La Traviata
La Traviata
La Traviata
Violetta Valry is a well-
known courtesan in
Paris whose life appears
to be glamorous, but
who also suffers from a
serious illness. She
lives on the money
given to her by her
male patrons.
But when she meets
Alfredo Germont, a young
man from a good family,
they fall in love and move
to the country. Alfredos
father disapproves of their
relationship and comes to
tell Violetta that her
involvement with Alfredo
will ruin his familys
Out of her love for
Alfredo, Violetta agrees
to leave him and returns
to Paris. Thinking she
has betrayed him,
Alfredo is heartbroken.
He follows her to a party
and publicly insults her.
A few months later,
Alfredo, who has learned
why Violetta left him,
returns to her. He is
shocked by her weakness
as she strains to get to
her feet. They vow to be
together forever, but she
soon collapses and
breathes her last.