Types of Concrete: Ar. C.N.Vaishnavi Ar. M.Padma
Types of Concrete: Ar. C.N.Vaishnavi Ar. M.Padma
Types of Concrete: Ar. C.N.Vaishnavi Ar. M.Padma
Ar. C.N.Vaishnavi
Ar. M.Padma
Concrete is one of the most commonly used building materials.
Concrete is a composite material made from several readily available constituents
(aggregates, sand, cement, water).
Concrete is a versatile material that can easily be mixed to meet a variety of special
needs and formed to virtually any shape.
Concrete is most vital material in modern construction.
In addition to normal concrete, other varieties in use are, high strength and high
performance concrete, self compacting, light weight, high density, fibre reinforced,
polymer, coloured concrete etc.
The making of concrete is an art as well as a science.
Fine Agg.
Coarse Agg.
Special types of concrete are Types of special concrete are :
those with out-of-the-ordinary
properties or those produced by 1. High Volume Fly Ash Concrete.
unusual techniques. Concrete is 2. Silica fume concrete.
by definition a composite 3. GGBS, Slag based concrete.
material consisting essentially of 4. Ternary blend concrete.
a binding medium and aggregate 5. Light weight concrete.
particles, and it can take many 6. Polymer concrete.
forms. 7. Self Compacting Concrete.
These concretes do have 8. Coloured Concrete.
advantages as well as 9. Fibre-reinforced Concrete.
disadvantages. 10. Pervious Concrete.
11. Water-proof Concrete.
12. Temperature Controlled Concrete.
By-product of the iron manufacturing
industry, replacement of Portland cement
with GGBS will lead to significant reduction
of carbon dioxide gas emission.
GGBS powder is almost white in colour in
the dry state Fresh GGBS concrete may
GGBS, show mottled green or bluish-green areas
on the surface mainly due to the presence
Slag based of a small amount of sulphide.
GGBS concrete requires longer setting times
concrete than Portland cement concrete, probably
due to the smooth and glassy particle forms
of GGBS. If the temperature is 23oC or
replacement level of portland cement by
GGBS is less than 30% , the setting times
will not significantly be affected.
providing concrete
smoother (rough
1.Preparation of
of concrete)
porous concrete
3.Providing lightweight
aggregate concrete
Characteristics of Lightweight Concrete
Thermal insulation
Advantages Disadvantages
1 1
Rapid hardening cement
Rapid Hardening Portland Cement (RHPC) is a special purpose cement
used in concrete to achieve a higher rate of early strength development,
compared to using Normal Cement. The improved early performance of
RHPC is achieved principally through increased product fineness.
Rapid hardening cement is similar to Ordinary Portland cement but with
higher tri-calcium silicate (C3S) content and finer grinding. It gains
strength more quickly than OPC, though the final strength is only slightly
higher. This type of cement is also called as High-Early Strength Portland
Cement. The one-day strength of this cement is equal to the three-day
strength of OPC with the same water-cement ratio.
Typical applications of RHPC include :
precast concrete production
concrete masonry
urgent repair work
coldweather concreting
Advantages and uses of the rapid
hardening portland cement:
Following are theadvantages and uses of the rapid hardening
portland cement: