Empirical Methods For Microeconomic Applications: William Greene Department of Economics Stern School of Business

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Empirical Methods for

Microeconomic Applications

William Greene
Department of Economics
Stern School of Business
Lab 2. Binary Choice
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Model Commands
Generic form:

Model name ; Lhs = dependent variable

; Rhs = independent variables $

Almost all models require ;Lhs and ;Rhs.

Rhs should generally include ONE to request a
constant term.
Models have different other required specifications
Many optional specifications.
Probit Model Command
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Partial Effects for Interactions

Prob[ y 1| x] [ 1 x 2 z 3 x 2 4 xz ]
[ A]
Partial Effects?
[ A](1 23 x 4 z )
[ A](2 4 x )
Compute without extensive additional computation of
extra variables, etc.
Partial Effects
Build the interactions into the model statement
PROBIT ; Lhs = Doctor
; Rhs = one,age,educ,age^2,age*educ $

Built in computation for partial effects

PARTIALS ; Effects:
Age & Educ = 8(2)20
; Plot(ci) $
Average Partial Effects
Partial Effects Analysis for Probit Probability Function
Partial effects on function with respect to AGE
Partial effects are computed by average over sample observations
Partial effects for continuous variable by differentiation
Partial effect is computed as derivative = df(.)/dx
df/dAGE Partial Standard
(Delta method) Effect Error |t| 95% Confidence Interval
Partial effect .00441 .00059 7.47 .00325 .00557
EDUC = 8.00 .00485 .00101 4.80 .00287 .00683
EDUC = 10.00 .00463 .00068 6.80 .00329 .00596
EDUC = 12.00 .00439 .00061 7.18 .00319 .00558
EDUC = 14.00 .00412 .00091 4.53 .00234 .00591
EDUC = 16.00 .00384 .00138 2.78 .00113 .00655
EDUC = 18.00 .00354 .00192 1.84 -.00023 .00731
EDUC = 20.00 .00322 .00250 1.29 -.00168 .00813
Useful Plot
More Elaborate Partial Effects

PROBIT ; Lhs = Doctor

; Rhs = one,age,educ,age^2,age*educ,
female,female*educ,income $

PARTIAL ; Effects: income

@ female = 0,1 ? Do for each subsample
| educ = 12,16,20 ? Set 3 fixed values
& age = 20(10)50 ? APE for each setting
Constructed Partial Effects
List and keep predictions
Add ; List ; Prob = PFIT
to the probit or logit command
(Tip: Do not use ;LIST with large samples!)
Sample ; 1-100 $
PROBIT ; Lhs=doctor ; Rhs=
; List ; Prob=Pfit $
DSTAT ; Rhs = Doctor,PFIT $
Testing Restrictions
Testing a Hypothesis LM Test
Lagrange Multiplier Test
LM = g( 0 )[Est.Hessian0 ]-1g( 0 )
0 = MLE with restrictions imposed
Hessian is computed at 0 .

PROBIT ; LHS = doctor ; RHS = one,age,educ $

PROBIT ; LHS = doctor
; RHS = one,age,educ,female,married
; Start = b,0,0 ; MAXIT = 0 $
Results of an LM test
Wald Test

Note: LM equaled
Wald Test Using
Matrix Algebra

Note: LM equaled 485.27.

Ratio Test

Note: LM equaled 485.27.

Wald equaled 484.55

LR = 2[LogL(unrestricted) - Logl(restricted)]
Using Matrix Algebra
Namelists with the current sample serve 2 major functions:

(1) Define lists of variables for model estimation

(2) Define the columns of matrices built from the data.

NAMELIST ; X = a list ; Z = a list $

Set the sample any way you like. Observations are now
the rows of all matrices. When the sample changes,
the matrices change.
Lists may be anything, may contain ONE, may overlap
(some or all variables) and may contain the same
variable(s) more than once
Matrix Functions
Matrix Product: MATRIX ; XZ = XZ $
Moments and Inverse MATRIX ; XPX = XX
; InvXPX = <XX> $
Moments with individual specific weights in variable w.
i wi xixi = X[w]X.
[i wi xixi ]-1 = <X[w]X>
Unweighted Sum of Rows in a Matrix
i xi = 1X
Column of Sample Means
(1/n) i xi = 1/n * X1 or MEAN(X)
(Matrix function. There are over 100 others.)
Weighted Sum of rows in matrix
i wi xi = 1[w]X
LM Test for Normality in Probit
Testing for normality in the probit model:
x i RHS variables. y i = LHS variable
Prob[y i 1 | x i ] (x i ), Normal CDF. (x i ) density
zi [x i , zi3 , zi4 ],
zi3 -(1/3)[(x i )2 1], z i4 (1/4){(x i )[3 (x i )2 ]}
(x i )
ei y i (x i ), di
(x i )[1 (x i )]
Lagrange Multiplier Statistic. ^ = compute at MLE of

i=1 (eidi ) zi ' i=1 di zi

n n n
LM= 2

(e i di )
Thanks to Joachim Wilde, Univ. Halle, Germany for suggesting this.
Normality Test for Probit
NAMELIST ; XI = One,... $
CREATE ; yi = the dependent variable $
PROBIT ; Lhs = yi ; Rhs = Xi ; Prob = Pfi $
CREATE ; bxi = b'Xi ; fi = N01(bxi) $
CREATE ; zi3 = -1/2*(bxi^2 - 1) ; zi4 = 1/4*(bxi*(bxi^2+3)) $
NAMELIST ; Zi = Xi,zi3,zi4 $
CREATE ; di = fi/sqr(pfi*(1-pfi)) ; ei = yi - pfi
; eidi = ei*di ; di2 = di*di $
MATRIX ; List ; LM = 1'[eidi]Zi * <ZI'[di2]Zi> * Zi'[eidi]1 $
Endogenous Variable in Probit Model
PROBIT ; Lhs = y1, y2
; Rh1 = rhs for the probit model,y2
; Rh2 = exogenous variables for y2 $

SAMPLE ; All $
CREATE ; GoodHlth = Hsat > 5 $
PROBIT ; Lhs = GoodHlth,Hhninc
; Rh1 = One,Female,Hhninc
; Rh2 = One,Age,Educ $
Binary Choice Models
with Panel Data
Global Setting for Panels

SETPANEL ; Group = the name of the ID variable

; PDS = the name of the groupsize variable to create $

Subsequent model commands state ;PANEL

with no other specifications requred to set the panel.
Some other specifications usually required for the
specific model e.g., fixed vs. random effects.
Panel Data
Unbalanced Panel Data Set

Examine Distribution of Group Sizes

Sample ; all$
Setpanel ; Group = id ; Pds = ti $
Create ; t = ndx(id,1) $
Histogram ; if[t=1] ; rhs = ti $
Group Sizes
Cluster Correction
PROBIT ; Lhs = doctor ; Rhs = one,age,female,educ,married,working ; Cluster = ID $
Fixed Effects Models

? Fixed Effects Probit.

? Looks like an incidental parameters problem.
Namelist ; X = age,educ,married $
Probit ; Lhs = doctor; Rhs = X,one
; FEM ; Marginal ; Panel $
Probit ; Lhs = doctor ; Rhs = X,one
; Marginal $
Computed Fixed Effects Parameters
Logit Fixed Effects Models
Conditional and Unconditional FE

? Logit, conditional vs. unconditional

Logit ; Lhs = doctor
; Rhs = X ; Panel $ (Conditional)
Logit ; Lhs = doctor
; Rhs = X ; Panel ; Fixed $
A Hausman Test for Fixed Effects
Random Effects and
Random Constant
Bivariate Probit Model
Two equation model
General usage of
LHS = the set of dependent variables
RH1 = one set of independent variables
RH2 = a second set of variables
Economical use of namelists is useful here
Namelist ; x1=one,age,female,educ,married,working $
Namelist ; x2=one,age,female,hhninc,hhkids $
BivariateProbit ;lhs=doctor,hospital
;rh2=x2;marginal effects $
BivariateProbit ; lhs=doctor,hospital
; rh1=one,age,female,educ,married,working
; rh2=one,age,female,hhninc,hhkids
; rst = beta1,beta2,beta3,be,bm,bw,
beta1,beta2,beta3,bi,bk, 0.4 $
Variable| Coefficient Standard Error b/St.Er. P[|Z|>z] Mean of X
|Index equation for DOCTOR
Constant| -1.69181*** .08938 -18.928 .0000
AGE| .01244*** .00167 7.440 .0000 44.3352
FEMALE| .38543*** .03157 12.209 .0000 .42277
EDUC| .08144*** .00457 17.834 .0000 10.9409
MARRIED| .42021*** .03987 10.541 .0000 .84539
WORKING| .03310 .03910 .847 .3972 .73941
|Index equation for HOSPITAL
Constant| -1.69181*** .08938 -18.928 .0000
AGE| .01244*** .00167 7.440 .0000 44.3352
FEMALE| .38543*** .03157 12.209 .0000 .42277
HHNINC| -.98617*** .08917 -11.060 .0000 .34930
HHKIDS| -.09406** .04600 -2.045 .0409 .45482
|Disturbance correlation
RHO(1,2)| .40000 ......(Fixed Parameter)......
Endogenous Variable in Probit Model
Instrumental Variable Probit
FIML Estimator

PROBIT ; Lhs = y1, y2

; Rh1 = rhs for the probit model,y2
; Rh2 = exogenous variables for y2 $
PROBIT ; Lhs = healthy,income
; Rh1 = one,age,educ,female,income
; Rh2 = one,age,educ,married $

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