Review Session: Daniel Beunza MG475 Organisation Theory

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Review session

Daniel Beunza
MG475 Organisation Theory
Agenda for today
Good to see you again!
About the exam questions?
Division of Labour
Smith: Organizations (division
of labour) are a more effective
way to do work and lead to the
progress of countries

Marx: Quite the opposite.

Division of labour is just a
way to preserve control of
the ruling classes
Bureaucracy and Taylorism
Taylor: What hinders progress is
tradition. Need a scientific Erik
organization of the tasks, so Peters
that employees can learn how on
to do a good job

Weber: The new form of

organizing work,
bureaucracies, are an
improvement as they
avoid particularism and
are fair
The Human Relations School
As explained by Perrow,
Taylorism and efficiency
improvement led to inequality
and prompted unionization.
Managers and corporate
leaders legitimized the system Human Relations School:
with Social Darwinism and the Attitudes and informal
Moral Organization structures have as much
effect on productivity as
having the optimal
Donna lighting.
Contingency Theory
El Bulli

Burns and Stalker: Innovation

requires a special type of
organizations organic Lawrence and Lorsch:
structures Differentiation (division of
labour) calls for
commensurate level of
Institutional theory
DiMaggio and Powell: As
industries become
institutionalized, companies
imitate one another

Tolbert and Zucker: Early

adoption is related to
internal organizational
requirements, while late
adoption is related to
institutional definitions
of legitimate structural
Social movements

Donaldson and Preston:

companies need to take their
stakeholders into account (not
just pursue financial returns) Ferraro and Beunza:
for instrumental and normative activists can push
reasons companies into taking
stakeholders into account
by becoming investors and
having dialogue with the
Population Ecology
Hannan and Freeman:
Companies dont adapt, so its
better to study them as
species of animals and focus
on the population as a whole

Carroll and Swaminathan:

Peter Generalists lead to
Brownin specialists due to
g population niche
dynamics. Mergers of
mass beer manufacturers
lead to specialty brewers

Weick: In social contexts such Bear

as organizations, reality can be Stearns
enacted by leaders

Kaplan: The way in which

cognition shapes action in
organizations is through
politics, that is, framing
Social networks

Granovetter: Social relations

shape action through

Burt: and the way to

benefit from
embededdness is to bridge
Josie structural holes
Organizational Culture

Kotter: What leaders do is

shape organizational culture

Kunda: Culture (norms,

values, beliefs) allows for
normative control

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