OS Installation 101
OS Installation 101
OS Installation 101
Chapter 5
Explore the hardware and software
prerequisites for OS installation.
Explore steps that must be taken before
installing or upgrading an OS.
Explore methods of producing robust
reproducible OS installations.
Explore installation types and techniques.
Installing an Operating System
Hardware Requirements
Before you attempt to install an OS on a machine, it
would be wise to ensure that the OS in question runs on
the hardware that you have available.
Multi-platform OS Support
Most OS vendors that distribute software that runs on
multiple hardware architectures publish a hardware
compatibility list (HCL) for their OS.
Single Platform OS Support
Vendors of single-architecture OS deal with many of the
same problems faced by multi-platform vendors.
Installing an Operating System
OS for Intel-based Systems
Windows is probably the most widely used OS available
for Intel-based systems.
Windows includes drivers for a wide range of devices that
work on Intel-based systems.
Versions of Windows produced over the past decade will
operate on systems ranging from a 486 chip up to the
latest Pentium.
The current versions of Windows generally require a
Pentium 166 (or better) processor chip, a minimum of 32
megabytes of memory, and 2 gigabytes (or more) of free
disk space.
Windows may not operate smoothly on some of the older
systems, but it will operate.
Installing an Operating System
OS for Intel-based Systems
Recent releases of Linux are beginning to nip at the
heels of Windows in regard to device driver availability,
and the number of systems running the OS.
The open-source movement has the advantage of allowing
anyone to submit a device driver for their favorite device.
Because there are so many PC systems available, many
people know how to write bad software for the PC
This plethora of untested/unsupported software available
for the system can lead to security and reliability problems.
Both Linux, and Windows suffer because of this situation!
Installing an Operating System
OS for Intel-based Systems
Well behind Windows and Linux, BSD, and Solaris are
also available for Intel architecture systems.
Solaris suffers from a lack of device drivers for the latest/greatest
Solaris also often does not offer device drivers for very old
Sun discontinued support for the Solaris Intel edition with the
release of Solaris 9. They now offer a Linux solution in place of
Solaris for Intel.
BSD variants are generally more secure than the competitors,
and offer very robust/well tested code, but they have not caught
on as general purpose offerings. BSD is often found in research
labs, and under the hood of network appliances such as
Installing an Operating System
OS for Non Intel-based Systems
Proprietary hardware architectures may not allow you to run
more than one OS.
The single offering case greatly simplifies the decision
regarding which OS you should load on the machine!
The single OS is also easier for the vendor to support, as
the service personnel only have one system to learn.
Single-OS systems are also likely to be replaced by
multi-OS systems over time.
The world of computing is not a one-size-fits-all
The UNIX vs. Windows war will be battled for many years.
Installing an Operating System
OS for Non Intel-based Systems
Whereas some architectures may only work with one OS,
others are blessed with multiple fully supported OS.
Some vendors may provide full support for their
proprietary OS but partial support for a second OS.
More often than not, the second OS is one of the
Linux distributions.
Vendors such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Compaq and
others now offer multiple OS for their hardware.
Other vendors (like Sun) offer a line of Intel based
Linux systems, as well as the SPARC based systems.
Installing an Operating System
OS for Non Intel-based Systems
Other hardware vendors only support their
proprietary OS on their hardware.
This is true for Sun Microsystems, even though there
are Linux distributions that support the SPARC
Although Linux is available for SPARC systems, many
software vendors do not port their applications for the
Linux/SPARC market.
Without applications available for Linux/SPARC,
customers stay with the proprietary Solaris OS on
Cataloging Hardware Requirements
Similarly the size of the main memory might need to be taken into
Disk Space Requirements
One of the most important decisions you will need to make before you
install an OS is how much space to allocate to the system software.
If you allocate too much space to the system software, users may not
have enough space. If you allocate too much space to users, the
system may run out of space.
Calculate how much space the OS and application binaries will
Once you have a number in mind, double it. In a few weeks or months
you will be glad you did.
Every successive release of an OS is larger
than its predecessor.
This is an important point to remember, because you may have to
upgrade the OS on a machine two or three times over the lifetime
of the hardware.
Installation Methods
Current OS are typically distributed on CD or DVD media.
Older releases were distributed on tape cartridges or floppy
More often than not, the distribution media is bootable, and
therefore all you have to do is place the media in the
appropriate device and turn on the power.
The magic of the boot process boots the installation media,
and an installation program guides you through the
installation process.
Installation Methods
Windows Installations
Most Windows installations give the administrator very few
When installing from the distribution media, the administrator
selects the partition to install the bits on, answers a few questions
about the local environment. The system does the rest without
input from the operator.
Unfortunately, the information required during the installation is
not all collected up front; the information-gathering process is
spread across the entire installation process.
This makes Windows installation more time consuming than it
should be, as the administrator has to sit and wait for the system
to ask questions.
If the questions were all asked up-front, the administrator would
be free to attend to other tasks while the bits moved from the CD
to the hard drive.
Installation Methods
Windows CD/DVD Installations
Installation of Windows from CD/DVD media is pretty simple.
You boot the installation media, answer a few simple questions, and
the installer program does the rest for you.
Unfortunately, because the process is simple, it is not very
The media-based installer is geared to the novice administrators
capabilities; hence, the number of decision points and allowable
options is very minimal.
One downside to the CD/DVD installation is that the installation
process is just interactive enough that the operator cannot start the
installation and leave for an hour or two.
Installation Methods
Network Installations
If you want to customize the installation process, and/or make it
completely automatic, you need to build a network-based
installation server.
Such an installation is referred to as an unattended
installation in Windows parlance.
The installation server contains on-line copies of the
distribution media, a set of answer files that control what
parts of the software get installed on the system, and a boot
daemon that listens for installation requests on the network.
You can customize the answer files to install the OS and any
required applications without operator intervention.
This is a much more suitable installation method if you have to
install 100 computers instead of 2 or 3.
This method comes with a price: someone has to build (and
hopefully test) the answer files.
Installation Methods
; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server and
; (c) 1994 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;; Sample Unattended Setup Answer File
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server so the
; Setup program runs without requiring user input.
Unattendmode = FullUnattended
OemPreinstall = NO
TargetPath = WINNT
Filesystem = LeaveAlone
FullName = "Your Name Here"
OrgName = "Your Organization Name"
ComputerName = "COMPUTER_NAME"
Installation Methods
; Sets the Timezone to the Pacific Northwest
; Sets the Admin Password to NULL
; Turn AutoLogon ON and login once
TimeZone = "004"
AdminPassword = *
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
; List the programs that you want to launch when the machine is logged
into for the first time
Installation Methods
BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70
; When set to YES, setup will install default networking
; The components to be set up are TCP/IP, File and Print
Sharing, and
; the Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = YES
JoinWorkgroup = Workgroup
Installation Methods
UNIX Installations
Many flavors of UNIX allow (in fact, insist on) significant
operator interaction during the installation process.
UNIX installers are often much more willing to allow custom
installations than their Windows counterparts.
This generally infers that the operator needs to be more
knowledgeable about the specifics of the system to
successfully complete the installation process.
It also means that unattended installations are not feasible
without plenty of advance configuration and planning.
Installation Methods
CD/DVD Installations
As with Windows distribution media based installations, the
installers used by UNIX OS are somewhat automated.
A difference between UNIX and Windows installers is that MOST
UNIX installers ask all of the questions up-front, then use the
answers to drive the remainder of the install.
A typical Solaris 8 installation requires about 20 minutes of
operator interaction, then for the next hour (or more) no
interaction is required.
RedHat Linux installations are similar to Solaris in regards
to operator interaction.
While MOST UNIX installations often take care of the interactive
portion up-front, a few of the installers hold the users hand
throughout the installation process (much like Windows).
Installation Methods
Network Installations
Most versions of UNIX support a network-based installation
system of one form or another.
Like Windows, these installers require a network-based boot
server, rules files that dictate how the installation is performed,
and a boot daemon that runs on the server to manage the
The Solaris JumpStart package is one such network-based
Suns WebStart and the Linux KickStart service are other
examples of the automated network-based installer.
Because there is no official standard for these network-
based tools, and each vendor has one (or more) of these
installers, describing all of the current offerings is difficult,
if not impossible.
Installation Methods
Linux Kickstart
Linux may be kickstarted from a bootable floppy
diskette or from a network-based boot server.
The floppy diskette must contain a configuration file named
This file is the Linux equivalent of the Windows answer
file for an unattended installation.
To perform a network installation, you need to have a
DHCP server running on your network.
The DHCP server instructs the new system how to contact
the boot service machine identified in the ks.cfg file.
Installation Methods
The Kickstart process requires a rules file to control the
The ks.cfg file contains several directives that tell the installer how,
and what, to install on the system.
The format of the ks.cfg file is as follows.
The easiest way to create a Kickstart file is to use the Kickstart
configurator utility supplied on the distribution media.
To start a Kickstart install, you use a special boot floppy.
The boot floppy may contain a CD-ROM or network boot block. In
either case, you start the boot with the following command.
Boot: linux ks=floppy # ks.cfg resides on the floppy
# ks.cfg resides on NFS fileserver
Boot: linux ks=nfs:<server_name:>/path_to_ks.cfg
Installation Methods
Solaris Network Boot Service Daemon
To provide a Solaris installation server, you must
build and configure a system that will listen for
install requests, and know how to deliver the
proper files to the host being installed.
This requires the sysadmin to complete the
following two major tasks.
Build a server, install the boot server software, and
configuration files.
Install the binaries to be served on the boot server.
Installation Methods
Saving Critical Data
In the event your installation involves the upgrade from an old
version of an OS to a new version, there is another critical point to
What do you do with all of the old files on the system when you
get ready to install the new software?
If the system is a standalone desktop, and you have a new OS
(as well as new applications to install), you may not need to
worry about saving anything from the old system.
More often than not, however, before an old OS is shut down for
the last time there are several files you may wish to save.