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Ankle Power Point

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Ankle Joint

The tibia and the fibula go

from the knee to the ankle.
In between is the
interosseous membrane
which provides muscle
Ankle Joint
Tibia is the larger bone and the true
weight bearing bone of the leg.
Medial and lateral malleoli
are at the distal end of the
tibia and fibula.
Ankle Joint
Crestof the tibia is
the anterior and
prominent of the three
boarders. It is what
we think of as the
Ankle Joint
Head of the fibula is the
large proximal end
close to the knee joint.
Tarsal Bones
Calcaneus- largest
and most posterior
tarsal bone. It is
also known as the
heel bone.
Ankle Joint
Calcaneal tuberosity-
projection of poterior
side of the
calcaneous, where
the achilles tendon
Tarsal Bones
Sustentaculum tali- medial superior
part projecting out from the
calcaneus, three tendons loop around
this projection. It helps them change
direction from posterior to plantar foot.
Tarsal Bones
Talus- bone that
sits on top of the
calcaneus and
below the tibia and
Tarsal Bones
Navicular- medial
side of the talus and
proximal to the
cuniform bones.
Tarsal Bones
Cuboid and
most distal
row of tarsal
bones in the
Foot bones
Metatarsals are
numbered 1-5.
Normally first and
fifth are
weightbearing bones
and 2-4 are not.
First is the big toe,
fifth is the littlest
Foot Bones
Phalanges of the foot
have the same position
as the hand, they are
basically the toes.
Joints of the Ankle/Foot
Talocrural Joint-joint in
the ankle found between
the tibia, fibula, and talus.
Dorsi/plantar flexion
Subtalar Joint-joint in the
ankle found between the
talus and calcaneus.
Joints of the foot and ankle
Inferior tibiofibular
joint is athe
syndesmosis joint.
This is not a synovial
joint, but one
covered by a fibrous
tissue that holds the
joint together.
Basic Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle
Three Arches enable us to absorb forces
Transverse Arch
Medial Longitudinal
Lateral Longitudinal
The Three Arches
Transverse Arch
Goes across the width
of the foot
Comprised of the
cuneiforms (all three),
the cuboid, and the
base of the fifth
The Three Arches
Mediallongitudinal arch- the highest and
most important arch in the foot.
Goes the length of the foot on the medial
Comprised of the calcaneus, talus, navicular,
cuneiforms and the first three metatarsals.
The Three Arches
longitudinal arch- the arch next to
the medial one that is flatter and lower.
Goes the length of the foot on the lateral side.
Comprised of the calcaneus, talus, cuboid,
and the forth and fifth metatarsals.
Medial Side
Deltoid Ligament-
support ligament
on medial side of
Spring Ligament-
AKA the Plantar
Ankle Injuries
The most common
direction to sprain
the ankle is into
inversion with the
injury to the lateral
specifically the ATF.
Lateral Side
ATF-Anterior Talofibular
PTF-Posterior Talofibular
Compartments of the leg
There are four
compartments of the lower
leg. If there is inflammation
in one it will prevent muscles
and nerves from work-
ing in that area.
Discuss the different
Motions and results. DF
Muscles of deep lower leg
Extensor Hallucis Longus-
fibula and interosseous
membrane is the the origin
and distal phalanx of great toe
is the insertion. Great toe
extension is the motion it
Muscles of the superficial lower
Extensor Digitorum
Longus- origin is anterior
tibia and lateral condyle
of tibia, insertion is distal
phalanx of the 2-5 digit.
It extends toes and
dorsiflexes foot.
Muscles of the Ankle
Peroneus Longus- part of the stirrup of
the foot with the tibialis anterior. Starts
at lateral fibula, runs behind the lateral
maleolli and under the foot to insert onto
the plantar surface of the first metatarsal
and first cuniform.
Muscles of the Ankle
AnteriorTibialis- part of the stirrup of the
foot with the peroneus longus. Origin is
on the lateral tibia and interosseus
membrane and inserts on the 1st
cuniform and 1st metatarsal. Very
palpatable muscle on anterior lateral
foot. Inversion and dorsiflexion are the
main motions.
Muscles of the Ankle
AnteriorTibialis- lateral side of
tibia and interosseous
membrane, crosses to medial
cuneiform and first metatarsal.
Makes up anterior lateral leg,
dorsiflex and inverts foot.
Anterior Tibialis
Muscles of the Ankle
PosteriorTibialis- This muscles has two
origins the interosseous membranes and
adjacent tib/fib. Insertion is navicular
and tarsals/metat. of palmar side of foot.
Its main motion is inversion, it assists
with plantarflexion.
Muscles of the Ankle
Gastrocnemiums- femur to the
calcaneus(crosses two joints), the
gastroc is the most superficial of the calf
Muscles of the Ankle

Soleus- deep calf muscles

that runs from posterior
tib/fib to calcaneus. Its
action is plantarflexion and
can be isolated when the
knee is in flexion.
Actions with the ankle
Concentric vs. Eccentric
If you go up stairs, which muscles are
concentric with the foot pushing off?
If you descend a stair which muscles are
contracting eccentrically?
Actions with the ankle
Closed vs. Open chain
What is an example of a closed chain
exercise for the ankle?
What is an example of an open chain exercise
for the ankle?

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