Hydro Power Plant

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The key takeaways are that hydropower is a renewable and reliable source of energy that utilizes the natural water cycle. There are different types of hydropower projects such as run-of-river, storage, pumped-storage, and offshore projects that can provide base load or peak load supply.

The different types of hydropower projects are run-of-river, storage, pumped-storage, and offshore projects. Run-of-river provides regular base load supply while storage can provide base and peak load supply independently of inflows. Pumped-storage utilizes surplus energy to pump water between reservoirs. Offshore uses hydropower technology in marine environments.

A hydropower plant generates electricity by utilizing the kinetic and potential energy of water. As water flows through the turbine, it spins the turbine which is connected to the generator. Inside the generator, the spinning motion is converted to electrical energy through electromagnetic induction.


{ Power Plant
Large than 10 MW
Hydro Power

Spesification of
What is Hydro
Power Plant (large Each
than 10 MW)? Equipment

The Principle Electrical

Work? Instrumen
Hydropower is a renewable energy source based on the
natural water cycle. Hydropower is the most mature,
reliable and cost-effective renewable power generation
technology available (Brown, 2011).
Hydropower schemes often have significant flexibility
in their design and can be designed to meet base-load
demands with relatively high capacity factors, or have
higher installed capacities and a lower capacity factor, but
meet a much larger share of peak demand.


The classification according to installed capacity is the most
frequent form of classification used. Yet, there is no
worldwide consensus on definitions regarding size
categories, mainly because of different development policies
in different countries. Based on installed capacity of
hydropower projects, classification of hydropower varies
from country to country. A general classification may be
taken as:
pico < 0,005 MW
micro < 0,1 MW
mini < 1 MW
small > 1-100 MW
medium > 100 MW
large > 500 MW


There are four broad hydropower typologies:
Run-of-river hydropower provides regular
base-load supply, with some flexibility of operation for
daily fluctuations in demand through water flow that
is regulated by the facility)
Storage hydropower provides base- and peak-
load supply, with enough storage capacity to operate
independently of the hydrological inflow for periods of
weeks/months, and the ability for generation to be
shut down and started up at short notice)
Pumped-storage hydropower provides peak-
load supply, utilizing water which is cycled between
lower and upper reservoirs by pumps which utilize
surplus energy from the system at times of low
demand, normally on a daily/weekly basis).
Offshore hydropower a suite of technologies
using basic hydropower technology in a marine
environment. This includes wave and tidal technologies.
However, the boundaries between these types of
hydropower are not concrete; for example, storage
projects may incorporate a component of pumping to
supplement the water that flows into the upper reservoir
naturally. Run-of-river projects may benefit from greater
flow regulation (generation flexibility) from a storage
project located upstream. Run-of-river projects may also
incorporate a few hours up to a few days of storage
capability. There is no standard that completely
differentiates each typology from the others, but in
general these typologies represent the hydropower
The amount of energy available from water
depends on the amount of water flowing and the
height of the surface of the water above the turbine.
This height is called the head and the greater the
head the more energy each cubic metre of water has
available to spin a turbine, which in turn drives a
generator which produces electricity. The greater the
quantity of water the greater the number and size of
turbines that may be spun and the greater the power
output of the generators.

Water is collected and stored in the dam above the power station
for use when it is required. Some dams create a big lake behind
the dam wall. Other dams simply block the river and divert the
water through pipelines down to the power station. While a water
turbine is much more sophisticated than the old water wheel it is
similar in operation. In both cases flowing water rotates a shaft
when flowing past the shaft blades. After the water has given up
some of its energy to the turbine, it is discharged through drainage
pipes or channels called the "tailrace". This is usually into the river
downstream of the power station.
Mostly, the fast moving water (kinetic energy) strikes the turbines
and they start moving (mechanical energy) and then this energy is
used to run electric generators. The transference of energy takes
place from one form to another. Now instead of water wheels
water falling from a vertical height is used which has stored
potential energy in it due to its position and the water is then
passed through the gate or vessels which take the water to the
turbines which convert potential energy into mechanical energy,
these vessels are called penstocks.
Electrical Instrument in
Hydro Power Plant
1. Dam
Most hydropower plants rely on a dam that holds
back water, creating a large water reservoir that can
be used as storage. There may also be a de-silter to
cope with sediment build-up behind the dam. The
dam is the most important component of
hydroelectric power plant. The dam is built on a large
river that has abundant quantity of water throughout
the year. It should be built at a location where the
height of the river is sufficient to get the maximum
possible potential energy from water.
2. Water Reservoir
The water reservoir is the place behind the dam
where water is stored. The water in the reservoir is
located higher than the rest of the dam structure. The
height of water in the reservoir decides how much
potential energy the water possesses. The higher the
height of water, the more its potential energy. The
high position of water in the reservoir also enables it
to move downwards effortlessly.
The height of water in the reservoir is higher than
the natural height of water flowing in the river, so it is
considered to have an altered equilibrium. This also
helps to increase the overall potential energy of water,
which helps ultimately produce more electricity in
the power generation unit.
3. Intake or Control Gate
Intake, penstock and surge chamber: Gates on the dam open
and gravity conducts the water through the penstock (a cavity or
pipeline) to the turbine. There is sometimes a head race before
the penstock. A surge chamber or tank is used to reduce surges
in water pressure that could potentially damage or lead to
increased stresses on the turbine.
Some means for cutting off the water supply to the turbine
are required to avoid wasteful leakage when the unit is shut-
down and dewatering is required to permit access for
maintenance of the connecting penstocks. Penstock gates at the
intakes and inlet valves adjacent to the turbine are provided for
this purpose. The intake has a motor or hand lifted, gravity
lowered gate and valve, preferably with an automatic release
operated by an excess flow device if a burst occurs in a pipe line.
When a tunnel and pipeline connect the reservoir to the
turbines, an additional valve may be provided at the junction of
the tunnel and the pipe line if the latter is long, and either this
valve or the intake gate should be arranged for remote closure in
an emergency.
4. Penstock
A penstock is a sluice or gate or intake structure that
controls water flow, or an enclosed pipe that delivers water to
hydro turbines and sewerage systems. It is a term that has
been inherited from the earlier technology of mill ponds and
Penstocks for hydroelectric installations are normally
equipped with a gate system and a surge tank. Flow is
regulated by turbine operation and is nil when turbines are
not in service. Penstocks, particularly where used in polluted
water systems, need to be maintained by hot water washing,
manual cleaning, antifouling coatings, and desiccation.
5. Turbine
Turbine Control : This is the speed/load control of
turbine and governor is the main controller in which the
governor adjusts the flow of water through the turbine to
balance the input power with the load. In case of small plants
in the range of micro hydel (upto 100 kW unit size), load
control is also used, where excess load is diverted to dummy
load to maintain constant speed. With an isolated system; the
governor controls the frequency. In interconnected system,
the governor may be used to regulate the unit load and may
contribute to the system frequency control.
6. Generator
As the turbine blades turn, the rotor inside the generator
also turns and electric current is produced as magnets rotate
inside the fixed-coil generator to produce alternating current
It is in the generator where the electricity is produced.
The shaft of the water turbine rotates in the generator, which
produces alternating current in the coils of the generator. It is
the rotation of the shaft inside the generator that produces
magnetic field which is converted into electricity by
electromagnetic field induction. Hence the rotation of the
shaft of the turbine is crucial for the production of electricity
and this is achieved by the kinetic and potential energy of
7. Transformer
The transformer inside the powerhouse takes the AC voltage
and converts it into higher-voltage current for more efficient
(lower losses) long-distance transport.

8. Transmission Lines
Send the electricity generated to a grid-connection point, or to a
large industrial consumer directly, where the electricity is
converted back to a lowervoltage current and fed into the
distribution network. In remote areas, new transmission lines
can represent a considerable planning hurdle and expense.

9. Outflow
Finally, the used water is carried out through pipelines, called
tailraces, and re-enters the river downstream. The outflow
system may also include spillways which allow the water to
bypass the generation system and be spilled in times of flood
or very high inflows and reservoir levels.
Example Nameplate of
Generator Hydro Power Plant
Hydropower Turbine Type Typical Site Characteristics

Archimedean Screw Low heads (1.5 5 metres) Medium to

high flows

(1 to 20 m3/s).For higher flows multiple

screws are used.

Crossflow turbine Low to medium heads(2 40 metres)

Low to medium flows (0.1 5 m3/s)

Kaplan turbine Low to medium heads (1.5 20 metres)

Medium to high flows (3 m3/s 30 m3/s)

For higher flows multiple turbines can be


Pelton/Turgo turbine High heads (greater than 25 metres)

Lower flows (0.01 m3/s 0.5 m3/s)

Waterwheels Low heads (1 5 metres) though turbines often

more appropriate for higher heads Medium

flows(0.3 1.5 m3/s)

Francis No longer commonly used except in very large

turbines storage hydropower systems, though lots of older,

smaller turbines are in existence and can be


For older turbines : Low to medium heads(1.5

20 metres) Medium flows(0.5 4 m3/s)

Example Picture of Transformer in
the Hydro Power Plant

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