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Pharyngeal Apparatus

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Pharyngeal Apparatus

- Pharyngeal arches
- Pharyngeal pouches
- Pharyngeal clefts
- Pharyngeal membranes

Face, neck, definitive mouth,

pharynx, larynx
At 4 week.
Components of Apparatus
Pharyngeal arches = 5
Clefts / grooves = 4
Pouches = 4
Membranes = 4
Pharyngeal arches
Are horse shoe shaped cylindrical
In lateral and ventral wall of primitive
They provide support to walls
Para axial = muscles of head & neck
Neural crest cells = skeletal elements
& CT of head and neck

Skeletal elements of
Cartilaginous rod of arch
the arch
Some remain as bone &
Arch arteries - to dorsal aorta
Gives motor innervations to
Nerve of the arch:
muscles of arch and sensory
to skin and mucosa of arch
Muscles of arch
I Muscles of mastication Mandibualar
( temporalis, masseter, lateral nerve
pterygoid, medial pterygoid),
ant belly of digastric,
mylohyoid, tensor tympani,
tensor palati
II Muscles of facial expression, Facial nerve
posterior belly of digastric,
III Stylopharyngeus Glossopharyngeal
IV Cricothyroid, levator veli palati, Superior
constrictors of pharynx laryngeal nerve
VI Intrinsic muscles of larynx Recurrent
laryngeal nerve
Nerves of arch
I - Trigeminal nerve - Motor branches to muscles of
maxillary & first arch = mandibular nerve
mandibular divisions -Sensory branches = maxillary
- Chorda tympani and mandibular nerve ( face, oral
nerve cavity, nasal cavity tongue, teeth
of both jaws, soft palate)
- taste to ant 2/3rd of tongue
II Facial nerve Muscles of 2nd arch

III Glossopharyngeal Motor - Stylopharyngeus

nerve Sensory mucosa of pharynx

IV Superior laryngeal Cricothyroid


VI Recurrent laryngeal Intrinsic muscles of larynx

Cartilages of pharyngeal
1st arch = Meckels cartilage
- Ventral portion = mandibular process
- Dorsal portion = malleus & incus
- In between part only perichondrium
persists anterior ligament of malleus,
sphenomandibular ligament
- Mesenchyme of dorsal portion
maxillary process premaxilla, maxilla,
zygomatic bone, part of temporal bone
Reicherts cartilage
Dorsal end stapes
styloid process of
temporal bone
Ventral end lesser cornu & upper part
of body of hyoid bone
Part b/w perichondrium stylohyoid
3rd arch = ventral part greater
cornu & lower part of body of hyoid
4th arch & 6th arch cartilages of
larynx except epiglottis
Arteries of Arch
Arch Artery
I Maxillary artery
II Hyoid and stapedial artery
III Common carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
IV Aortic arch ( left side)
Subclavian artery( right side)

VI Ductus areriosus ( left side)

Pulmonary artery ( right side)
First Pharyngeal pouch
Elongates to form diverticulum
tubotympanic recess
Distal part = expands = middle ear
cavity & mastoid antrum
Proximal part = remains tubular
=eustachian tube /
pharyngotympanic tube
Second pharyngeal pouch
Endoderm proliferates number of tiny
solid buds extend to mesoderm
mesoderm condenses around this bud
buds break down to form tonsillar crypts
Endoderm forms stratified squamous
non keratinised epithelium lining crypts on
pharyngeal surface
Mesoderm forms lymphoid tissue, fibrous
capsule, connective tissue
Intratonsillar cleft
Third pharyngeal pouch
Expands and differentiates to
Dorsal bulbar part = parathyrid III or
inferior parathyroid
Ventral tubular part = thymus
Both loose connection with pharynx
Fourth pharyngeal pouch
Dorsal bulbar part superior
parathyroid gland
5th pouch gets incorporated with 4th
pouch and forms caudal pharyngeal
Neural crest migrate to it forming
parafollicular cells
Pharyngeal clefts
4 in no
Only first cleft gives rise to definitive
structure external auditory meatus
Other clefts obliterated
Cervical sinus
Branchial cyst & fistula
Pharyngeal membranes
4 in no
Present b/w arches
3 layers
Only first forms definitive structure
tympanic membrane
Remaining disappears
First arch syndromes
Due to lack of migration of neural
crest cells
Present with facial anomalies
They are Treacher Collins
- Pierre Robin Syndrome
- DiGeorge syndrome
Treacher Collins syndrome
Pierre Robin Syndrome
DiGeorge syndrome

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