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Power Mill

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Types of cutting tools for Milling

Drilling Tools
This course covers the 3-Axis functionality available in Power-MILL.
Power-MILL will quickly create gouge free cutter paths on imported
component data. It supports Wireframe, Triangle, Surface, and
Solid models created by other Delcam products or from neutral
formats such as IGES. If the relevant PS-Exchange translators are
purchased Power-MILL will also directly import data created by
other of proprietary CAD packages

Start Power-MILL
Double click the relevant Power-MILL shortcut icon on the
The basic procedure is:
1. Start Power-MILL.
2. Import a Model.
3. Define the Block from which the part will be cut.

4. Define the cutting Tools to be used.

5. Define Set up options (Rapid Move Heights Start and End Point).
6. Create a Roughing Strategy.

7. Create a Finishing Strategy.

8. Animate and Simulate the tool-paths.
9. Create an NC-Program and output as a post-processed nc-data file.
10. Save the Power-MILL Project to an external directory.
Machining Setup in Detail
Setting up direct access to regularly used files

Orienting the job for machining

Detail Examination model features

Tool and Holder definition

Material Block Definition

Setting safe Z Heights

Machining Setup in Detail
Setting up direct access to regularly used files

Orienting the job for machining

Detail Examination model features

Tool and Holder definition

Material Block Definition

Setting safe Z Heights

Material Block Definition
It Calculate a 3D working volume (Block) to actual model dimensions using
the Defined by - Box option.
The default option for Block is Box (A rectangular volume). Other options include
Cylinder (a Cylindrical volume), a Triangle
and Picture/Boundary (Extruded 2D wireframe contours).
The dimensions of the Block can be entered
manually or calculated directly to the
Type of entity:-
Model, Boundary, Pattern, or Feature.
The Opacity slider controls the degree of
shading (clear to dense).
Rapid Move Heights
In the Rapid Move Heights form click the Reset to Safe Heights tab and
ensure that in the Incremental Heights area that Rapid Move Heights is
set to the Absolute option. The Absolute option enables safe rapid moves
between tool tracks clear of the top of the Component or Block (whichever is the
Start and End Point
In the Start and End Point form use the default settings :-
Start Point - Block Centre Safe
Loading a Model into power-mill.

(1) From main pull down menu select File- import model
(2) Use shortcut Button 1 or browse to model in required folder
(3) Click on file name and select open.
How to align wcs to part-model
(1). Open start point ,Block form , rapid move height form
At all open in window
(2) from block form > calculate.
(3) From start point form copy the x-co-ordinate value
(4) From explorer panes from model >Move>-ve x-
co-ordinate value in block form >calculate.
(5) From start point form copy the y-co-ordinate value
(6) From explorer panes from model >Move>-ve y-
co-ordinate value in block form >calculate.
(7)Copy the maximum z-co-ordinate value to models
Models>z-ve co-ordinate value
In block form >calculate
(8) Accept block form, start point , rapid move height form all
Setting safe Z-height form
Click Tab>Reset to safe z heights > Accept.

Value Should be in Safe z-Height form.

Safe Z 10.0
Start Z 5.0
Setting start point form
Co-ordinate should be
X0.0, y0.0 , Z10.0 > Accept.
Examination of Model Properties
Information regarding the model dimensions in relation to the world
datum (Transform) or (if present), an Active Work-plane can be
In the explorer Right click over Models and select Properties.

The values in this form can be

copied (Ctrl C) and then pasted
(Ctrl V) into other forms.
Minimum Radius and Draft Angle shading views.
Visual checks can be made quickly with the use of two shading
options found in the views menu on the right hand side of the
screen. It is useful to know before generating tools and tool-paths
what the minimum radius is on the model and also whether there
are any undercuts or draft angles.

Open the Shading Toolbar by clicking the small arrow as shown

Select the Minimum Radius Shade icon on the toolbar.
Any internal radii that are smaller than the specified Minimum Tool
Radius will be shaded RED. The settings are located in the explorer
- Model pull down menu in Drawing Options.
Examine the model to identify areas that are inaccessible to the

specified radius (shaded Red).

The two internal radii can be seen shaded red visually identifying
that they will not be machined to their correct size if the default
value tool was used.
Tool and Holder Definition
Open the Tip Radius tool form.

In the (above) default Tip form define a Dia 50 Tiprad 6 - Length

125 - Named D50T6 - Tool Number 6.
In the Shank form, click the Add a shank component icon and
enter Upper/Lower Diameter 50 and Length 125.
The Overhang is the vertical
distance from the bottom of
the holder to the tip of the

In the Holder form, click the Add holder component icon entering Upper
Diameter 120 - Lower Diameter 80 - Length 125 and Overhang 250.
In the Holder form, click the Add holder component icon entering an
Upper/Lower Diameter 120 and Length 100.
Close the form
The way in which the tool is displayed can be controlled by right
clicking on TOOLS in them tree browser pane and selecting Shaded.
The model will be displayed (as shown) in the Power-MILL graphics area
looking down the Z-axis with X aligned from left to right and Y from
bottom to top.

In most cases the X dimension of a machine tool table will be greater

than Y in which case the longer side of the component may be in excess
of the travel limits in Y. If this is the case it will be necessary to align the
component with the longest side along X to ensure that it can be
positioned within the travel limits.
Orienting the Model for Machining
Model >Edit>Rotate>X/y/Z depending
upon geometry orientation
in this case Model >Edit>Rotate>Z >-90>
3D Area Clearance
The main strategies for roughing a 3D component Model are called
3D Area Clearance. These provide a choice of 2D material removal
methods, which progressively machine the area (Slice), up to the
component contour, down a sequence of user-defined Z Heights.
There is also a similar group of strategies, 2.5D Area Clearance for
use, But exclusively with Power-MILL 2.5D Feature Sets
Sometimes known as Waterline Roughing the cutter steps down to a
specified Z Height and fully clears an area (Slice) before stepping
down to the next Z Height to repeat the process.
For some components a secondary Area Clearance strategy is
applied using the Rest Machining options in conjunction with a
smaller roughing tool. This will locally remove pockets of excess
material inaccessible to the original Reference Tool path or Stock
Model. This will reduce the degree of tool overload and provide a
more consistent material removal rate for any subsequent Finishing
operations. If the original material is in the form of a casting or
fabrication then it may not be necessary to apply any Area
Clearance machining but to go directly for a semi-Finishing
Thickness and Tolerance (Applied to 3D Area Clearance)
Suitable values are required to control the accuracy and amount of
excess material to be left on a component by a tool path. The
parameters used for this purpose are preset and are called
Thickness and Tolerance.
Thickness is the amount of extra material specified to remain on
the work-piece after machining. This can be applied generally (as
shown), or independently as separate Radial and Axial values within
the machining options.
Rapid Move Heights in detail
The Rapid Move Heights form provides Safe Z and Start Z input
boxes. Suitable values are entered to define a safe height (Safe Z) at
which a tool can safely perform, horizontal Rapid Moves above the
model as well as (Start Z) where a Rapid plunge move changes to a
plunge Feed Rate. If the Reset to Safe Heights tab is clicked then
Power-MILL will set the Safe Z and Start Z to be a safe distance
above the Top of the Model or Block (whichever is the highest).
These Default distances will be Safe Z, 10 and Start Z, 5 and are
applied with the Incremental Heights options switched off (set to
Rapid Move Type -Absolute).
Absolute (default) sets the plunge feed rate to apply at a specific
height above the job. This is more predictable and reassuring for
the machine tool operator but the time take by the
non-cutting (air) moves is inefficient especially in the case of large,
deep components. In the section of the form labeled Incremental
Heights, in addition to Absolute, two other options Skim and
Plunge are available.
enables the downward, rapid feed rate to continue to a specified
Incremental Start Z above the full plunge depth before the slow
plunge feed rate cuts in. Skim then applies a rapid retract to an
Incremental Safe Z above the highest point on the component in
line with a linear link move to the next plunge position. To cater for
all types of machine tool this move is a (Purple) Skim Feed Rate
(G1) as instead of a (Dashed red) Rapid (G0).
Plunge applies the rapid feed rate all the way down to an
Incremental Start Z measured from the full plunge depth at which
point the slow plunge feed rate cuts in. The Plunge option differs
from Skim in that all rapid link moves occur at the Absolute Safe Z.
Feed Rates assigned to Tool-path element colour

The Feeds and Speeds form uses the Style and Colour of elements
along a tool path to register the correct type of Rapid Move or Feed
Rate settings.
Fixed (G0) Rapid moves:- Red Dashed - Tool path elements
Variable value (G1) Feed Rate moves:-
Green/Orange - Tool path Cutting Feed moves.
Pale Blue - Tool path Plunging Feed moves.
Purple - Tool path Skim Feed moves.
Offset Area Clear Strategy
( Only this Globally Used for roughing )
The Offset Area Clear strategy immediately follows the contour of
the both the Block and Component form at the active Z height. It
then progressively offsets across into any remaining areas of stock.

Thumb-Rule for offset area clear strategy form (Roughing)

Procedure ;
(1) First select the maximum cutter diameter tool.
(2) Select Tolerance 0.1 , thickness 0.25-0.35
(3) Step-over = 50 to 60 % of cutter diameter.
(4) Step-down =0.4~0.5 mm according to stock material.
(5) Always Machine flat check box select
(6) Also area filter check box selected ( Filter smaller than T.D.U=1.5)
(7) Lead in Moves from type drop down list select Ramping>
Options> Maximum Zig angle 7
Offset Area Clear Strategy
( Only this Globally Used for roughing )

(8) Approach outside check box always unchecked

(9) In offset machining advanced setting ;
Allow tool outside check box always unchecked
(10) Apply & Accept the form
(11) open lead & link form
change link to As follows :
Short- Skim
Long- Skim
Safe -Safe
Ramp options
Max. Zig Angle 7,
Follow Circle, and
Circle Diameter 0.5~0.6
Offset Area Clear Strategy
( Rest-roughing )
It is generally good practice to use as larger diameter tool as possible
for the initial Area Clearance operation. This ensures that the
maximum amount of material is removed as quickly as possible. In
many cases however the larger diameter tool may not have full
access to certain internal corners or pockets within the component. As
a result these areas will require further roughing out with one or
more, smaller diameter tool before sufficient material is removed
prior to running the Finish Machining strategies. The Rest Roughing
option creates a Roughing Strategy using a smaller diameter tool
referenced to a previously created machining strategy such that tool
tracks will only be produced locally within the remaining material
Offset Area Clear Strategy

Thumb-Rule for offset area clear strategy form (Rest-Roughing)

Procedure ;
(1) First select the lower cutter diameter tool as compared to rough.
(2) Select Tolerance 0.1 , thickness 0.25-0.35 ( I.e. Keep Same Value )
(3) Step-over = 50 to 60 % of cutter diameter.
(4) Step-down =0.25~0.35 mm according to stock material.
(5) Always Machine flat check box select
(6) Also area filter check box selected ( Filter smaller than T.D.U=0.7)
(7) Rest machining > Tool-path > Roughing Tool Path
(7) Lead in Moves from type drop down list select Ramping>
Options> Maximum Zig angle 7
Max. Zig Angle 7,
Follow Circle, and
Circle Diameter 0.5~0.6
Offset Area Clear Strategy

Thumb-Rule for offset area clear strategy form (Rest-Roughing)

Procedure ;
(8) Approach outside check box always unchecked
(9) In offset machining advanced setting ;
Allow tool outside check box always unchecked
(10) Apply & Accept the form
(11) open lead & link form
change link to As follows :
Short- Skim
Long- Skim
Safe Safe

Create tool path-with rest-roughing with tool-diameter up to 6mm;

if possible tool-path appears.
Constant Z finishing form ( also can be used as Rest roughing after
offset area rest roughing )

Thumb-Rule for (Rest roughing)

Procedure ;
(1) After roughing & rest roughing use Constant Z finishing strategy
to leave a constant lower thickness than roughing /Rest roughing

(2) Select Tolerance 0.1 (same ) , thickness 0.15-0.20

(3) Lead & link
lead in None
Lead out None
Short link-on surface/Skim
Long link- skim
(4) Name the tool-path
(5) Select check box spiral
Constant Z finishing form ( also can be used as Rest roughing after
offset area rest roughing )

Thumb-Rule for (Rest roughing)

Procedure ;
(7) Step-down Select minimum step-down 0.20-0.25
(8) Direction Any so that lower cycle-time.
(9) Apply and Accept the form
Machining Flats
The area clearance strategies in Power-MILL have an option that
allows the user to control the way in which flat areas of the model
are rough machined. These are found on the area clearance form
under Machine Flats.

It can be seen that with

Flats - Off the tool-path has
ignored the flat surfaces of
model. It has maintained a
constant Step down value
completely performed area
clearance across the material
Block at each Z Height.
Machining Flats option Area

The Area Clearance tool path

now removes material from the
Flat surfaces leaving just 1.1mm
this is equal to the thickness
plus the tolerance set in the
form. Where new slices have
been added, the tool path clears
all the way to the edge of the
Machining Flats option Level

The Component is fully area

cleared at the general Step down
heights and locally to the edge of
the component Flat areas. This
provides a shorter tool path
compared with using the Level
Provides the user with essential information about the Active tool-
path and associated parameters.
Right mouse click on the original tool-path in the Power-MILL
explorer and from the local menu select Activate.
In the same menu select Statistics and a form will open displaying
information relating to the tool-path and associated settings.
Activate tool-path and select it in the simulation toolbar.
Raise the View-MILL toolbar by selecting View>Toolbars>View-MILL
from the top toolbar.
Click the first button to Toggle View-MILL Window and enter
View-MILL mode .
The View-MILL toolbar will then highlight.
Select the tool icon to display the tool followed by the Play
icon .

In ViewMILL the machining of the material block is simulated as shown above.

In the explorer right mouse click over NC Programs and from the
submenu select Create NC Program. An empty NC Program will
appear in the explorer ready to have machining strategies
assigned to it. The NC Program form will also open in the Graphics
Tool-path Leads and Links

If a tool is allowed to start machining directly on the end of a tool

track, it first ploughs through the remaining stock depth before
suddenly changing direction to run along the tool
track. This is likely to result in machining marks, vibration, and
excess wear both on the tool and machinery. To avoid sudden
loading on the tool, appropriate Lead moves (at cutting- feedrate)
on and off tool tracks can be applied.

Fresh air (Link) moves between individual tool tracks can add a
significant amount of extra time to a machining operation. This can
be greatly reduced by applying alternative, Link move options.
Tool-path Leads and Links
Tool-path Leads and Links form
Tool-path Leads and Links form

Z Heights
Skim and Plunge distance provide variable control of rapid move
heights within a component. These operate in conjunction with
Safe Z and Start Z to minimize slow and unnecessary movement of
the tool in fresh air while machining the component form.

Skim distance An incremental distance above the model at

which rapid moves occur from the end of one tool track to the
start of the next. The tool rapids across the model clearing the
highest point along its route by the Skim value.

Plunge distance An incremental distance above the local

component surface where a downward rapid movement of a tool
changes to plunge rate.
Lead In/Lead out Moves

Lead In controls the tool movement onto the start of a tool track
and Lead Out the movement away from the end of a tool track.
Lead In moves available include ;
None, Vertical Arc, Horizontal Arc, Horizontal Arc Left, Horizontal
Arc Right, Extended Move, Boxed and Ramp.
The same options exist for Lead Out moves apart from the
omission of Ramp.
Leads and Links are effectively extensions to tool tracks and as
result must be gouge protected. To prevent gouging, the Gouge
Check flag should be ticked (default) on the Tool-path Leads and
Links Form. Any Lead that would result in a gouge will not be
created. The following examples illustrate different leads and links,
and unless otherwise stated, Gouge Check should always be set.
If any instances occur where the 1st Choice cannot be applied then
the software will apply the 2nd Choice. If neither option is valid
under gouge check conditions then the Lead will be
locally applied as None. The Current settings of Leads and Links are
included in the creation of new machining
strategies. Alternatively they can be applied later to the Active
tool-path in the explorer.
Vertical Arc Leads
Vertical Arc Leads create a circular movement downward at the
start and upward at the end of each individual tool track. By
default, the additional moves will not occur in instances
where a Gouge would be caused (Gouge Check box ticked).

Select the Lead In tab and for 1st Choice input an Angle 90.0 and
Radius 6.0 before clicking Apply at the bottom of the form.
A Boundary consists of one or more closed (wireframe) segments,
the main application being to limit machining strategies to specific
areas of the component.

Boundaries can be utilized to limit machining strategies so that

they occur in more compatible areas of the component.
For example Constant Z finishing is more effective on
Steep sidewalls and Raster finishing on Shallow areas.
User defined Boundary
User Defined options generally involve direct conversion of
existing wireframes. Meaning or we can say A Boundary segment
is created around the edge of the selected part of the model.

This type of Boundary is created from several options

via an additional sub-menu. While all other main
Boundary options involve interaction with other
Power-MILL entities

In the explorer right click over Boundaries

and select Create User Defined and in the
User Defined Boundary form
left click the Model icon
Selected Surface Boundary
A Selected Surface Boundary defines one or more segments where the
active tool looses contact with the selected surfaces. The segments
represent the tip of the active tool.

Create a Ball Nosed tool of Diameter 16 with the Name bn16.

Select the surfaces defining the central pocket including the fillet
the explorer right click over Boundaries and select the option Selected
Using the above settings Apply the form to create the above Boundary
Shallow Boundary
This type of Boundary defines one or more segments where the model
drops through a specified Threshold Angle downwards from the
horizontal plane. It is designed to differentiate steep and shallow areas
where Constant Z and Pattern strategies are respectively, more
effective. The Boundary is calculated relative to the Active tooling

In the explorer right click over Boundaries and select the option
Create Boundary - Shallow..
Using the settings Apply the form to create the shallow Boundary
Silhouette Boundary
This type of Boundary defines the 2D the outline around the selected
model adjusted to the contact point of the tool along Z.

(1) Select the following surfaces on the model (use the Shift key to
enable multiple Selection).
(2) Right click over the model in the graphics area and in the local menu
select Edit - Delete Selected Components.
(3) With the shutout areas now deleted, right click over Boundaries in
the explorer and select the option Silhouette.
Rest Boundary
This type of Boundary defines the area inaccessible to a specified
Reference tool. It also requires an (smaller) active tool to be specified
otherwise it will not generate segments.

(1) In the explorer right click on Boundaries.
(2) Select Create Boundary and select Rest to open the Rest Boundary
(3) Modify the values in Expand Area to 0, enter bn8 as the Tool, and
bn16 as the Reference Tool and click Apply to create the following
Rest Boundary.
(4) Accept the form.
Select a View down the Z Axis and Undrawn the model

The above Boundary identifies areas on the component that are inaccessible to
the bn16 tool geometry to be locally machined with the bn8 tool. On closer
inspection the central pocket area would be more effectively machined with a
flat bottomed tool and a smoother more continuous tool-path will be achieved if
the 2 spurs were removed from the outer segment, to be machined later as a
separate tool-path.
Creating Blanking Surfaces using Boundaries
Blanking planes are used to cap holes and pockets in a model to
prevent the tool from machining those areas. There are three types
of Plane than can be created in Power-MILL.
1. Block allows the creation of a plane at a specific Z Height after
the material Block had been defined.
2. Best Fit creates two planes, one touching the boundary at its
highest point and the other through its lowest point. The planes
are parallel to the best fit plane (the plane that has the smallest
maximum distance from the Boundary).
3. Projected creates a plane parallel to the X Y axis of the active
work-plane. The plane will have the Z Height of the highest point of
the boundary.
Define the Block to Min/Max limits.
Select the top surface of the model (shown shaded).
Create a User Defined Boundary, select the icon Model and
Accept the form.
The boundary produced has 3 inner segments. For this example
only the two smallest segments are required.
Select the two highlighted segments by dragging a window over
Right click over Models in the explorer, and select Create Plane -
Two blanking planes are created as shown.

In the Models area of the explorer, a new model called Planes has
been created. To delete the planes simply right click over Planes
and select Delete Model.
Finish Machining Strategies
Introduction to Semi Finishing / Finishing Strategies
Finishing strategies machine the actual component form and where
applicable, follow on from the Area Clearance operation. Suitable
values are required to control the accuracy and
amount of excess material to be left on a component by a tool-path.
The parameters used for this purpose are called Thickness and
Tolerance. Thickness is the amount of extra material specified to
remain on the work-piece after machining.
This can be applied
generally (as shown), or
independently as separate
Radial and Axial values within
the machining options.
It is also possible to assign
additional Thickness values to
groups of Surfaces on the
actual model.
Tolerance controls the accuracy to which the cutter path follows the
shape of the work-piece. For roughing a Coarse tolerance can be used
but for finishing a Fine tolerance must be used.

Note where the Thickness value is greater than 0 it should always be

greater than the tolerance value
Raster, Radial, Spiral, and Pattern Finishing.

This section will cover Finishing strategies created by the downward

projection of a Pattern, which include four types, Raster, Radial, Spiral
and (user defined) Pattern.
Power-MILL generates the tool-paths by projecting a wireframe form
down the Z-axis onto the model.
The standard patterns applied in Raster, Radial, and Spiral are
achieved by entering values directly into the Finishing Form. The
resultant Pattern can be displayed by selecting Preview before
executing the command by selecting Apply. The Pattern option
requires a user-defined geometric form (active Pattern), which is
projected down Z onto the model as a tool-path.
Typical previews of the four Pattern strategies are shown below as
viewed down Z. Radial, Spiral, and Raster finishing operate in exactly
the same way by projecting the standard Pattern down Z onto the
3D Offset and Constant Z Finishing
3D Offset and Constant Z finishing strategies will be applied to a
model that consists of a combination of flat and steep areas A
Boundary will be created and used to limit the 3D Offset tool-path to
the flatter areas leaving the remaining steep areas to be machined
using the Constant Z strategy. 3D Offset (for shallow areas) and
Constant Z (for Steep areas) will be used and
they will be they will be kept separate using a Boundary

3D Offset Finishing
3D Offset Machining defines the tool Step-over relative to the 3D
surface shape providing consistency over both flat areas and steep

Use of Shallow Boundary to define specific Machining Areas

Constant Z machining
Constant Z machining projects each tool track horizontally onto the
component at fixed heights defined by the Step-down.

As the component surface becomes

shallow the actual tool step over increases until it becomes non-existent
on flat areas. It is possible within the Constant Z finishing form to apply
a variable step-down by applying a Cusp tolerance in conjunction with
a max and min step-down. While this will generally provide a more
consistent stepover relative to the angle of the model it will not help at
all for very shallow or flat areas.
Other Constant Z Options
Corner Correction to control whether changes of tool-path
direction are Arc fitted, Sharpened or unchanged (None).
The Pocket Machining option if ticked will allow independent
machining of local features such as pockets completely from top
to bottom. If unticked the whole area of the component
will be machined at each separate step-down height.
With the model and tool-paths undrawn the Boundary should look
something like this. It is made up of numerous segments each one
dividing the model into steep and shallow areas.
Any of which can be selected and individually deleted at any time (only
before being assigned to a tool-path).
By using the Boundary Trimming option Keep Outside, the tool-path is correctly
limited to the steep areas of the model.

If the Boundary had not been used the tool-path would have looked like this.
It can be seen that the parts of the tool-path on the shallow areas have an excessive
The tool-path is calculated following the contours of the Boundary
segments and is produced only on the shallow areas of the model.
Further improvements can be made to this tool-path with respect to the
Links between Tool-path tracks. At the moment they are all at Safe Z.
Corner Finishing.
Corner Finishing strategies are mainly used to remove material in
corners that could not be removed by larger tools in previous paths.
There are 3 different types of strategy:
Pencil, Stitch Corner, and Along Corner.
The Pencil strategy creates 'single pass' machining along
sharp internal corners while the other two perform local machining of
the entire area of material inaccessible by a larger tool (Rest Milling).
Corner Finishing.

All Corner Finishing strategies allow a Threshold Angle to be specified.

The Threshold Angle - determines the angle, from the horizontal, at
which steep and shallow portions are split when you select a type of
Steep or Shallow. This avoids problems associated with the
tool running up or down steep slopes. For instance the user could apply
a stitch strategy to track across the steep areas and parallel strategy for
shallow areas. Also a higher feed rate could be used on the shallow
areas and a lower feed rate on the steep areas, which if applied
first is more likely to be taking a heavy cut.
Corner Pencil Finishing
This option produces single pass tool tracks along the intersection
between sharp internal corners of the component surface.
Corner Along Finishing
All the Corner Finishing strategies, (except for Pencil) are based on machining the area
between the Reference tool (2) and the Active tool (1).
Create Machining Project
Drilling :-
Drilling options can only be applied to Hole Features. Types of cycle supported
include Standard drilling, Boring, Helical milling, and Tapping.

The Drilling
form will open
in which the
Select tab is
clicked to open
hole, Feature
Selection form.
Creating Features from Model holes
As well as being able to use imported 2D geometry, Hole Features can be
automatically defined from selected Holes in the 3D Surface or Solid model.

Make sure the Block is not defined at this stage, as the top of the Hole features
will be created at the nearest Z dimension (Max or Min) of the Block. This is likely
to result in some holes being created the wrong way up (It is however possible to
reverse a Hole feature).
Hole Capping
Hole Features can be used as the basis for capping holes in the model. If the
intersection of the hole and the top face is non-planar, Power-MILL will try and cap
the hole with a curved surface, matching the tangency of the surrounding surface. If
it is not possible to create Hole features because the holes are not exact, circular
sections then it will be necessary to follow the capping procedure in the Edit
Boundaries chapter.
Tool Holder Collision Checking
Collision Checking
Collision Checking can be applied retrospectively, as long as a tool
Shank and Holder are defined with the Active Tool. If the option
Verify - Collisions is applied, two additional Tool-paths will be
created from the original, one being collision safe, and the other
being in collision. At the same time a copy of the Tool with a suitably
extended Overhang will be substituted into the Original and Collision
status tool-paths.

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