Pharyngeal Apparatus
Pharyngeal Apparatus
Pharyngeal Apparatus
- Pharyngeal arches
- Pharyngeal pouches
- Pharyngeal clefts
- Pharyngeal membranes
Skeletal elements of
Cartilaginous rod of arch
the arch
Some remain as bone &
Arch arteries - to dorsal aorta
Gives motor innervations to
Nerve of the arch:
muscles of arch and sensory
to skin and mucosa of arch
Muscles of arch
I Muscles of mastication Mandibualar
( temporalis, masseter, lateral nerve
pterygoid, medial pterygoid),
ant belly of digastric,
mylohyoid, tensor tympani,
tensor palati
II Muscles of facial expression, Facial nerve
posterior belly of digastric,
III Stylopharyngeus Glossopharyngeal
IV Cricothyroid, levator veli palati, Superior
constrictors of pharynx laryngeal nerve
VI Intrinsic muscles of larynx Recurrent
laryngeal nerve
Nerves of arch
I - Trigeminal nerve - Motor branches to muscles of
maxillary & first arch = mandibular nerve
mandibular divisions -Sensory branches = maxillary
- Chorda tympani and mandibular nerve ( face, oral
nerve cavity, nasal cavity tongue, teeth
of both jaws, soft palate)
- taste to ant 2/3rd of tongue
II Facial nerve Muscles of 2nd arch