ALJ Citation Presentation: By: Shannin Mae Olivarez and Hazel Tolentino
ALJ Citation Presentation: By: Shannin Mae Olivarez and Hazel Tolentino
ALJ Citation Presentation: By: Shannin Mae Olivarez and Hazel Tolentino
71.1. The initial citation format for reports by the WTO Secretariat and other WTO
bodies is as follows:
328. Id.
72. WTO Ministerial Documents
72.1. The initial citation format for WTO ministerial documents is as follows:
332. Id.
73. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT) Panel Decisions
73.1 Initial Citation
Non-ALJ example:
First cite sources to which non-original ideas are attributed or sources that
directly provide support/opposition to the text
T.3. Authorities for support given before authorities for opposition
339. PARAS, supra note 3, at 84. See also DE LEON, supra note 10, at 30.
Contra TORRES, JR., supra note 12, at 55.
*Supra note: refers to the footnote number (ex.) third footnote = PARAS, supra
note 3)
T.5. Support or opposition may also be given by authorities in their own right, or
when related to other authorities.
T.5.1. Cite first the authorities which support the text in their own right, before
citing those which must be related to other authorities in order to demonstrate
support. Do the same for the authorities in opposition.