Organisational Pattern of Education in Nepal

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Prepared By:
Shweta Upadhyay
M,Sc. Nursing, 2014
Specific Objective
O Define Organization

O Enlist the National Goal of Education

O Describe the organisational structure of

Education in Nepal.

O Debrief the Role of Ministry of Education

O Explain the Role of Department of Education

According to Luther Gullick:
It is the formal structure of authority
through which work sub-division are
arranged, defined and coordinated for the
defined objectives.

An identifiable group of people

contributing their efforts towards the
attainment of goals is called an
organization._Mc. Farland
National goals of education
1. Nurture and develop personality and inherent
talents of each person.

2. Instill respect for human values and the will to

safeguard national and social beliefs so as to help
develop a healthy social unity.

3. Help individual to socialize in enhancing social


4. Help individual keep her/his identity in the national

and international context and to help her/him lead a
socially harmonious life in the modern world.
National goals of education
5. Help in modernization of the country by
creating suitable human resources for its

6. Teach about the conservation and wise

use of Nepal's natural resources.

7. Help and bring underprivileged and

disadvantaged into the mainstream of the
Pattern of Education
in Nepal
POPULATION 26.5 Million (Census 2011)
Language of Nepali Indiginious language in Rural
Instruction schools, english in most technical schools
and private schools
Compulsory Free basic education has been lengtened to
education class 8 from class 5 in 2009
Academic Year April- March (School), August June
Number of 33881 (PRIMARY), 13719 (LOWER
Schools (MOE SECONDARY), 2938 (SECONDARY), 3382
System Ministry of Education
Literacy Rate 65.9 % (2011), 54.1% (2001)

Youth Literacy 91% M ale, 76% Female (2008)

96% Urban Male, 91 % Urban Female
The Ministry of Education
O The Ministry of Education (MoE) was established in 1951, was
renamed as the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) in

O It was again renamed as Ministry of Education with the decision

of Cabinet in 15 Bhadra 2065 BS.

O The MoE as the apex body of all educational organizations is

responsible for overall development of education in the country.

O It is responsible for formulating educational policies,

managing and implementing them across the country through
the institutions under it. 4/20/17 8
Main Functions
According to the job descriptions of GoN, the MoE
is entrusted with the responsibilities for the
functions related to:

O Educational policies, plans, formulation of

programmes, implementations, follow-up and

O Pre-Primary, School Level Education, Higher Education,

Distance Education, Adult Education, Non-Formal
Education, Special Needs Education;

4/20/17 9
O Population Education and Nutrition Programmes;
Main Functions
O Technical and Vocational as well as Moral and Physical

O Policy formation and implementation of teacher training and

educational human resource development

O Educational Institutions (including Gurukul, Gumba, Madarsa);

Universities and Institutes;

O Scholarship through open competition, granting approval for

studies and research to students going abroad and coming to
Nepal from other countries Academic research;
4/20/17 10
Department of Education
O The Department of Education
(DoE) was established in 1999
(Jestha 9, 2056 BS) under the

O DOE is responsible for overall

implementation, supervision
and monitoring of the formal
and non-formal education
program me.

O The DoE was established in

order to institutionalize and
regularize those activities.
4/20/17 11
Current situation in Nepal
O Literacy rate of Nepal 68.2%.
O Number of school, no. of students and net ER
Primary L .Secondary Basic level Secondary H . Secondary
Level (1-5) Level (6-8) (1-8) level level
(9-10) (11-12)

34,298 14,447 34,484 8,416 8,711

No. of student
45,76,693 18,23,192 63,99,885 8,78,047 -
Net enrollment rate
94.7 95.7 71.8 72.6 87.0 87.9 54.O 54.6 10.6 10.2
4/20/17 12
VEDIC or Pauranic Era
O Gurukul

O Methods usually employed in teaching:

recitation, dialouges, discussions, excursions,

O The main source of income for the Gurukul: The

individual or social organization developed a

O State had no control over education and it was

managed entirely by the private sectors
Era of Siddartha
O The influence of Buddhist philosophy on
education was seen in nepal

O The monasteries and councils of monks

which were better organized than gurukuls
that imparted sanskrit.

O Due to the dearth of the financial support

these organizations had to be shut down like
Forth Century:
Lichhavi Period

O The individual or social organization,

or the state developed a trust, which
used to be the main source of income
for the educational centers in the
gurukul, gumpas and the
Seventh Century:
Anshu Verma
O Educational institution were divided into three categories
1. Shaiva type,
2. Vaishnav type and
3. Buddhist type

O He himself became the patron of education.

O Such institutions were not the state responsibility and

survived with the help of the benevolent individuals who
either donated money or kind, or created trust to support

O Very few people who opted for education on their own

received education
Malla Era
O The state was not responsible for
running the educational institutions.

O Mandatory for the Royal Staffs

Jayasthithi Malla
O Pragmatic Education System

O He divided the peoples caste based

on their occupation and emphasized
on education based on their vocation
O Jung Bahadur

O Opened the first school with English

education in Nepal in 27th Ashwin 1910 B.S.
as Durbar School.

O The Department of Education was

established in 1915 B.S. and General Babar
Jung Rana, son of Jung Bahadur was
appointed as the Director General of Public

O Till 2007 B.S. the department of

education used to be headed by the
military generals.
O Prime Minister Bir Shumsher
O In 1948 B.S. Durbar School was moved to the building that
was erected in the bank of Rani Pokhari .

O Rani Pokhari school in the first floor of the same building,

O During this time the children of public started having

access to Durbar School, Ross and Mr. Canning were
responsible for the management and supervision of the
education at Durbar School.

O The School was affiliated to Calcutta University and the

students had to go to Calcutta to sit for the examination.

O In his era, an Indian lady named Ganga Bai started basic

primary education for girls in Thamel.
O Dev Shumsher :

O in 1957 B.S. he expanded education to 16 more

primary school and appointed teachers.

O In order to promote the commoner to Durbar School,

he granted scholarship of Rs. 5 to each student and
extended help in kinds to needy students.

O He established 57 schools in the country with

necessary teachers.

O Established Gorkhapatra Sansthan the landmark in

O Chandra Shumsher

O Trichandra College and schools

O During his time affiliation was transferred

to Patna University and graduate study
was started.
O Juddha Shamsher :
O Twenty two member Education
Board was formed in 1993 B.S. to
advise the Director General of Public

O Padma Shumsher:
O The avenue for overall development
of education was opened up.
After Democracy
O In 2009 B.S. a twenty member Education board was formed
under the chairmanship of Sardar Rudra Raj Pandey.

O Nepal National Education Planning Commision (NNEPC)

was formed in 2010 B.S.(1954).

O The main highlights of NNEPC were:

Curriculum development
Access of adult education to all
Decentralization of education and local participation
The need for teacher training
Development and distribution of educational materials
Building of stable infrastructures for schools
Establishing own university
After Democracy
O On the basis of Recommendations of
NNEPC Tribhuvan University (TU) the first
university in Nepal was encorporated and
established in 2016 B.S.
After Democracy
O On 25th Baisakh 2018 B.S. The Late king
Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev formed
another commision on education, All-
round National Education Commission
(ARNEC), which added nationalism and
the prevailing political ideology to the
national education system.
The Salient Features of ARNEC had long-term impact
on social and economic development of the country:

O Emphasis on education pragmatic

O Reviewing of curriculum every 3 years
O Giving compulsory and free primary education
O Promoting vocational and technical education
O Opening of libraries in all 75 districts of the country
to promote literacy
O Promoting Sanskrit by giving scholarship and
opening sanskrit school
O Developing teaching as a profession
After Democracy
O The adoption of the National Education
System Plan (NESP) for 1971-76
nationalized education and planned to
bring changes not only in the structure
of education but also in the process and
After Democracy
O Some of the major projects were:
Primary Education Project (PEP)
Basic and Primary Education Programme
(BPEP) I and II, and
Secondary Education Development Project
After Democracy
O All the programmes were also launched
The Education for All (EFA), Teacher
Education Project (TEP)
Secondary Education Support Programme
Community School Support Programme
(CSSP) and
Food for Education (FfE) were the
programmes implemented in line with the
spirit of decentralization and community
After Democracy
O Besides these programmes for school
education, Higher Education Project (HEP)
I and II also have been implemented under
the University Grant Commission (UGC)
for the overall development of the Tertiary
Education of Nepal.

O The Council for Technical Education and

Vocational Training (CTEVT) of Nepal is
offering vocational education programmes to
produce technical human resources of basic
and medium level necessary for national
National Education Commission (NEC)

O After the reestablishment of democracy through peoples

movement of 2046, National Education Commission
(NEC) comprising 16 members was formed in 2048 with
following recommendations:

1. Decentralization of higher education through Multi

University concepts.
2. Promoting of informal education through the concept of
Open University
3. Making Bachelor level education three-year programme
4. Making M. Phil course compulsory for the entry into PhD
5. Phasing out Proficiency Certificate Level courses from
Technical Institutes and University by 2057
National Education
Commission (NEC)
6. Involvement of private sectors in education

7. Conducting the selection test to get for entry into all

university programmes at all levels of test.

8. Restructuring of primary education (class 1-5 and 1-3

basic education), secondary education (class 6-8 lower
secondary, 8- 10 secondary), class 11-12 higher

9. Inclusion of environment study in high school courses

10. Special provision for the education of indigenous

group women, orphans, poor and handicaps.
Agencies under MoE

SN Types Agencies
1 Central Level 1. Department of Education (DoE)
2. National Centre for Educational Development (NCED)
3. Curriculum Development Centre (CDC)
4. Office of the Controller of Examination (OCE)
5. Non-formal Education Centre (NFEC)
6. School Teachers' Record Office (STRO)
7. Education Review Office (ERO)

2 Regional 1. Five Regional Education Directorates (REDs)

3 District Level 1. Seventy-five District Education Offices (DEOs)

4 Local Level 1. One thousand fifty-three Resource Centres (RCs)

2. Thirty-two Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Schools and Twenty-nine
Thousand Eighty-nine ECD/PPC centres
5 Commissions 1. University Grant Commission (UGC)
2. Teacher Service Commission (TSC)
3. Nepal National Commission for Education, Science and Cultural
Organization (NATCOM)
Agencies under MoE

SN Types Agencies

6 Universities 1. Tribhuvan University (TU)

2. Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU)
3. Kathmandu University (KU)
4. Purbanchal University (PU)
5. Pokhara University (PoKU)
6. Lumbini Buddha University (LBU)
Just approved to open
7. Agriculture and Forestry Science University
8. Mid-Western University
9. Far-Western University

7 Councils/Boards 1. Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)

2. Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB)
8 Libraries 1. Kaiser Library (KL)
2. Nepal National Library (NNL)
3. Dilliraman Kalyani Regmi Memorial Public Library (DKRMPL)
9 Other 1. Janak Education Material Centre Limited (JEMCL)
O https://

O Singh Indira, Essentials of Education, A textbook for

Nurses and Other Health professionals, Kathmandu, Hisi
Offset Printers, 2008.Pg no. 1-34

O Neeraja KP. Textbook of Nursing Education. New Delhi,

Jaypee Publishers, 2003. Pg no.351-63

O Sankaranarayanan B., Sindhu B., Learning and Teaching

Nursing, New Delhi Jaypee Publishers, 4th Edition, 2012.
Pg. no. 19-16

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