impulse, Mass of

increments and torques propellant
Telemetry, tracking & Exchange of house-kipping Number of channels,
command data with control centre security of
Electric Power Supply:
The electric power supply system provides the electrical energy needed to
run the spacecraft and the communication system.

When the satellite is in stationary orbit, electric power is obtained from

solar cells.

But during the first few hours following the injection into transfer orbit prior
to development of the solar panels, the electromechanical accumulators
provide the electric power supply.

In some satellites the thermonuclear energy source are also used but due
to dangers involved with nuclear fuels especially with their shielding etc,
nuclear generators are not used in communication satellite.

Solar cells are photovoltaic cells that convert solar radiation to electricity.
The normal conversion efficiency of solar cells is around 12% to 15% and
the typical satellite solar cell arrays generate 1 to 2 KW of power.

The conversion efficiency of solar cells decreases under the effect of

radiations and drops by about 30 to 35% in seven years.
Electric Power Supply:
Since the satellite goes under solar eclipses which is of concern during
Equinox provision is made for the storage of power that can be used during
solar eclipse. For this purpose electrochemical accumulators like those of
nickel-cadmium accumulators are used.

Thus in communication satellite, solar cell-storage battery system is being


In the storage battery system the depth of discharge (DOD) should be as

maximum as possible. The DOD represents the percentage of the maximum
stored energy which is actually used.
Attitude and orbit control
Attitude: Attitude of a space vehicle is its orientation as determined
by the relationship between its axis and some reference plane.

These are carried out by control loops based on error detection and
decision systems.

These also involve the use of telemetry, telecommunication (TTC)

subsystem for information exchange between satellite and earth.

The attitude control may be passive or active.

For active attitude control four operations are needed:

1. Detection of the satellite attitude
2. Comparison with the reference axis
3. Determination of the corrective torques
And 4. Correction of the attitude by actuators mounted on
the satellite.
Propulsion Sub-system:
The propulsion subsystem is the reaction control subsystem carried
by the satellite in the geostationary orbit so as to generate forces on it
whenever needed.
The reaction control system has a supply of fuel and it helps the
satellite to move to its assigned position in orbit, to maintain it in that
position (Station keeping) and to maintain the direction of the spin
axis attitude control in the face of force that perturb it.

Usually the propulsion subsystem is comprise of 3 units:

1. Low thrust (10-3 to 20N) actuators (Reaction control system: RCS)
devoted to attitude and orbit corrections that provide an annual
velocity increment of the order of 50 m/s.

2. A high thrust (400 to 50,000N) motor which provide the velocity

increment required for the geostationary orbit injection at the
transfer orbit apogee (about 1500 m/s) and

3. With space shuttle launched satellites, eventually a prrigee kick

motor (PKM) which provides the velocity increment required to
inject the satellite into the transfer orbit (about 2430 m/s).
Repeaters and antenna together make the communication sub-systems
of communication satellite. These provide the receive and transmit
Coverage for the satellite. Repeaters are also termed as transponders. It
performs two basic functions:

1. The amplification of signals from an input power of the

range of -100 dbW to an output power of about 10 dbW (around 110 db
and 2. The frequency down conversion (frequency translation)
that avoids interference between transmitted signal and weak incoming

Sometimes there is also a provision of detection and demodulation process

in the satellite transponders. Such transponders are called regenerative

There are certain advantages in regenerative repeaters over conventional

repeaters such advantages in decoding, generation of spot beams (power
concentration) and interference rejection.

Front end Carrier Power

electronics Processing Amplifier

Fig: Block diagram of a Conventional Satellite Repeater.

The front end electronics system is consists of RF filtering, equalization and
amplification. RF filters are typically constructed as microwave filters
(waveguide filters), these filters are designated to achieve desired mask,
noise rejection and equalization.

From RF Low Noise To carrier

Antenna Filter Amplifier processing

Fig: Block diagram of Front end Electronic System.

The carrier processing equipment determines whether the repeater is
conventional or regenerative.
Its main work is frequency translation i.e. to bring the uplink signal to a
lower frequency for down link.
There are four different kinds of frequency translation in the satellite repeater:
1. RF-RF translation
2. RF-IF translation
3. IF remodulation
4. Demodulation-remodulation

Antenna RF Power
Diplexor Front End Amplifier
& Antenna


Fig: RF-RF translation

RF IF Power
Antenna To Diplexor
Front End Filter Amplifier
& Diplexor & Antenna

Freq. Freq.
Mult. Mult.


Fig: RF-IF-RF Translation

Antenna RF IF Power
& Diplexor Front End Filter Amplifier

Freq. Freq. To Diplexor

Mult. Mult. & Antenna


Fig: IF Remodulation
RF IF Power
Antenna DEMOD. RF Mod.
Front End Filter Amplifier
& Diplexor

To Diplexor
& Antenna

Oscillator Freq.

Fig: Demodulation-remodulation.
Thermal Control system:

The thermal control subsystem maintains the

equipments and structure of the satellite within
specified temperature ranges both during operation
and idle time.

The typical temperature range is:

Batteries: 00C to +200C
Solar cells: -1000C to +500C
Propellant tanks: +100C to 500C and
Infrared sensors: -200C to + 450C
Reliability of Satellite Sub-system:

Reliability is the probability that the system will perform satisfactory

over its specified life.

Satellite involves mostly electronic equipment and components so

the reliability of satellite sub-systems will depend on the probability
of failure of these electronic component.

Ns(t) Number of surviving components at time t
R(t) = =
N0 Number of components at start of test period

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