CHAPTER 7, 8 Business Ethics
CHAPTER 7, 8 Business Ethics
CHAPTER 7, 8 Business Ethics
Business Ethics
This chapter:
Sets forth basic sources of ethical values.
Discusses how corporations manage ethics and
try to elevate behavior.
Opening Case
Bernard Ebbers built WorldCom into a global
telecommunications giant.
Ebbers used use all of his WorldCom stock as collateral for
bank loans.
In 2000 Ebbers gave the first in a string of instructions to
report false revenues and use accounting tricks to disguise
rising expenses.
Ebbers testified that he had no knowledge of the fraud, but
five of his subordinates testified against him.
Ebbers was sentenced to 25 years in prison for securities
fraud, unprecedented for a white-collar crime.
Some question whether his sentence was fair.
Agricultural stage
Industrial stage
Ethical Variation
in Cultures
Ethical values differ among nations as historical experiences
have interacted with philosophies and religions to create
diverging cultural values and laws.
The school of ethical universalism holds that in terms of
biological and psychological needs, human nature is
everywhere the same.
The school of ethical relativism holds that although human
biology is everywhere similar, cultural experience creates
widely diverging values, including ethical values.
Because of globalization, corporations struggle with the
question of how to apply conduct codes across cultures.
Laws codify, or formalize, ethical
Corporations and their managers face a
range of mechanisms set up to:
Deter illegal acts
Punish offenses
Rehabilitate offenders
In civil cases courts may assess damages, or
payments for harm done to others by a
Compensatory damages are payments
Making Ethical
Decisions in Business
No standard of validation outside the individual
is used.
Intuition may fail to give clear answers.
The Might-Equals-Right Ethic
Origination: Thracymachus
Basic premise: Justice is the interest of
the stronger.
Confusion of ethics with force.
Because decisions are to be made for the