Empirical Methods For Microeconomic Applications: William Greene Department of Economics Stern School of Business
Empirical Methods For Microeconomic Applications: William Greene Department of Economics Stern School of Business
Empirical Methods For Microeconomic Applications: William Greene Department of Economics Stern School of Business
Microeconomic Applications
William Greene
Department of Economics
Stern School of Business
Lab 2. Binary Choice
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Partial Effects for Interactions
Prob[ y 1| x] [ 1 x 2 z 3 x 2 4 xz ]
[ A]
Partial Effects?
[ A](1 23 x 4 z )
[ A](2 4 x )
Compute without extensive additional computation of
extra variables, etc.
Partial Effects
Build the interactions into the model statement
PROBIT ; Lhs = Doctor
; Rhs = one,age,educ,age^2,age*educ $
Note: LM equaled
Wald Test Using
Matrix Algebra
LR = 2[LogL(unrestricted) - Logl(restricted)]
Using Matrix Algebra
Namelists with the current sample serve 2 major functions:
Set the sample any way you like. Observations are now
the rows of all matrices. When the sample changes,
the matrices change.
Lists may be anything, may contain ONE, may overlap
(some or all variables) and may contain the same
variable(s) more than once
Matrix Functions
Matrix Product: MATRIX ; XZ = XZ $
Moments and Inverse MATRIX ; XPX = XX
; InvXPX = <XX> $
Moments with individual specific weights in variable w.
i wi xixi = X[w]X.
[i wi xixi ]-1 = <X[w]X>
Unweighted Sum of Rows in a Matrix
i xi = 1X
Column of Sample Means
(1/n) i xi = 1/n * X1 or MEAN(X)
(Matrix function. There are over 100 others.)
Weighted Sum of rows in matrix
i wi xi = 1[w]X
LM Test for Normality in Probit
Testing for normality in the probit model:
x i RHS variables. y i = LHS variable
Prob[y i 1 | x i ] (x i ), Normal CDF. (x i ) density
zi [x i , zi3 , zi4 ],
zi3 -(1/3)[(x i )2 1], z i4 (1/4){(x i )[3 (x i )2 ]}
(x i )
ei y i (x i ), di
(x i )[1 (x i )]
Lagrange Multiplier Statistic. ^ = compute at MLE of
SAMPLE ; All $
CREATE ; GoodHlth = Hsat > 5 $
PROBIT ; Lhs = GoodHlth,Hhninc
; Rh1 = One,Female,Hhninc
; Rh2 = One,Age,Educ $
Binary Choice Models
with Panel Data
Global Setting for Panels