Lhasa Apso A Study Ny
Lhasa Apso A Study Ny
Lhasa Apso A Study Ny
An In Depth Study Of The Breed
Close Encounters of the Furry Kind
Lasya Pabu Kipu d’Ivepet
The Lhasa Apso
Origins—The Himalayas of Tibet
Average elevation 16,000 ft.
Extremely thin atmosphere
Intense UV radiation
High arctic desert
Extremes of temperature
Very little rain
“Chomolungma”, known to the Arid and rocky
outside world as Mt. Everest Often snow covered
The Lhasa Apso
The Lhasa Apso truly is an original. DNA
studies have determined it to be one of the
most ancient breeds in existence today. The
Tibetan breeds are all similar in type, if not
size, presumably evolving directly from
Himalayan wolves over unknown millenniums.
Photo courtesy of Kerstin Handrich
The American Kennel Club approved the first Lhasa Apso standard in 1935. At
the time, it was identical to the British standard for the breed which had just
been approved in 1934. Both standards were essentially taken from the 1901
Lionel Jacobs standard of the “Lhassa Terrier”, with a few additional lines
taken from George Hayes’ 1934 Crufts critique. Many of these early
descriptions were meant to differentiate between similar breeds such as the
Shih Tzu, Tibetan Spaniel and Tibetan Terrier. This is particularly true with
regard to head type, size, proportion, coat and temperament. The standard
remained unchanged until 1978, when it was amended in three places: In
regard to bite, it elevated the slightly undershot bite to a position equal that of
the once preferred level mouth. In regard to color, all colors were made equally
acceptable with or without dark tips to ears and beard. In regard to muzzle
length, the recommendation for a one and a half inch muzzle was removed.
The Lhasa Apso
Breed Standard: Character
Despite their cute and cuddly appearance, the temperament of the Lhasa Apso is
not that of a toy dog. Their not-so-distant primitive history, and the Tibetans’
general usage of Apsos for guarding and herding, gives this breed a remarkably
strong and independent nature. Possessing a high level of perceptive intelligence,
the typical Lhasa Apso notices everything in its environment and decides in his
own time whether or not it is “safe”. They are delightfully independent, confident
and strong minded, not bending easily to another’s will. These characteristics are
often displayed in the form of guarding possessions, challenging other dogs and
objecting to being handled by strangers. Firm and early training is a must.
The Lhasa Apso
Breed Standard: Size
Close Encounters of the Furry
“Variable, but about 10
inches or 11 inches at
shoulder for dogs, bitches
slightly smaller.”
Size can be variable, but the Tibetans were known to prize the smallest of the
Apsos. Ideally, males should be about 10” or 11”, with bitches smaller in both
height and features. The 1901 Lionel Jacob’s standard called for bitches to
be 9” or 10”, so the assumption must be that 9” to 11” is the ideal size range
for the breed. Some variation outside the ideal is acceptable provided overall
type is maintained. Weight: females average about 11 to 15 lbs, males
average about 14 to 18 lbs. The Lhasa Apso is a small dog, but very sturdy.
The Lhasa Apso
Breed Standard: Color
“All colors equally acceptable
with or without dark tips to ears
and beard.”
Statistics show that Lhasa Apsos average 30% to 45% longer than tall, the median
ideal. The long rib cage provided lung capacity in the thin atmosphere of Tibet; the
strong loin and well developed quarters and thighs providing the body substance
and power necessary for heat conservation and negotiating the mountain terrain.
Photos show the same dog coated and clipped, measuring 33.3% longer than tall.
The Lhasa Apso
Nancy Sherwood
legs heavily furnished with hair.”
Close Encounters of the Furry Kind
Puppy coats are usually softer in texture than adult coats. The hardest textured
puppy coats are slow growing and will transition directly into the adult coat. Many
Lhasa Apsos go through an intermediate coat stage from about the age of 18
through 30 months, when much of the texture and color are temporarily lost. By
the time the dog is three years old the true adult coat should be completely in.
The photos below show the same dog at the age of one, two and three years.
The Lhasa Apso
Photo courtesy of Kerstin
Head Comparison
Head type is a major distinguishing factor between the Lhasa Apso and its
Chinese descendant, the Shih Tzu. Skull shape, muzzle length and shape,
nose leather, stop, eye size and shape, and jaw alignment are all important to
the establishment of head type. Below left is clearly a Tibetan type Lhasa
Apso, below right is clearly a Chinese type Shih Tzu. The dog in the middle,
however, is clearly neither. Is it a Lhasa Apso or is it a Shih Tzu? You decide.
The Lhasa Apso
Different aspects will affect the appearance of proportion
Length of leg Slope of pelvis Tightness of tail Shoulder assembly
Amy Andrews
The Lhasa Apso
Gait—From the front
Front movement should be smooth and efficient, not exaggerated. The Lhasa
Apso should reach well out in front but not come up too high in wasteful motion.
The head will be inclined toward the line of travel, with no obvious bouncing or
bobbing from side to side as the dog moves. The front feet will converge
toward the center line as speed increases. The front pads should not be seen.
Nancy Sherwood
Amy Andrews
The Lhasa Apso
Gait—Rear movement
A pelvis that is too flat results in exaggerated and inefficient rear drive. Most of
the rear action will be behind the vertical, with limited contact on the ground. The
effect is a “wind-milling” rear that goes nowhere fast. A flat pelvis weakens the
loin and is inefficient in a mountain animal that must get its rear assembly under
the body to provide the impetus and balance necessary for jumping and climbing.
The Lhasa Apso
Common Problems
Flat pelvis
Poor pigment
Unsound structure
The Lhasa Apso
Comparing and Contrasting Similar Breeds
The Lhasa Apso
Examining the Lhasa Apso
Nancy Sherwood
wary when you see this type of
handling, and look very closely at the
front movement at a slow gait.
The Lhasa Apso
Deceptive Grooming Techniques
Trimming the hair between the eyes to lessen the appearance of stop.
Thinning or clipping the coat from the chest and neck area to shorten the
appearance of length.
Thinning the coat in front of the shoulder blade to give the appearance of
more neck.
Trimming at the base of the tail to shorten the appearance of length and
make the tail set look higher.
Growing excessively long skirts to give the appearance of more rear
angulation and kick up.
Ironing the coat to straighten an undesirable wavy, soft or wooly texture.
Teasing the coat to change the outline of the dog.
Using foreign substances to straighten and weigh down soft or wooly coats.
The Lhasa Apso
Checks and Balances
A most sincere thank you to the following people for the use of their
photographs, without which this program could not have been
Jeannie & Bane Harrison of ”Close Encounters of the Furry Kind”
Kerstin Handrich
Dr. Catherine Marley
Nancy Sherwood
Amy Andrews