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Valplast is a flexible denture

base resin which is ideal for
partial dentures.
The resin is a biocompatible
nylon thermoplastic with unique
physical and esthetic
Valplast allows a patients
natural tissue tone to appear
through the material
Nylons are condensation copolymers formed by reacting
equal parts of a Diamine and a dicarboxylic acid.
Chemical elements included are Carbon,Hydrogen,Nitrogen
and oxygen.

Nylon is a versatile material with characteristics like high

physical strength, heat resistance and chemical resistance.

It can be easily modified to increase stiffness and wear

resistance. Because of its excellent balance of strength,
ductility and heat resistance, nylon is the most suitable
material available for flexible RPDs.
The most suitable and commonly used material for
fabrication of flexible removable partial dentures is
Valplast(Valpalst Int. Corp. USA)
Other flexible materials available are
(Bredent Germany)
Lucitone FRS, Flexite, Flexite plus, Flexite M.P. , Sun flex,
pro flex.
every partial edentulous condition provided the patients
are ready to keep a removable appliance in his/her
ridges where bilateral undercuts are present
. Patients having tilted teeth (due to missing adjacent
tooth for long time) develop an undercut where rigid
partial denture are tough to insert.
Esthetic Zone
Flexibility of the material allows it to engage the
undercut beneath the bony exostoses, that is not
possible in rigid partial dentutres
Dentures with thermoplastic nylon do not fracture.
whereas patient with full acrylic partial or complete
dentures often visit the dentist with broken or fractured
prosthesis as these are brittle.
show excellent biocompatibility but Acrylic dentures
cause allergic reactions due to free monomer content,
high porosity, high water sorption, foul smell and are
difficult to insert when undercuts are present.
The laboratory manipulation of these thermoplastic
material is done by injection moulding technique.
The acrylic teeth do not bond chemically with the
thermoplastic nylon so diatorics are prepared in the
artificial tooth to create a mechanical bonding.

Immediately prior to inserting the appliance in patients

mouth, immerse it in very hot tap water. Leave it in the
water for about 1 minute, remove and allow to cool to
the point where it will be tolerated by the patient. Gently
insert in mouth.

The hot water permits a smooth initial insertion and good

adaptation with the natural tissues in the mouth.
Recommended to use green mounted stones (for example,
Valplast Green Mounted Point #202G013, sunflex tool kit).
green silicone-carbide abrasive point usually used for
porcelain or precious metals. The green point will permit fine
adjustments to be made with a minimal degree of roughness
on the surface. Simply use a rapid motion (with a light touch)
and continuously vary the contact point.

The acrylic teeth are mechanically bonded to

thermoplastic nylon. Hence the teeth can come out of
the prosthesis.
Flexible partial dentures might fail if not inserted
properly. Also, one has to purchase separate
instruments to adjust/ trim the flexible denture so it
might add to the cost.
The valplast shows clinically significant chromatic
instability, so the flexible removable partial denture
might show staining and discoloration with time.
As flexible dentures flex under occlusal load so these
can not maintain the vertical dimension
Bad conductors as compared to cpd
Flexible removable partial dentures are better than other
available options especially when there are bilateral
undercuts or High esthetic requirements.
Proper diagnosis, treatment planning followed by proper
insertion techniques can yield good long term results.

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