IT Strategy: S. Ramanathan
IT Strategy: S. Ramanathan
IT Strategy: S. Ramanathan
S. Ramanathan
What is IT Strategy?
Provide effective, efficient, responsive and
flexible systems to meet the current and
future business and legislative needs
Components of IT Strategy
IT application strategy
Technology management strategy
IT management strategy
Application Strategy
Identify business areas which need IT
Select, prioritize and decide about
investment and approach for
Evaluation based on present and future
importance of the application
Strategic Grid
Cost reduction
Quality Strategic
primarily engineered by IT in Top level involvement in IT
consultation with business
P users
Support Turn Around
Local improvements Exploit emerging
incremental cost saving strategic opportunities
initiated by end users with IT Driven by business
Technology Strategy
Planning and selection of technology
components and tools
Skills available
Resources available
IT Management Strategy
High employee turnover
Quality and reliability of bespoke products
Risks due to system failure
Heightened expectations of business users
High service level requirements
Managing cultural changes among IT staff
and users
Information Management
maturity Model
Level Organization Information maturity
I Factory:
m Cost reduction
p Quality Strategic
a primarily engineered by IT in Top level involvement in IT
c consultation with business
t users
Support Turn Around
Local improvements Exploit emerging
incremental cost saving strategic opportunities
initiated by end users with IT Driven by business
Can IT Support and Drive
Can IT change the basis of competition?
Can IT change the nature of relationships
and the balance of power among buyers
and customers?
Can IT build or reduce barriers to entry?
Can IT decrease switching costs?
Can IT add value to existing products and
services or create new ones?
Can IT Change the Basis of
At its core ITs function is to automate activities
But while automating IT can inform and transform
And in this IT can transcend business boundaries
A streamlined value chain can produce better
Timely information produced better coordination and
IT enabled products and services new players in the
(eg) American Hospital Supply Corporation, American
Can IT Change the Nature of Relationship and
Balance of Power in Buyer Seller Relationship?
AHSC rose to power within the hospital supplies industry
by streamlining channels, dramatically decreasing cost,
improving order accuracy and increasing speed of order
Customers encouraged channel consolidation
Sensing risk of exclusion, suppliers put their catalogs
With electronic links with suppliers, AHSC customers
could directly order from supplier inventory, which
enabled further reduction in cost and cycle time for all
members of online market
This neutral third party distributor created such a
significant shift in the balance of power that in 1985, it
was bought by Baxter Healthcare, a hospital supplier
A few years later, responding to market pressure, Baxter
was forced to spin off the supply chain business to
ensure neutrality
Does Internet Shift Power from the
Suppliers to Channel Players and
During late 90s, internet based channel players
flooded the market
By 2004, many of them were struggling / closed
As neutral channel players faltered, established
players rushed in
(eg) Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX)
launched by five of the largest healthcare
suppliers (with 70% of all products and services
for hospitals and doing business with 90% of the
hospitals) ; within months, more than half the
independent players disappeared
Can IT Build / Reduce Barriers to
Proprietary systems of AHSC and AA provided initial
entry barrier.
But more sustainable advantage came from the
information generated by the technology and the value of
the loyal community of customers and suppliers
Internet, being low cost and shared, does not provide
advantage to any one player
Competitive advantage should come from building
proprietary capabilities such as loyal customer
community or quick response
In such a scenario, first mover advantage may turn a
disadvantage also
Case Study:
1995: The company was started in a modest way
Quickly became no.1 online book seller
Within two years, sales: $ 148 m and customer base: > 2 m
1998: replicated the success in online music and video stores
1999 2000: spent $ 500 m in sophisticated order fulfillment
Knowledge management infrastructure was created to understand
needs of individual customers to personalize services
Late 2000: Customer base: > 25 m
2001: internet stocks crashed. Need to reinvent business from retail
product sale to services model for quicker profitability
Understood the need for taking ownership of physical inventory
2004: established relationship with a number of brick-and-mortar
retailers to avoid creation of equivalent capability redefined
business from e-tailer to online / offline logistics service provider
Can IT Raise / Lower Switching
Internet has lowered switching cost
Price comparisons being easy, customer loyalty is rare in
Internet economy
But some companies have succeeded in creating
switching cost on the Internet too (eg) Intuit, which
allowed customer to store personal information in their
financial services software. Data have to be reentered, if
the customer moves to a different product. Intuit quickly
became market leader in the market segment with 80%
market share and 90% retention rate, competing against
giants like Microsoft
Services such as bill payment. Banking online, tax
calculation and payment, managing portfolio of
investments were all added
Intuits online version of TurboTax gained over 80%
market share in a highly competitive market
Can IT Add Value to the Existing
Products or Create New Ones?
Grocery stores selling information to
market research firms
Information component in products is
increasing as in automobiles
Total transformation of product in books,
magazines, music, video and games
IT Impact on Strategic Risk
Can emerging technologies disrupt current
business models?
Are we too early / too late to exploit an IT
Does IT lower entry barriers?
Does IT trigger regulatory issues?
Can emerging technologies disrupt
current business models?
Key features of disruptive technologies
Evolve significantly faster than the dominant
technology in the industry
Enables new products, services, pricing, business
models that change the basis of competition
Trigger regulatory changes or significant customer
dissatisfaction with the status quo
These may be viewed as threats or opportunities,
depending on which side you are
(eg) emergence of minicomputers and PCs
Responding to risk: IBM example, p 50 - 52
Are we too early / too late to exploit
an IT opportunity?
Ability to identify the right time to enter
with an organization to suit the need
Allied issues
How much to invest?
How long?
How do we sustain cash flows?
When would the pay-off start?
Does IT lower entry barriers?
Wide-spread availability of Internet with
low cost open standard technologies may
bring the barrier down
Does IT trigger regulatory issues?
IT successes may invite complaints of
unfair competition
Baxter was forced to spin off hospital
supply business after its acquisition of
Assessing IT-enabled Business
Opportunities - I
What business are we in?
Who are our customers, suppliers and
business partners?
What value do we provide to these key
constituencies? (incl. employees and
What are the competitive dynamics and
balance of power within the industry?
Can IT be used to create value and
change the basis of competition?
Assessing IT-enabled Business
Opportunities - II
Who are the biggest competitors today?
Who will they be in future?
How easy / difficult for the new players to
enter into our markets, offering a unique
value proposition and / or substitute
products and services
How easy / difficult would it be for
customers, suppliers or partners to
Assessing IT-enabled Business
Opportunities - III
How efficient / effective are our
How easy / difficult is it for customers,
suppliers and partners to do business with
Could we continuously improve our
products / services and the way we do our
Assessing IT-enabled Business
Opportunities - IV
Are there any disruptive changes looming
on the horizon?
Are we in a position to capitalize on these
What is the risk / return profile and the
window of opportunity?
Do we want to lead the industry or a fast
Assessing IT-enabled Business
Opportunities - V
Will changes in related industries (or even
unrelated industries) influence our
Could we extend into new products /
Do we have processes in place to
understand and manage risks?
Challenges in Business IT
1. Well articulated business strategy
2. Uniform communication of strategy to all
3. ITs ability to capture end-user
requirements with speed
Inhibitors of Business IT
Strategy Alignment
1. Desire of business leadership to take IT
along in strategy formulation and
2. ITs ability to understand business
3. Communication gap between business
and IT
4. ITs ability to deliver
5. Management support to IT in application
prioritization, development process and
budgetary requirements
Business IT Alignment at
Three Levels
1. Knowledge of business needs
2. Application development process
3. Management of technology
achieved by
1. Planned development of infrastructure
2. Anticipating future needs
3. Driving for results
Strategies for Achieving
Business IT Alignment
Recognition of strategic role of IT by
Good communication between CEO and
CIOs involvement in strategic
management of business
Cross rotation of IT managers in business
Hiring candidates with business
experience into IT function
Strategies for Achieving Business
IT Alignment (Contd.)
Create an IT architecture to suit the
business processes
Use IT innovations such as SOA to derive
better business advantage
Improve operational level performance of
IT through frameworks such as ITIL
Implementation of IT governance for better
management of IT resources to provide
service at acceptable levels and keep the
IT staff motivated and involved in business
Business IT Alignment -
1. Cross-functional Steering Committee to keep the
projects on track and deliver business benefit
2. Joint Application Development (JAD)
3. IT champion in user departments
4. User advocate / subject matter expert in IT
5. Sabbatical for IT staff in user function
6. Making IT staff part of strategy groups
7. Co-authoring of papers and presentations by user and
8. Joint training for users and IT on non-technical topics
IT Strategy and Business
Partne entiat
r with e
IT with
culture IT
Control IT problems
Extending the Enterprise
Network Emerging Organizational
In pre-Internet economy, sharp boundaries between organization and market
Network form of an organization blurs the boundary between the two
Typical organizational hierarchies have well-defined authority and control; markets do
not have enduring relationship
Network falls between the two cross-enterprise collaboration
No command and control mechanism; but relationships are more enduring than
typical markets
cross-enterprise collaboration emerges when two or more firms voluntarily agree to
integrate human, financial, or technical resources in an effort to create a new, more
efficient, effective, or relevant business model
The parties to a network agree to forego the right to pursue their own interests at the
expense of others
Trust is one of the defining elements of a network form of governance, and the
network form of governance is therefore not reducible to a hybridization of market
and hierarchical forms, which, in contrast, are premised on a more adversarial
Traditional forms of organization do not have the adaptability and flexibility of network
Successful collaboration requires the development of new skills, mindsets, and
corporate architectures.
Network Organization Imperatives
Each potential participant of a business network has its
own strategies, models, and processes for the present
and the future.
Therefore the network should create a joint business
logic that matches or complements each company's
strategic objectives
This means that each partner in the network should
reveal its true strategic goals concerning its cooperation,
after which the network may jointly make decisions over
the target for the network.
Often takes a considerable amount of time to build a
sufficient level of trust between the parties before
strategic intentions are articulated and communicated
and actions are taken accordingly
Emerging Extended Enterprise
Based on ownership and governance
Network within a corporation
Trust Need of the Inter-firm
Process-based: emerging from transactions in
an interdependent environment
Affiliation-based: feeling of identity within a
Infrastructure-based: tied to organizational and
social structures
Trust is transferable from a trusted party to an
unknown party through provision of
endorsement / verifiable evidence
Obstacles for Building Trust
different units of network members may not
share a common view of the benefits of joining
the network.
strategic advisability for partnering may be
marred by short-term needs to generate income
widespread adoption of short-term management
through increasing shareholder value may be a
major stumbling block in the road of many
Steps Towards Building a
Successful Network Organization
Choice of a leader / coordinator
Should be from the focal company that which
provides critical core competence in the new
service concept
Joint business model: both top-down and
bottom-up approaches
Top-down: alignment of corporate goals to suit the
new business model
Bottom-up: aligning the business processes to
business model
Business model and context (synthesis from Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2002 and e-factors,
CSOFT Ontology
Ann Becker S., The Role of Business Models in Developing Business Networks,
Electronic Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Volume 1 ,IGI
Global @ 2008 citation
Potential Benefits from a Virtual
Increase purchasing intention. A virtual community containing a wide range of
information and options for customers can reduce customers' risk perception involved
in making a purchase. Current customers sharing their positive opinions can also
influence potential customers to make purchases.
Access to customer opinions. A virtual community can provide valuable feedback
to the company about its products and services, and how these compare with rival
Greater ability to meet customers' demands. A virtual community can connect
companies to their customers in order to work together in developing products that
meet customers' needs.
Additional sources of revenue. A virtual community provides a means for the
company to gather detailed information on customer profiles. This information could
be used to attract advertisers or sold to marketing companies. Alternatively, if the
community is of substantial value to the customer, the company could charge
subscription or membership fees.
Lower customer service costs. A virtual community can help reduce the costs
associated with customer service personnel as community spirit could prompt
members to help each other with product advice and thus save on customer service
costs otherwise incurred by the company.
NASDAQ Case Study
Have the Rules of Strategy
Changed with Internet?
It makes strategy more vital than ever Porter
In our quest to see how the Internet is different,
we have failed to see how the Internet is the
same Porter
Virtual value chain (as value chain for physical
flow of goods) - value-adding steps for
information (gathering, organizing, selecting,
synthesizing, and distributing)
Michael Hammers Prescription for
Customer Economy
make yourself easy to do business with
sell through, not to, your distribution
push past your boundaries in pursuit of
lose your identity in an extended
These are directly facilitated by the Web
Things to Consider in an EC
the source and target (business, consumer,
the focus (internal or external or both)
whether the objective is efficiency or
go it alone versus partnership
proactive versus reactive approach
targeting one-time versus ongoing customers
physical versus virtual goods
single good/service versus package
Strategic IT Planning (SITP)
Strategic planning is the systematic
examination of opportunities and threats in
the business environment so that you are
in a position to identify those opportunities
that should be exploited and those threats
that should be avoided
George Steiner
Strategic Planning Process
Current IT support
c Divest Reassess
u Renew Maintain and Enhance
Creative Approach
Explore external factors too for innovation
Challenges in Developing and
Executing SITP
Continuous improvement of applications
and infrastructure
Lack of joint ownership between business
and IT
SITP Approaches Business
Systems Planning Approach
Developed and promoted by IBM
Focus on data and processes; based on
these an information architecture is
Identify missing systems
Prioritize for development
SITP Approaches Critical
Success Factor Approach
Focus on important managerial issues
Identify the information needs for the
SITP Approaches Stages of
Growth Approach
Six stages of IT adoption as identified by
Richard Nolan
Maturity IT as a resource: IT projects deliver expected results
Enterprise IT Architecture
Application Development