Anthonys Inferno
Anthonys Inferno
Anthonys Inferno
Anthony Rivetti
My creation of hell, modeled after Dante Alighieris, consists of nine circles laid out in the
order I felt was most fitting. Each circle contains a certain group of sinners who are tortured
with a punishment fitting for their crime on earth. The hell is divided into two main parts. Its
first section, which occupies the first four circles, holds those whose sins involved themselves,
and the second section is the eternal resting place for those who committed sins against
others, including God. Within these two divisions, I placed the sins in what I believed was the
order of increasing severity. The two sections are also different in their conditions, as the first
four circles are frozen and cold, while the last five are filled with scorching flames. This relates
to those souls who inhabit these sections of hell because those who were concerned with
themselves were cold toward others, so they experience freezing conditions for eternity. Those
who sinned against others caused pain for people, so they must suffer the burning pain of fire.
Many demons and beasts inhabit hell to punish the sinners, and Satan, the prince of Evil,
resides as both a prisoner and ruler in the ninth circle.
Circle 1 The Vain
Those who were vain and self-loving remain in the first circle of hell for all
eternity. These people were excessively conceited and egotistical, and were only
concerned with themselves. They must spend eternity with no physical body, and
must watch as their bodies are abused and destroyed by the demons in hell.
Because they loved their bodies so much, they must spend eternity without them
and watch as their beloved physical being is abused. Kim Kardashian is one of the
souls here.
Circle 2 The Self-Indulgent
Bolge The sinners of circle two are those who were self-
Slothful (Patrick Star) frozen in the same indulgent during their lives, only concerned with
position in ice forever, but unable to sleep their own desires. There are four ditches within
this circle, and each of these contains a group of
Gluttonous (Shaggy and Scooby) constantly self-indulgent sinners. The first is the slothful, who
hungry and thirsty, but with sealed mouths are punished by being frozen in ice for eternity,
unmoving just as in life. Every time they attempt to
Greedy (King Midas) forever in a barren
rest, a demon wakes them up with his club. Next,
wasteland of nothing but snow
the gluttonous, who consumed an unreasonable
Selfish (Donald Trump) deprived of amount of food, are constantly hungry but unable
clothing, food, and water, but unable to to eat because their mouths are sealed shut. The
obtain them from others greedy, because they always wanted more in life,
reside in a barren wasteland with no possessions or
clothing in the third bolgia. Last are the selfish,
who are deprived of necessities. They did not share
their possessions on earth, so the demons and
other souls do not share with them.
Circle 3 The Violent against Self
Those who were violent toward themselves on earth reside in the third circle of
hell. These people hated themselves, harmed themselves, or committed suicide.
The punishment for these sinners is to be bound by cuffs around their hands and
feet, forced to walk in circles for all of eternity. They felt their life was without
meaning, so they now do a meaningless job in hell, and they are unable to harm
themselves or others due to the cuffs. Ophelia is here due to her suicide, as is
Heath Ledger for his overdose.
Circle 4 The Proud
The proud occupy the fourth circle of hell and represent the worst of the sins
involving oneself. This circle is the coldest in all of hell. The sinners here believed
that they were without flaw and better than others. As punishment, their names
are forgotten everywhere and they are trampled by giants. They thought they
were above everyone, so now they are worthless, forgotten, and at the bottom,
under the feet of giants. Adam and Eve are in this circle because they believed
that they could be like God. Their pride was so severe that they believed they
could be as great as our all-powerful and all-knowing creator.
Circle 5 The Dishonest
Circle five holds those who were dishonest in life,
Liars (Bill Clinton) deceived by their and is divided into five different sections. First the
eyes, do not see the fire they approach liars, who deceived others, can see but are deceived
by their eyes, causing them to fall into the flames.
Cheaters (Bill Belichick) arms are cut The cheaters are constantly bleeding from the holes
off, constantly bleeding where their arms should be. They lost their arms
because they used them to cheat. Adulterers, who
Adulterers (Tom Brady) dismantled disgraced the sacred bond of marriage, are
body, burning in flames dismantled and burning in the flames. The bond
between their limbs is broken, and they experience
Thieves (Plankton) - parts of their pain like they caused. The thieves, who stole from
bodies are taken by demons others, have their body parts stolen from themselves.
Finally, the traitors, who misled others, are blinded
Traitors (Judas Iscariot) blinded, and misled into the fire. Bill Clinton, Bill Belichick,
guided by demons into the flames Tom Brady, Plankton, and Judas Iscariot are here.
Circle 6 The Violent
The Violent toward others spend eternity in circle six of hell. These sinners were
abusers, rapists, torturers, and murderers. They are punished by being pursued
by demons, stabbed, and roasted in the flames. This is fitting because they sought
out others to cause them pain or kill them, causing pain for others. Ray Lewis is
here for his murder and Bill Cosby is here for his assault of women.
Circle 7 The Terrorists and Mass Murderers
In circle seven, those who took violence to another level are punished. These
mass-murderers and terrorists killed great numbers of people and struck fear into
peoples hearts. The sinners here are punished by the same method they used to
kill others. Hitler must repeatedly experience the pain of suffocating and then
being burned alive, but never die. Osama Bin Laden must also experience the
pain of burning, as well as the torture he inflicted on others.
Circle 8 Sinners against God
Bolge Those who sinned against God reside in the
eighth circle of hell. There are four bolge, each
Idolaters (Israelites) crushed by containing a different sinner. First are the
idolaters, who are punished by being crushed by
the object they replaced God with
whatever object they worshipped on earth. Next
Atheists (Stephen Hawking) body the atheists, who chose to not believe in God, are
reduced to nothing. As they believed God did not
decomposes, left without a form but exist, their body no longer exists. Third are the
still able to feel pain apostates, who denied their faith. They are
punished by being denied their senses, though
Apostates (Emperor Julian) loss of they can still feel pain. Finally, the Blasphemers,
all senses but touch (pain) who spoke out against God, are forced to stare at
his blinding light while they burn. The Israelites
Blasphemers (Caiaphas) who worshipped the calf, Stephen Hawking, the
imprisoned within the flames, forced Emperor Julian, and Caiaphas are here.
to look at God
Circle 9 Exploiters of the Vulnerable/Helpless
Those who took advantage of or were violent toward the vulnerable reside in
the 9th circle of hell because this, in my opinion, is the worst sin a person can
commit. This group of sinners incudes those who exploited children, the
elderly, and the disabled, either physically or otherwise. These souls are
punished by spending eternity in a boiling river of blood, constantly being
pursued by Satan himself. The souls are unable to protect themselves as Satan
repeatedly stabs them and forces them under the blood. This punishment is
fitting because these souls, who hurt the helpless, are now unable to defend
themselves. Jerry Sandusky is here because of his assault of children. Satan
also resides in this circle, as both a ruler and a sinner. He takes advantage of
each of us, the vulnerable, and is the embodiment of sin and evil, so he lives in
the deepest circle of hell.