HEMM Maintenance - Concept
HEMM Maintenance - Concept
HEMM Maintenance - Concept
Total Elimination
Total Operational
Hierarchical set up
- +
based Function oriented
Fixed it
1950s 2000s
Evolutionary changes in Maintenance
Fix-it approach has largely been supplemented
by a continuous improvement effort towards
achieving the goal of total elimination of
Failure based maintenance-Equipment upkeep
is performed on a as needed basis usually
after a major breakdown which imposes a crisis
management (Fire Fighting)
Preventive Maintenance-It prescribed as rule of
thumb maintenance schedules by equipment
suppliers, call for performing specific
replacement of parts and lubricants, at
predetermined intervals.
Condition based maintenance-Defined as the
continuous or periodic measurement &
interpretation of data to indicate the condition
for determining the need for maintenance is
essentially predictive maintenance strategy.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)-It
combines the conventional practice of
preventive maintenance with the concept of
total employee involvement. Both operations
and maintenance are equally responsible for
the equipment and to determine jointly the
best method to operate, maintain and support
it evolving TEAM OWNERSHIP.
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM)-Defined as a
process used to determine the maintenance of
equipment, in high-risk process industries & in
aerospace, after proper evaluation of failure
RCM has become common place based on condition
monitoring devices or reliability analysis of the failure
In mining industry one third of all maintenance costs
is wasted as result of unnecessary carried out
Result oriented robust management action for
maintenance of HEMM has necessarily to focus on
People, Processes, Customer requirements, Costs.
Reliability, Maintainability & Availability
With experience worldwide, machine breakdown
lie in the following ranges :
Design (Wrong or poor design) 50-70%
Wrong use/operation---------------25-30%
Maintenance Strategy--------------15-25%
Reliability and maintainability, both jointly decide
the availability of machines
The most common reliability measurement is the
mean time between failures.
Maintainability defined as the probability that any
equipment will be restored expressed in terms
of mean time to repair.
Reliability Curve
Wear out failures
Due to old age
Infant Mortality
Failure Rate
Stable-Service Life
0 Time
Availability Design for
Proper -Easy Accessibility
Design Return -Ease of Removal
-Ease of Repair
Failure -Ease of Diognosis
Quality Repair System
-Inspection Time
-Waiting Time
-Preparation time
-Repair Time
-Set up Time
Availability of Resources
For Repair
Maintenance -Spare parts
-Skilled workforce
-Tools/Test Equip
Administrative Procedure
Indirect Prev.Maint.
Direct Prev.Maint.
Or Condition Monitoring
Cleaning, Lubrication,
All activities intended to determine
Replacement at regular interval
Need for direct Prev. Maint.
Subjective Objective
Seeing,smelling,touching,hearing Quantifying observation
Arising disputes For firm decision
Simple aid
Sophisticated Instrumentation
Sound by hammering weld joints
Shock pulse method for bearing impacts
Ultrasonic testing for crack
Vibration analysis
Belt tension meter
Wear debris analysis
Bearing by proximity prob
Non destructive test tools
Temperature monitoring
Hydraulic system
Poroscope-pin holes in coated surface
Equipment Management
Basic objective of equipment management :
High Productivity
Maximum Utilization
Acceptable Safety
High productivity demands that equipment is able
to perform its duty at a specified quality level
during its operation, which in turn ask for
keeping equipment availability at a fairly high
level through optimum maintenance at
minimum cost.
Maximum utilization demands that equipment
should be reliable enough to give least service
interruptions during the operational cycle and
always perform to its designated level. This
again calls for a well designed maintenance
strategies and equipment health monitoring
Acceptable safety is also an objective related to
equipment condition and maintenance. In many
cases accident do occur on account of poor
equipment condition
Basic cause of failure in equipment is that the
stress induced in a given component during its
service life overcomes the inherent strength of
the component.
In order to minimize failure, all attempts should
be made to ensure that stress induced in the
equipment does not approach the limits where
permanent distortion of any of the
components is likely to set in.