Presented By: Mr. Pratik P. Chaudhari NDMVP Kbtcoe Nashik Guided By: Prof. N. K. Kharate
Presented By: Mr. Pratik P. Chaudhari NDMVP Kbtcoe Nashik Guided By: Prof. N. K. Kharate
Presented By: Mr. Pratik P. Chaudhari NDMVP Kbtcoe Nashik Guided By: Prof. N. K. Kharate
Rotary-type Shock
Linear-type Absorbers
Shock Absorbers
Linear type Regenerative
Shock Absorbers
Rotary-type Shock Absorbers
This Works On Up And Down Movement Of Shock Absorber.
Whenever the vehicle experiences a jerk, the suspension moves down. The free
rod also moves down along with the suspension, which in turn results in the
downward rolling motion of the shaft over the rubber strip.
As the shaft rotates, the coil inside the dynamo also rotates which results in the
generation of induced electricity.
The electricity that is generated, passes to the bridge rectifier via the
connecting wires from the dynamo.
The bridge rectifier converts the Alternating Current to the Direct Current.
This current can be used for lightening of bulbs or it can also be stored in a
Road Tests
Vehicle used:
Suburban SUV
(2002 model).
Test speed:
32kmph & 48
@ 32
@ 48
Since the weight of the system is very less, it does hampers
with the momentum of the vehicle. Therefore, more power is
produced from a comparatively lesser energy.
More researchers are going on to extend the tests involving other types
of vehicles such as trucks, buses and other automotive vehicles
1. Lei Zuo, BrianScully, Jurgen Shestani and Yu Zhou, Design
and characterization of an electromagnetic energy harvester for
vehicle suspensions, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures,
Volume 19, Number 4.
2. Gupta A, Jendrzejczyk J A, Mulcahy T M and Hull J R, Design
of electromagnetic shock absorbers, International Journal of
Mechanics & Material Design, Volume 3, Number 3.
3. Goldner R B, Zerigian P and Hull J R, A preliminarystudy of
energy recovery in vehicles by usingregenerative magnetic
shock absorbers, SAE Paper #2001-01-2071.
4. Pei-Sheng Zhang and Lei Zuo, Energy harvesting,
ridecomfort, and road handling ofregenerative vehicle
suspensions, ASME Journal ofVibration and Acoustics, 2012.
5. Zhen Longxin and Wei Xiaogang, Structure and Performance
Analysis ofRegenerative Electromagnetic ShockAbsorber,
Journal of networks, vol. 5,no. 12, December2010