Music Education For Young Children
Music Education For Young Children
Music Education For Young Children
Music lessons in childhood actually enlarge the brain. An area used to analyze
the pitch of a musical note is enlarged 25% in musicians compared to people
who have never played an instrument. The earlier the musicians were when they
started musical training, the bigger this area of the brain appears to be (University
of Munster, 1998).
Children who take part in musical activities achieve higher school grades than
their non-music-making peers (Gardiner, Fox, Knowleds and Jeffrey, 1996).
Taking part in musical activities trains the brain in aesthetic literacy and the students'
perceptual, imaginative and visual abilities (Sinatra, 1986).
Musical activity has been shown to increase mathematical ability (Gardiner, 1996).
There is no center for music-making in the brain, but multiple areas of both left and
right hemispheres are used when making music. Music is a whole-brain activity
(Parsons, 1998).