Productive citizenry- refers to the idea that a citizen by him/herself must create the
environment and opportunities to become productive. It is based on the logic that a
productive citizen contributes to the overall betterment of the community
Self actualization-is a notion proposed by Maslow, it refers to the desire for self- fulfillment,
namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially.
Acceptance and Realism- realistic perception of themselves and the world around them.
Problem-centering- concerned with solving problems outside of themselves.
Spontaneity- spontaneous in their internal thoughts and outward behavior.
Autonomy and Solitude- need for independence and privacy, need time to focus on
developing their own individual potential
Continued Freshness of Appreciation- view world with a continual sense of appreciation,
wonder, and awe.
Function of Education towards Individual
Education is a human right since this is one of the few avenues that can allow social
mobility for everyone regardless of their background.
The slogan, Education is a right, not a privilege has been actualized in the
In July 2009, the Department of Education moved to overcome the foreign language
issue by ordering all elementary schools to move towards initial mother tongue-based