Recovery Strategies
Recovery Strategies
Recovery Strategies
A cool down after training or competition helps to remove waste products and return
the body back to its pre-exercise state. A cool down is a series of low intensity exercises
completed straight after training or competition. Cool downs help speed up recovery by
continuing the muscle pump needed to take fluid back to the heart and avoids fluid
retention in the used muscles. It is the continued removal of fluid, which helps to remove
waste products. Cool down exercises could include a light jog, or a slow swim, but need
to be specific to the sport and the major muscles used.
Neural strategies focus on the nervous system and relieving tension. They are useful for sports that
generate large amounts of muscle tension, such as American Football or Rugby Union.
Hydrotherapy is a neural strategy that involves water immersion. There are multiple forms of
hydrotherapy, which include:
Contrast immersion where an athlete moves between warm and cold-water immersion. This
causes vasodilation and vasoconstriction, helping to remove waste products and deliver nutrients
required for recovery.
Even temperature immersion where the athlete is immersed in warm water to assist with the
removal of lactates and improves metabolic activity.
Hydrotherapy in warm water helps to relax the nervous system and the muscles they control. It
relieves tension and helps speed up recovery so that the athlete is ready to perform again.
Massage is another neural strategy, which reduces muscle tension and relaxes the nerves.
Massage helps with mental relaxation, which can lead to a decrease in muscular tension. The
benefits of massage for recovery are still not adequately supported by evidence.
Proposed benefits include: removal of waste products, increased nutrient delivery, mental
relaxation, and minimising the effects of fatigue. There are various forms of massage including,
Swedish, myofascial, trigger point, and sports. Sports massage is specifically developed to help
remove waste products and reduce tension in the muscle.
Tissue damage strategies aim to speed up recovery by restoring damaged tissue, particularly
muscle. This damage is often found in highly strenuous activities such as rugby league and
Australian Rules Football.
Cryotherapy is one of the tissue damagestrategies and involves the many forms of cool
treatments, including ice pack, cold-water immersion and cryogenic chambers. Cryotherapy
removes heat from the damaged tissue, decreases inflammation by causing vasoconstriction and
decreases pain.
Ice packs placed directly over an injury speed up recovery and should be used over 24-48hrs for
soft tissue injuries. The application of ice slows down metabolism by lowering the local
temperature. This decreases the demand for oxygen and decreases waste products. The decrease
in inflammation also reduces secondary damage caused by the inflammation.
Cold-water immersion, such as an ice-bath, aims to reduce fluid build up in the body caused by
tissue damaged in exercise. It involves the athlete being submersed in water that is 4-12 oC for 3-5
min at a time with a short rest period out of the water before re-submersion often 4-5 times.
Athletes report less pain after short periods of cold-water immersion, but repeated use can impair
Cryogenic chambers are cooled to -110oC and athletes enter them for a short time (<3min). The
aim is to reduce body temperature in order to release endorphins, which relieve pain.
Another one of the tissue damage strategies is the use of compressiongarments and bandaging.
Psychological strategies focus on mental processes and are used to either calm the athletes brain
activityor to stimulate them. They frequently aim to reduce anxiety in order toallow the brain to
relax, but can be used to focus the athletes thoughts on the upcoming event.
Psychological strategies such as relaxation are used to help decrease heart and respiration
rates, while directing the athletes focus either awayfrom or towards competition or training,
depending not the context.
An anxious athlete may use relaxation techniques before competition in order to reduce
nervousness and allow them to focus on the task. Although some athletes will chose to focus on
something other than competition in order to help relieve their anxiety.
After competition, particularly during a transition or off-season phase, athletes will use relaxation
and other psychological strategies in order to help rejuvenate their whole body, including their
mental function.
Other psychological strategies used include, debriefing, rest days and sleep. Psychological
recovery strategies are important, as training and performance place stress on an athletes
mental capacities as well as their physical ones. Psychological strategies improve performance by
not allowing the athlete to be held back by past performances. They are particularly important
after losing a major competition such as a grand final or the State of Origin.