Chapter 9: Psychological Foundations of Physical Education and Sport

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Chapter 9: Psychological

Foundations of Physical Education

and Sport
What is the information-processing model of
motor learning and the concepts related to it?
How do the concepts of feedback, design of
practice, and transfer apply to physical
education, exercise science, and sport?
What are the psychological benefits of
participation in sport and physical activities?
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or
performance as a result of instruction, experiences, study,
and/or practice.
Learning is inferred from changes in performance.
Motor behavior is concerned with the learning or acquisition
of skills across the lifespan and encompasses three areas:
Motor learning
Motor control
Motor development
Motor Behavior
Motor learning
Study of the acquisition of skills as a
consequence of practice.
Motor control
Study of the neural mechanisms and
processes by which movements are learned
and controlled.
Historical Development of Motor Learning
and Motor Control
Early Period (1880-1940)
Research focused on how did mind worked, not the production
of skills.
Thorndike: Law of Effect
When responses were rewarded, the behavior strengthened.
Middle Period (1940-1970)
Craik focused research on how the brain processes and uses
information to determine the motor response.
Memory drum theory (role of cognitive activity in motor learning)
Historical Development of Motor Learning
and Motor Control

Present Period (1970-present)

Emergence of motor learning and motor control
within physical education programs.
Closed Loop theory (Adams)
Schema theory (Schmidt)
Dynamical Systems theory (Kelso)
Areas of Study
How does the type and frequency of feedback impact
skill acquisition?
How does the structure of practice influence the
retention of skills?
What can be done to facilitate the transfer of previous
learning to the learning of new skills?
How does the aging process affect motor control?
How do differences in individuals learning styles
influence their ability to learn motor skills?
Information Processing Model
Information from the environment through the senses.
Input evaluation and integration with past information .
Response selection
Response execution
Information about the performance and quality of the movement.
Information gained here can guide future interpretations, decisions, and
Stages of Learning
Cognitive Stage
Understanding of the nature and goal of the activity to be learned
Initial attempts at the skill - gross errors
Associative Stage
Practice on mastering the timing of the skill
Fewer and more consistent errors
Autonomous Stage
Well coordinated and appears effortless
Few errors
Automatic performance allows attention to be directed to other
aspects of skill performance
Factors Influencing Learning
Physiological and psychological factors influencing an individuals ability and
willingness to learn.
A condition within an individual that initiates activity directed toward a goal.
(Needs and drives are necessary.)
Using events, actions, and behaviors to increase the likelihood of a certain
response recurring. May be positive or negative
Individual differences
Backgrounds, abilities, intelligence, learning styles, and personalities of students
Motor Learning Concepts
1. Practice sessions should be structured to promote optimal
conditions for learning.
2. Learners must understand the task to be learned.
3. The nature of the skill or task to be learned should be
considered when designing practice.
4. Whether to teach by the whole or the part method depends
on the nature of the skill and the learner
5. Whether speed or accuracy should be emphasized in
teaching a skill depends on the requirements of the skill.
Motor Learning Concepts
6. Transfer of learning can facilitate the acquisition of
motor skills.
7. Feedback is essential for learning.
Knowledge of results (KR)
Knowledge of performance (KP)
8. Learners may experience plateaus in learning.
9. Self-analysis should be developed.
10. Leadership influences the amount of learning.
Motor Development
Study of the origins and changes in movement
behavior throughout the lifespan.
Biological and environmental influences on motor
behavior from infancy to old age.
Influence of psychological, sociological,
cognitive, biological, and mechanical factors on
motor behavior.
Rate and sequence of development.
Historical Development
Maturational Period (1928-1946)
Research on the underlying biological processes guiding maturation.
The rate and sequences of motor development from infancy in terms of
acquisition of rudimentary and mature movements.
Normative/Descriptive Period (1946-1970s)
Description of the motor performances of children.
Research on how growth and maturation affect performance and the
impact of perceptual-motor development.
Process-Oriented Period (1980s-present)
Research on how cognitive factors influence motor skill acquisition and
motor development based on dynamical systems theory.
Areas of Study
What are the heredity and environmental factors most
significantly associated with obesity?
At what age can children safely engage in resistance
How does socioeconomic status affect the development of
motor skills?
How does early sensory stimulation affect the
development of motor skills?
What are the changes in motor skill development
experienced across the lifespan?
Phases of Motor Development
Gallahue developed an hourglass model
Early reflexive and rudimentary movement phases:
Hereditary is the primary factor for development. Sequential progression
of development but individuals rates of development will differ.
Fundamental movement phase:
Skill acquisition based on encouragement, instruction, and opportunities
for practice.
Specialized movement phase: Refinement of skills
Turnover: Hereditary and environmental factors that influence
the rate of the aging process.
Fundamental Movement Phase
Initial Stage (~ age 2)
Poor spatial and temporal integration of skill movements.
Improper sequencing of the parts of the skill
Poor rhythm, difficulties in coordination

Elementary Stage (~ age 3 & 4)

Greater control and rhythmical coordination
Temporal and spatial elements are better synchronized.
Movements are still restricted, exaggerated, or inconsistent.

Mature Stage (~age 5 or 6)

Increased efficiency, enhanced coordination, and improved control of movements.
Greater force production
Psychology of Sport and Exercise
The systematic scholarly study of the behavior, feelings, and
thoughts of people engaged in sport, exercise, and physical
activity. (Vealey)
Questions addressed:
Is the personality profile of an elite athlete ?
What are the psychological benefits of participation in regular physical
How does anxiety influence performance?
What factors influence an individuals adherence to a rehabilitation
How does self-confidence influence performance?
Historical Development
Late 1890s and early 1900s: Norman Triplett did first research on what
became known as the Social Facilitation Theory.

1918: Griffith known as the father of sport psychology

In 1938, he became the Chicago Cubs teams sport psychologist researching how
to enhance motivation and improve self-confidence.

Late 1960s and 1970s:

Sport psychology as a subdiscipline of physical education.
Undergraduate and graduate curriculums, research programs, and professional
1979: Journal of Sport Psychology began publication.
Historical Development
1980s: Researchers embraced an applied approach to the field.
1986: Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology
(AAASP) was organized.
Exercise psychology evolved as a specialized area of study.
Increase of interest by clinically trained psychologists help to shape the
1988: Journal of Sport Psychology became known as Journal of Sport
and Exercise Psychology
Rich diversity in approaches to the field and areas of study.
Tremendous opportunity to teach, consult, and research in the field.
Psychological Benefits of Physical Activity

Improves health-related quality of life.

Improves ones mood.
Alleviates symptoms associated with mild depression.
Reduces anxiety.
Aids in managing stress.
Enhances self-concept, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and
Offers opportunities for affiliation with others.
Psychological Benefits of Physical Activity
Offers opportunities to experience peak moments.
Provides recreation and a change of pace.
Offers an opportunity for individuals to challenge
themselves and strive for mastery.
Offers creative and aesthetic experiences.
Increasing recognition of physical activity as a
therapeutic modality.
Exercise and Adherence
Estimates reveal that nearly 50% of patients fail to
comply with their medical treatment.
Adherence to supervised exercise programs ranges
from 50% to 80%.
Only 30% of individuals who begin an exercise
program will be exercising at the end of 3 years.
What can be done to promote continued
Exercise and Adherence:
Intervention Models
Classic learning theories
Learning a new behavior is achieved by altering the
many small behaviors that compose the overall
Break behavior down into smaller goals to be
Work incrementally toward goal.
Reinforcement is important; provide rewards and
incentives (both immediate and long-range).
Exercise and Adherence:
Intervention Models
Health belief model
Adoption of a health behavior depends on the
persons perception of four factors:
Severity of potential illness
Susceptibility to illness
Benefits of taking action
Barriers to action
Self-efficacy is an important component of this model.
Exercise and Adherence:
Intervention Models
Social cognitive theory
Behavior change is influenced by environmental
factors, personal factors, and attributes of the behavior
Self-efficacy is central to this model.
Individual must believe in his or her ability to perform
the behavior and must perceive an incentive for
changing the behavior.
Outcomes must be valued by the individual.
Exercise and Adherence:
Intervention Models
Transtheoretical model stages of change:
Decisional balance (weighing the pros and cons of the change)
Self-efficacy (confidence about his/her abilities in a situation)
Target the intervention to the individuals current stage.
Exercise and Adherence:
Intervention Models
Ecological approach
Comprehensive approach to health.
Development of individual skills is emphasized as
well as creating supportive, health-promoting
Environmental and societal influences and
limitations on health behavior should be considered
when planning for behavior change.
Exercise Dropout
Low self-motivation Perception that exercise
Depression has few health benefits
Low self-efficacy Inactive lifestyle
Sedentary occupations
Denial of seriousness of
ones health condition Lack of social support
Obesity Family problems
Type A behavior pattern Interference of job-related
Blue-collar workers
High-intensity exercise
Exercise Adherence
Educational approaches
Increase participants knowledge and understanding of the
benefits of physical activity and exercise.
Behavioral approaches
Enhancement of self-efficacy
Exercise Adherence
Program Design
Increase social support available to participants.
Offer programs at convenient times and locations.
Goal-setting and periodic assessment.
Enthusiastic leaders.
Strong communication.
Establishment of rapport.
Consideration of individual needs and interests.
Rehabilitation Adherence
Strategies to enhance adherence to a rehabilitation
program are important for sports medicine programs.
Adherence can be increased by:
Providing social support
Goal setting
Effective communication
Tailoring program to individual needs
Monitoring progress
Collaborative approach to accomplishing goals
Impact of athletics on personality development.
Relationship between personality and athletic
Do athletes differ from nonathletes?
Can athletes in certain sports be distinguished from athletes in other sports?
Do individuals participate in certain sports because of their personality
Do highly skilled athletes in a sport have different personality characteristics
than the lesser skilled athletes?
Can personality predict success in sport?
Each athlete must be treated as an individual.
Anxiety and Arousal
Anxiety is a subjective feeling of apprehension accompanied
by a heightened level of physiological arousal.
Physiological arousal is an autonomic response that results
in the excitation of various organs of the body.
Trait and state anxiety
Trait: integral part of an individuals personality.
State: emotional response to a specific situation that results in
feelings of fear, tension, or apprehension.
Find the optimal level of arousal that allows for peak
Reducing Anxiety
Use physical activity (warm-ups) to release stress and
Develop precompetition routines.
Simulate games in practice to rehearse skills and strategies.
Tailor preparation for the competition to the individual
athlete. Each athlete will have different needs.
Build self-confidence and high, but realistic expectations.
Keep errors in perspective.
Ability to direct senses and thought processes to particular
objects, thoughts, and feelings
Dimensions of attention
Width: Broad to narrow
Direction: External to internal
Attentional flexibility
Be able to rapidly switch back and forth between various attentional
styles at will, depending on what the task demands.
Anxiety tends to narrow and internalize attentional focus, and
this will impact performance. How?
Intervention Strategies
WHY? To help athletes achieve optimal performance.
Management of anxiety and arousal
Relaxation techniques
Cognitive strategies
Thought stopping
Goal setting

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