Chapter 6 - Internal Control
Chapter 6 - Internal Control
Chapter 6 - Internal Control
Internal control
Internal control
1. Integrity and Integrity and Ethical Values Sound integrity and ethical
Ethical Values values, particularly of top management, are developed and
understood and set the standard of conduct for financial
2. Board of Directors The board of directors understands and exercises oversight
responsibility related to financial reporting and related internal
3. Managements Managements philosophy and operating style support
Philosophy and achieving effective internal control over financial reporting.
Operating Style
4. Organizational The companys organizational structure supports effective
Structure internal control over financial reporting.
5. Financial Reporting The company retains individuals competent in financial
Competencies reporting and related oversight roles
6. Authority and Management and employees are assigned appropriate levels
Responsibility of authority and responsibility to facilitate effective internal
control over financial reporting.
Faculty of Economics and Business - Accounting Undergraduate Program
20 Basic Principles for Effective ICFR
10. Fraud Risk The potential for material misstatement due to fraud is
explicitly considered in assessing risks to the
achievement of financial reporting objective
11. Integration with Actions are taken to address risks to the achievement of
Risk Assessment financial reporting objectives.
12. Selection and Control activities are selected and developed
Development of considering their cost and potential effectiveness in
Control Activities mitigating risks to the achievement of financial
reporting objectives.
13. Policies and Policies related to reliable financial reporting are
Procedures established and communicated throughout the
company, with corresponding procedures resulting in
management directives being carried out
14. Information Information technology controls, where applicable, are
Technology designed and implemented to support the achievement of
financial reporting objectives.
Faculty of Economics and Business - Accounting Undergraduate Program
20 Basic Principles for Effective ICFR
Preventive control
Based on their Detective control
Corrective control
Directive control
Faculty of Economics and Business - Accounting Undergraduate Program
Levels of Controls
Very broadly focused and often deal with the organizational environment
Entity level Designed to directly mitigate risks that exist at the organization wide level
Process level More detailed in their focus than entity level controls
Established by process owners to reduce the risk that threatens the
controls achievement of process objectives
Segregation of duties
IT application controls (Input, processing, output)
A detective
A detective