Fire Accident in RMG Industry in Bangladesh
Fire Accident in RMG Industry in Bangladesh
Fire Accident in RMG Industry in Bangladesh
Industry In Bangladesh:
After the independence of Bangladesh Ready Made Garments
industry is the first step for industrial development in this
Agricultural dependent country. Fire hazard in garments is a
negative part of this industrial development and the safety record
in this industry is one of worst in this world. Fire department of
Bangladesh has recorded that 414 workers were killed in 213
factories due to fire hazard from the year of 2006 to 2009. And
this is not the end of this fire incident, loss of life in fire hazard is
increasing rapidly and the new records of worker killing are
created from one incident to another. Given the importance of fire
safety, there required concrete efforts from the government, the
industry lobby (BGMEA) and the international buyers to improve
the fire safety culture and this has indeed reduced the fire
incidents and losses significantly.
The main objective of the study is to improve our current
situation regarding major incidents.
Provide a systematic analysis on fire hazard in RMG factories
in Bangladesh.
The reason behind the most of the incidents occur due to fire.
To find out the problems and also sort out them.
Knowledge about policies, laws and precaution taken by the
international organizations.
Provide positive solutions for the betterment of our RMG
History of previous accidents
Analysis of some incidents:
Tazreen Fashion
Ha-Meem Factory
Findings of the survey
After analyzing Cases and the above fire accident, we can see
that the main reason for the serious accident at Tazreen, Garib &
Garib and Ha-meem may have been due to negligence of the
safety measures and compliance by the owners which caused the
life of almost 50 workers.
Findings of the survey
Areas Of Improvement
Fire Hydrant
Fire Extinguishers
Current Situation
The Alliance Achievement:
Inspection Summary of Alliance (September, 2015)
Current numbers of active factories are 662.
Number of factories inspected 661.
Number of corrective action plan 591.
Number of repairs required in categories of structural, fire and electrical are
17, 32 and 37 respectively.
Remediation Verification Visit completed in 528 factories.
The Alliance sponsored the Second International Trade Expo for Fire and
Building Safety which provided a platform for Bangladesh Manufacturing
Industry to learn more about the latest technology, services and support for
building, electrical and fire safety.
Earthquake preparedness has been introduced in employee training.
The Alliance worked with the IFC and USAID to develop two separate
credit facilities that will be available to qualified garment factories in
Current Situation
The Accord Achievement:
Accord has completed the initial inspections at more than
1,100 factories.
Substantial safety requirements such as installing fire doors
and automated fire alarm systems, establishing fire protected
exits from factory buildings, and strengthening of columns in
the buildings etc. have been identified.
Corrective actions such as reducing weight loads and adhering
to load management plans are being implemented and
In terms of remediation, 1160 Corrective Actions Plans
(CAPs) have been developed by factories and brands of which
1080 have been technically approved by the Accord.
Recommendation made by the Alliance
1.According to the Alliance, ensuring short-term safety of RMG
is not the goal, rather they plan to meet with the Global and other
stakeholders to develop a plan for sustainability of Alliance's
work in Bangladesh.
2. Remediation must be represented as investment rather than
expense so the factories are more interested.
3.Compliance should not end after CAP and maintenance plan
should be sustainable.
4.Sustainability of the training program should be there to
improve the understanding of fire safety and risk.
5.Sustainability of the training program should be there to
improve the understanding of fire safety and risk.
6.Effective worker representative structure should be built.
Recommendation made by the Accord
1.In order to ensure factories are safe it is important that the
speed and In order to ensure factories are safe it is important that
the speed and efficiency of remediation be improved.
2.More accurate data should be there on financing remediation
process for factories.
3.Recruit more structural engineers to speed up the review
4.Ensure wages are paid, and verifying employment is
The fire safety practice and the finding from the factory survey it
is very clearly expressed that Bangladeshs RMG suppliers must
need to improve compliance in their factories and regular practice
of compliance codes of conduct. They also have to ensure Accord
and Alliance recommendation and their safety rules. The recent
steps taken by government and BGMEA showed some progress
in taking safety measures in factories. The government and the
owners of garments factories should be more concerned about
industrial safety related rules and regulations which will
minimize their expenses as well as the severe losses due to
accidents. Inspection, reporting and compliance of existing
national and international laws and standards must be enforced
properly to minimize further incidents due to lack of occupational
safety provisions.
Thank you