Action Research
Action Research
Action Research
LECTURE 1a: Types of Educational Research
with Focus
on Action Research
LECTURE 1B: Format of Action Research
( General and
In the one group pretest and post test design, the usual
questions of the improvement and effectiveness of the
instructional strategy are the following:
Many terms are used in the research. To make these
clear and so they may not interpreted otherwise,
these must be defined according to how they are
used in the research. Usually, variables in the
A hypothesis is an intelligent guess as a solution/s to a
problem. Hypothesis are necessary for these build a bridge
between the problem and the location of empirical evidence that
may solve the problem (Van Dalen, 1973) They can be expressed
in negative or positive statements; the affirmative way also
called research hypothesis or negative way also called the
null hypothesis.
Given these probable causes, the researcher
believes that any of the following alternative
courses of action can be done:
Science interest should be improved by using a
more interesting teaching strategy like cooperative
learning, discovery approach or
Study habits and learning styles can be enhanced
through independent learning or self-study
Comprehension can be better when the learners
are given the chance to construct their experience.
Self-Learning can be possible with the use of
With the desire of the researcher to improve science
comprehension ability of the students, the selected
intervention is modular instruction with the belief that
self-learning can be more challenging. However, the
independence in learning can develop leaners to become
more responsible and more motivating.
The action research uses the one group pretest - posttest design. If there
is only one intact class that will be used in the study.
The designO1is illustrated
X on the model below:
O1 = pretest results
O2 = posttest results
X= experimental variable being tested.
Action Research Title Instruction Hypothesis Problem Analysis of Statement of
al Identificatio the the Problem
Strategies n Problem
1. Use Of Activity Cards Use Of Significant Low score in Lack of
Level of
In Improving The Activity Difference problem mastery and
Ability Of Grade V Cards in between the solving comprehensi
before and after
Pupils In Solving 1- Solving 1- level of on
Step Problem Of San Step Proficiency Inability to
Jose Elementary Problem perform the
School During The operation
School Year 2002- Grade 5
2003 ( Aurelia
Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
J. Javonillo)
The mean value of pretest was 21, this means that the performance of the pupils in
solving 1 step problem is poor
The mean value of the posttest was 69, it implies that there was an improvement with a
standard deviation of 8.28.
The difference between the two mean yielded aa t-value of 32.65 which is significant
higher than the mean of the pretest.
There was significant improvement in the pupils ability in solving 1 step problem when
activity is very effective because it requires mental alertness of the pupils.
Action Research Instructio Hypothesis Problem Analysis Statement of
Title nal Identificatio of the the Problem
Strategies n Problem
Improving Use of Significant The third year Irregular What is the level
Mathematics Assignment difference in students classes of achievement
Achievement Sheets the specifically of with and without
Through The Use Of mathematics the lower Lack of the use of
Assignment Sheets achievement of sections students assignment
(Jovita C. Loresto) third year demonstrated interest sheets?
MATHEMATICS students with the lowest
and without achievement Follow up Is there a
the use of rate in lesson at significant
assignment Mathematics home is difference of the
sheets during the neglected mathematics
third grading achievement of
period as Classes the third year
compared to interruption students with
Findings/Conclusion and Recommendations the results of and without the
The level of the two groups were poor, III Ilang-ilang, the
tests group has a higher
use ofmean of 45
% and III-Rosal, the control group has 28%. The standard deviation
during of 17 for III-Rosal and
the first 11 for III
Ilang-ilang showed that the control group, was composed two of a more heterogeneous class.
grading sheets?
The computed t-value of 5.31 is higher than the critical value of 2.023 shows a significant difference
between the performance of the control group and the experimental group. Thus the use of
assignment sheets is effective in teaching mathematics.
1. Active Learning
Any approach that engages learners by matching
instruction to the learner's interests, understanding, and
developmental level. Often includes hands-on and
authentic activities.
4. Buddy System
Pairing students during the first week of class to create
pairs who are responsible to help each other get
missing assignments due to absence, or watch out for
each other during field trips.
7.Cloze Procedure
An activity created by the teacher to give students
practice with language usage. The teacher selects a
passage of text, marks out some of the words, then
rewrites the text with blank lines where the marked out
words were. The result is a "fill in the blank" that should
be enjoyable for the student while at the same time
8. Collaborative Learning
Any kind of work that involves two or more
9. Collective Notebook
A notebook maintained by a group in which each
member of the group is expected to add an idea or
observation during a specified time period (typically
each day or each week). The contents of the notebook
are regularly shared or published and discussed
15.Discussion Web
A form of discussion that starts out with individual students
formulating a response, then each student pairs with one other, then the
pairs pair to form groups of four. Finally, when the groups have refined
their answers, they share their thoughts with the whole class.
18. Dramatizing
Students act out roles from stories or historical events.
19. Drawing
Students can illustrate text they have read, draw
diagrams of problems they have heard, or simply draw to
stimulate creativity.
34. Nutshelling
A form of summary. It usually involves asking a student to
examine synthesize a brief statement that captures the
essence of all that has been written or stated to that point.
Often used in writing classes to help students find the key
points in their own writing.
43. Note-Taking
The process of recording information presented by a
teacher for the purpose of improving recall or understanding
by the student. Notes typically include a combination of
direct quotes of what a teacher says, diagrams, and
additions by the student to add emphasis or to indicate
areas where outside study may be required.