1. Ionization chambers are gas-filled cavities surrounded by conductive walls with electrodes used to measure radiation-induced ion pairs in the gas.
2. Factors like temperature, pressure, humidity, applied voltage, and leakage currents can affect ion chamber readings.
3. Common ion chamber types include standard, thimble, Farmer, and plane-parallel chambers used for different measurement purposes and beam energies.
4. Absorbed dose measurements using ion chambers require correcting the raw signal for temperature/pressure, polarity, electrometer calibration, recombination, and beam quality factors.
1. Ionization chambers are gas-filled cavities surrounded by conductive walls with electrodes used to measure radiation-induced ion pairs in the gas.
2. Factors like temperature, pressure, humidity, applied voltage, and leakage currents can affect ion chamber readings.
3. Common ion chamber types include standard, thimble, Farmer, and plane-parallel chambers used for different measurement purposes and beam energies.
4. Absorbed dose measurements using ion chambers require correcting the raw signal for temperature/pressure, polarity, electrometer calibration, recombination, and beam quality factors.
1. Ionization chambers are gas-filled cavities surrounded by conductive walls with electrodes used to measure radiation-induced ion pairs in the gas.
2. Factors like temperature, pressure, humidity, applied voltage, and leakage currents can affect ion chamber readings.
3. Common ion chamber types include standard, thimble, Farmer, and plane-parallel chambers used for different measurement purposes and beam energies.
4. Absorbed dose measurements using ion chambers require correcting the raw signal for temperature/pressure, polarity, electrometer calibration, recombination, and beam quality factors.
1. Ionization chambers are gas-filled cavities surrounded by conductive walls with electrodes used to measure radiation-induced ion pairs in the gas.
2. Factors like temperature, pressure, humidity, applied voltage, and leakage currents can affect ion chamber readings.
3. Common ion chamber types include standard, thimble, Farmer, and plane-parallel chambers used for different measurement purposes and beam energies.
4. Absorbed dose measurements using ion chambers require correcting the raw signal for temperature/pressure, polarity, electrometer calibration, recombination, and beam quality factors.
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Ni Larasati KS, S.Pd, M.Si
INTRODUCTION A gas filled cavity (sensitive volume) surrounded by a conductive outer wall and having three electrodes: Polarizing electrode: connected directly to the power supply. Collecting electrode: connected to ground through the low impedance electrometer, to measure the charge or current produced in the chamber sensitive volume. Guard electrode: directly grounded and serves two purposes: defines the chamber sensitive volume and prevents the measurement of chamber leakage currents. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Measure the charge from the number ofion pairscreated within the gas caused by incident radiation Electrodes are set at high negative voltage, so that positive charge move upside, while the negative charge move downside to the collecting electrode Types of ionization chamber: Standard ion chamber Timbel ion chamber Farmer ion chamber Plan paralel ion chamber INTRODUCTION Factors affecting ion chamber reading: Air temperature, pressure and humidity The density of gas in the chamber is depend on the temperature, pressure, and humidity around it The change in gas density will affecting the charge collected in the electrode Applied chamber polarity Under identical irradiation conditions the use of polarizing potentials of opposite polarity in an ionization chamber may yield different readings If the polarity effect for a particular chamber is larger than 3%, the chamber should not be used for absolute dose measurement INTRODUCTION Applied chamber voltage The response of a given ionization chamber depends on the voltage applied between electrodes of the chamber The charges produced in the chamber by radiation may differ from the charges that are actually collected Charge losses in the chamber are caused by ion recombination Excess charges are caused by charge multiplication and electrical breakdown. Both charge recombination and charge multiplication are influenced by the potential applied to the ionization chamber. Ideal voltage: 200-400 V INTRODUCTION Chamber leakage currents Three types of leakage: Intrinsic (dark) leakage currents, radiation induced leakage currents, mechanical stress induced currents Their effects on the true radiation induced currents are minimized with guard electrodes, low noise triaxial cables and sophisticated electrometers. Chamber stem effects Irradiating the chamber stem results in a different type of leakage current scattered radiation in the stem that reaches the chamber volume STANDARD ION CHAMBER STANDARD ION CHAMBER Also called free-air chamber The plate system inside the box consists of three coplanar plates on one side of the beam and a parallel high-voltage plate opposite. The plates are all parallel to the x-ray beam axis P = sensitive volume In CPE condition, all the electron collected were produced in P To create CPE in P, The distance from P to D should be larger than electron range The distance from P to electrodes also should be larger than electron range STANDARD ION CHAMBER The size of standard ion chamber usually huge, depend on the electron range. For example 3 MeV photon can produce electron with range of 1.5 m. Because of its size, standard ion chamber is not portable, only used is PSDL to calibrate other dosimeter THIMBEL ION CHAMBER
The design is resemble a thimble (bidal)
Consist of a solid envelope surrounding a gas filled cavity in which an electric field is established to collect the ions formed by radiation Gas volumes of 0.1-3 cm are the most common forms. THIMBEL ION CHAMBER Typically have an internal length no greater than 25 mm and an internal diameter no greater than 7 mm. The wall material is a solid of low atomic number Z (i.e. tissue or air equivalent), with the thickness less than 0.1 g/cm. A chamber is equipped with a buildup cap with a thickness of about 0.5 g/cm for calibration free in air using Co60 radiation. THIMBEL ION CHAMBER The sensitive volume should be in CPE condition too The solid thimble wall will provide an enough medium to attenuate electron, so, although the chamber size is not as long as electron range, CPE still exist To measure high energy foton, the wall can be thicken by adding build up cap FARMER ION CHAMBER
Type of thimble chamber that mostly used
Cylindrical chamber The volume sensitive is about 0.6 cm The chamber length is 24 mm Can be used in measurement using liquid water phantom PLANE PARALEL ION CHAMBER Consists of two plane walls, one serving as an entry window and polarizing electrode and the other as the back wall and collecting electrode, as well as a guard ring system. The back wall is usually a block of conducting plastic or a non-conducting material (usually Perspex or polystyrene) with a thin conducting layer of graphite forming the collecting electrode and the guard ring system on top PLANE PARALEL ION CHAMBER PLANE PARALEL ION CHAMBER The sensitive volume is 0,35 mm Used for dosimetry of electron beams with energies below 10 MeV. Because of its shape, this chamber is not suitable for measurement in liquid water phantom EXTRAPOLATION CHAMBER Parallel-plate chambers with a variable sensitive volume. Used in the measurement of surface doses and build up region in medium to high energy X-ray, and dosimetry of low enery X-ray and electron Equipped with a piston so the distance between 2 electrodes (also the sensitive volume) can be changed EXTRAPOLATION CHAMBER BRACHYTHERAPY ION CHAMBER ION CHAMBER & ELECTROMETER MEASUREMENT USING ION CHAMBER MEASUREMENT USING ION CHAMBER ABSORBED DOSE MEASUREMENT USING ION CHAMBER All dosimetry protocols aim at determination of the quantity absorbed dose to water.
Q0 = quality/energy used in ion chamber calibration at
PSDL/SSDL Q = quality/energy used in measurement Dw,Q0 = absorbed dose to water MQ0 = dosimeter signal readout ND,w,Q0 = dosimeter callibration coefficient KQ,Q0 = correction factor of different Q ABSORBED DOSE MEASUREMENT USING ION CHAMBER Other correction factor: Temperature and pressure correction (Ktp) T = 0C P = 101,3 Pa
Polarity correction (Kpol)
M+ and M are the chamber signals obtained under identical irradiation conditions at positive and negative chamber polarities, respectively, M is the signal obtained at the polarity used ABSORBED DOSE MEASUREMENT USING ION CHAMBER Electrometer calibration correction (Kelec) Recombination correction (Ks) ABSORBED DOSE MEASUREMENT USING ION CHAMBER The dosimeter signal readout (MQ0) should be corrected using correction factors before, therefore: