Functionalism views religion as serving important social functions by helping to maintain social order and stability. Durkheim argued that religion distinguishes the sacred from the profane, creating social solidarity through a collective conscience. Other functionalists like Parsons and Malinowski believed religion provides core values, helps societies make sense of life's difficulties, and prevents social disruption by unifying groups. While functionalism emphasizes religion's positive social roles, its failure to consider religion as a source of conflict is a limitation of the theory.
Functionalism views religion as serving important social functions by helping to maintain social order and stability. Durkheim argued that religion distinguishes the sacred from the profane, creating social solidarity through a collective conscience. Other functionalists like Parsons and Malinowski believed religion provides core values, helps societies make sense of life's difficulties, and prevents social disruption by unifying groups. While functionalism emphasizes religion's positive social roles, its failure to consider religion as a source of conflict is a limitation of the theory.
Functionalism views religion as serving important social functions by helping to maintain social order and stability. Durkheim argued that religion distinguishes the sacred from the profane, creating social solidarity through a collective conscience. Other functionalists like Parsons and Malinowski believed religion provides core values, helps societies make sense of life's difficulties, and prevents social disruption by unifying groups. While functionalism emphasizes religion's positive social roles, its failure to consider religion as a source of conflict is a limitation of the theory.
Functionalism views religion as serving important social functions by helping to maintain social order and stability. Durkheim argued that religion distinguishes the sacred from the profane, creating social solidarity through a collective conscience. Other functionalists like Parsons and Malinowski believed religion provides core values, helps societies make sense of life's difficulties, and prevents social disruption by unifying groups. While functionalism emphasizes religion's positive social roles, its failure to consider religion as a source of conflict is a limitation of the theory.
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Functionalism Religion as a social glue
Or when is a god a society in
disguise? The Functionalist perspective on religion. Functionalist views on Religion Functionalists are concerned with how societies maintain themselves in an orderly fashion. They say that societies try to generate value consensus, which is when individuals share the same norms & values. When studying institutions such as religion, they ask themselves: "What part does religion (or the family...or the education system...or the media...) play in maintaining social order? What are its functions for society as a whole?" Religion and Social Change Durkheim regarded Nationalism and Communism as the new religions of industrial society, taking over from Christianity Flag waving, nationalism etc are the new forms of displaying collective sentiments Totemism is a view of nature and Totemism life, of the universe and man, which colours and influences the Aborigines' social groupings and mythologies, inspires their rituals and links them to the past. It unites them with nature's activities and species in a bond of mutual life- giving, and imparts confidence amidst the vicissitudes of life. The totem provides a tangible expression of a man's relationship to his deities. Everything in the Aboriginal world contains an essence or spirit that had its beginnings in the Dreamtime.
The clans people of the crow believe they are descended from the Dreamtime's crow spirit who became a man. Durkheim
argued that it was the function of religion to
distinguish the sacred from the profane. This shared sense of the sacred helps to bind societies together. Durkheim looked at studies of Australian Aborigines, who had a religion called totemism. In worshipping their totem, a tribe was worshipping a symbol of itself. This created social solidarity through a collective conscience. Talcott Parsons
American Functionalist Talcott Parsons
said that religion provides "core values" for societies, and tries to make sense of unanswerable questions about death and the meaning of life. By strengthening norms, religion creates cultural homogeneity. Malinowski
Malinowski was an anthropologist who
studied the Trobriand Islands. (Again, a small-scale, preliterate society - do these ideas apply to industrial societies like the UK?) He found that the tribe used religion in coping with life crises, and with prediction and control. This helps prevent social disruption and unifies the group. Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942) Compelled anthropology out of the armchair advocated participant observation, learning the language--stressed need to document the native's perspective focus on 3 main types of data: 1. institutions and customs 2. the imponderablia of everyday life 3. narratives, folklore, myths Bellah
Bellah and his ideas of how civil religion
helps to give Americans a faith in their country and their way of life. Investigation in pairs
Take Durkheims concept of collective
conscience work in pairs. Think of ways in which sport played by national teams, has become a new religion in the UK today. Do National successes in sports become an important element? Evaluation? As well as remembering some of the above, you should be able to apply it to everyday situations. Making sense of bereavement? Church attendance increasing in America in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. Prediction and control? Remember how you started praying when your rabbit got sick or when you thought you (or girlfriend) might be pregnant (Joke!). You should also be able to evaluate the theory. It doesn't explain increasing secularisation (decline in religion and its influence). It doesn't explain how religion can often be the source of conflict rather than harmony: Northern Ireland, between Arabs & Jews, between different churches. Activity
Activity religious beginnings
Activity belief net
Note taking
Functions of religion in modern society
Socialization Social integration Civil religion Preventing anomie Coping with stress Criticisms of functionalism Functionalism: refocus
The key concern of functionalist
writing on religion is the contribution that religion makes to the well-being of society; its contribution to social stability and, value-consensus. Methodology as an evaluative point
Elementary Forms was based on bad
(and second hand) anthropology. It is argued that Durkheim misunderstood both totemism and the aboriginal tribes on which his study was based. It is claimed that Durkheim's analysis is not applicable to societies that are typified by cultural diversity Marxists next week Marxists would argue that religion far from being an instrument of social solidarity, is an instrument of social control and exploitation. However Durkheim clearly recognised this: Religion instructed the humble to be content with their situation, and, at the same time, it taught them that the social order is providential; that it is god himself who has determined each one's share, religion gave man a perception of a world beyond this earth where everything would be rectified; this prospect made inequalities seem less noticeable, it stopped men from feeling aggrieved. Religion and Social Change 'Religion is a kind of spiritual gin in which the slaves of capital drown their human shape and their claims to any decent life' .