Reading Log
Reading Log
Reading Log
to see my
My project is about..
Rea d i n g
Lo g s
Aaesha Ebrahim
Course number :
EPR 2503
Course Name :
Reading log: process
Course teacher :
Fatima Almansoori,
Colleen Menichini
-The big yellow bus 20
-Little red riding hood 26
-Clothes 30
-No nap 32
-Probably pistachio 32
-I love you mister bear 34
-My garden 36
-Rain 39
-I had trouble in getting
to solla sollew 60
-Green eggs & ham 62
-The cat in the hat comes back 63
-I wish that I had duck feet 64
-One fish two fish
Book title\ pages The big yellow bus, 20 pages.
Pictures of the
Pictures of the
Pictures of the
Grade level I will use this book for grade one (EFL) and grade
three (ESL).
Suggested theme I think this story will be good for clothes lesson
because it talk about clothes and benefits of the
Pictures of the
Format Picture books ( both pictures and text tell the story
and important)
Genre Fiction realistic fiction
Grade level I will use this book for grade 2 ( student first
language ) and class 3 ( student second language).
Suggested theme I think this story will be good for being healthy
lesson and conversations lesson.
Summary ( only This story talk about Susie and her father. Where
one paragraph) that came nap time, but she doesnt feel tired. Her
father tries varies activities to get Susie tired, but
there were no benefits. Her father felt tired and
slept. Then, the mother came to the home and was
amazed what happed. Susie told her that the father
was sleeping and she does not want to nap.
Why it is I think, No Nap story will be adequate for home use
effective ? with parent story time. A lot of children from 7 to 10
years old spend all the time to play & to do anything.
Reason\ example
If the nap is coming, they invent anything to do it, but
without nap. Children when they hear this story, they
will learn one point that we should dont bother our
parents and we should to do what they say for us. The
reason that the parents do not want only the benefits
for their children. No Nap that is mean you will be
tired but if they take just one hour to sleep, they will
get energy. One study found that the power of a
child's brain increase when taking a nap for an hour
just after launch, and this is illustrated by studies
( Scott, 2013)*.
I recommend \ I I highly recommend you read this book for the child
do not because it includes many of the vocabularies that
appropriate for grade three students as it contains the
usefulness of large.
Response to text I enjoy reading this book, and it is imperative for
students to learn new vocabulary.
Elements # Authors Purpose: She shows that one girl dont
want to nap and she did a lot of things with her father
to not sleep.
#Setting : Home\ Afternoon.
#Character: Susie & her father.
# Point of view: Third point of view.
# Style: The cover is colorful and it includes a nice
picture in each page to attract children.
# Mood : happy, nap, tired.
Activity After I read this story for my student in the reading
corner, I will ask them to set in their group and do this
activity. In each group have a paper. In this document
just one question ( if you have a baby in your home
ad you want her to sleep, what is the activity you will
do to feel nap?). Imagine and then create a beautiful
poster by drawing the activity on the white card by
using crayons.
Book title\ pages Probably Pistachio, 32 pages.
Pictures of the
Grade level This book will be good for level 2 ( age 6 up) for English
first language.
Suggested theme I will use this story for favorite food lesson
Summary ( only This story talks about the boy. He expected that the
one paragraph) morning meal will be a favorite food, but he did not get
it. After that he went to school and predicted that his
Why it is I think this story would be sufficient to school
effective ? use with teacher story time. This is because it
teaches us patient. That is mean not all that
Reason\ example
you want you will get it. For example, in the
story, the boy need his favorite food and at the
fourth time but he did not get it. Also, everyone
has a favorite food and differs from the others.
Response to text I enjoy when I read this story because in each time
you predicted that the boy will get his favorite food
but he did not get it.
Elements # setting: home, school, kitchen, sport.
# characters: boy\ his father\ his mother\ his sister\
his friend\ his teacher\ his friend\ his coach.
# point of view: first point of view.
# mood: sad.
Activity After I finish reading for them this story, I will give to
each student a small card. They should write on the
card one favorite food they like it but without seeing
anyone the word. Then each student will go to guess
the favorite food for their classmate. If they guess
right, they will get the point. The student who has a
lot of points. He is the owner. For example, Rashid
write in his card ( pizza). Then, his friend will ask
Rashid about his favorite food. If Rashid friend answer
right he will get the point.
Pictures of the
Grade level This story will be good for Kinder Garden (EFL) and
for level 1 (ESL).
Suggested theme Teacher can use this story for funny time. Not
depend to any lesson.
Summary ( only This story talks about Sosha and her lovely Mister
one paragraph) Bear. She loves Mister Bear so much. She takes with
her everywhere and anywhere. She also cared for
him so much. The original of Mister Bear is one day
Sosha saw it in the yard sale. But it has a hole. She
bay it and ask her mother to stitches. Finally, Sosha
Why it is
effective ? I think this story will be effective in school
using with teacher story time. Because it can
Reason\ example
be funny for children to break their routine.
Also, it is useful in-house using with parent
story time. Because children can learn if they
love something, they should carry all the time
in anywhere.
I recommend \ I
do not I recommend reading this story with your children
because it is funny story and it is amazing for
Response to text I like this story and I enjoy when I reading because it
includes a simple sentence that appropriate for level
one students (ESL).
Elements Setting: yard sale, home, bath room.
Point of view: first point of view.
Character: Sosha, her mother, her father, Mister Bear.
Mood: sad, happy, excited.
Activity After we finish this story, I will ask each student to
imagine another conclusion of this story. After they
guess, I will give to each student a colorful paper and
they should to make like this story but in conclusion
that they imagine. When they finish, they will put
their work at the back of the class.
Pictures of the
Grade level I will use this book for grade 2 ( student second
language) because it includes vocabulary that relate
to their level. There are a lot of vocabulary such as
rabbit, carrot, mother, garden, water & flower.
Suggested theme I think this story is good for vocabulary lesson and
garden lesson.
Summary ( only Mother has a pleasant garden, and her daughter are
one paragraph) assisted. One day, after helping her mother water &
chase the rabbits from their garden. She imagined
that she had a fancy garden does not exist in real
life. Elegant garden such as chocolate rabbit and
tomatoes size of the bench balls.
Activity After I read this story for my student, I will ask them
to go to their seat.
I will give to each group a nine pictures, and they
should arrange it by the story. When they finish, I give
to each cluster one scissors, one glue, and a different
kind of colorful paper.
First, they should to imagine their garden. Then, they
should make it by these materials.
Pictures of the
Grade level I think this story would be good for grade one ESL
and kinder garden EFL.
Suggested theme Teacher can use this story for weather lesson or
season lesson specially winter lesson.
Summary ( only This story talk about brother and sister joyous
one paragraph) experiences in the rain. They explore where animals
hide, splash through puddles and make footprints in
the mud.
Why it is I think rain story will be adequate for school
effective ? use with teacher story time. It includes visual
learning style. However, different learning style
Reason\ example
is very important for kids to learn. Here in this
book, the author and illustrator use just the
visual learning style.
One researcher found that the visual style of
learning has an advantage: it make a good
relationship between the picture that students
see it and what did they have from pre
knowledge in their mind Smith & Midea,
Pictures of the
Grade level I think this story would be good for grade three
( EFL) & grade five ( ESL).
Suggested theme The teacher can use this story for funny time and to
broke the routine.
Summary ( only This story talks about a cat wants to move from her
one paragraph) home to another city. On the road, he faced many
difficulties and lost his control. He decided to re-
where it came from.
Why it is I think ( I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew)
effective ? story will be adequate for home using with
parents story time. Because it is fairy tale
Reason\ example
if the story was part of the daily routine with
your child so why not break this routine by
using fairy tale story. You will see the response
of the child did gradually changed. Fairy tale
story have a lot of benefits for children. One of
them, it was help child to know how to deal
with problems. One researcher found that fairy
tales can assist kids to develop their
imagination and it gives parents appropriate to
to teach critical thinking skills ( Taylor, 2012).
Pictures of the
Grade level I think this story will be good for grade one ( English
First Language.. EFL) because it contains a new
vocabulary that relate to that level. For example,
house, mouse, box, fox, goat & train.
Summary ( only This story talks about Sam. He has a green eggs and
one paragraph) ham. He wants the dog to eat this meal. But the dog
doesnt want it. Sam tried to make him eat this meal
in several ways and many places. Places like in
house, in the train, in the box, with the mouse, with
the Fox, with goat..eng. But all attempts failed. In
the end, the dog decided to eat green eggs and
Why it is This story will be adequate for school using
effective ? with teacher story time. There are two reasons
of that.
Reason\ example
First one is it help students to learn new
vocabulary such as house, train, tree, mouse,
box, foxeng. The student must improve their
vocabulary. One researcher found that the
students who have a lot of new vocabularies
after makes a good communication with other
people ( Top 3 reason to improve your
vocabulary, 2007).
Second one assist child to know how to
convince the other person. As I read the story,
Sam tried to do a lot of things to convince the
dog to eat green eggs and ham. And in the end,
the dog try to eat it and he like it.
Author , By Dr.Seuss.
Information about # Born: March 2, 1904.. Massachuselts, U.S
author # Died : September 24, 1991 Califorinia , U.S
# Pen Name: Theo LeSieg, Rosetta Stone
# Occupation: writer, cartoonist.
# Nationality : American
# Genre: childrens litrature.
# Years active : 1927- 1990.
Pictures of the
Grade level I think this story will be good for grade three
because it is contains the vocabulary that relate to
that level.
Suggested theme I think this story will be good for alphabet lesson and
about cleaning lesson.
Summary ( only One day, cat came to the girl and boy. It entered the
one paragraph) house during the absence of the mother. Then, it
eats cake, and it makes dirty place. Whenever he
wanted to be cleaned, get dirty. The other thing that
came to him the idea that the first cat out of the hat
to help him. But he could not get out. The other cat
from his hat came. Even 26 cat came out of his hat,
and they have already cleaned the whole place
before the arrival of the mother.
Why it is This story will be affective for school using with
effective ? teacher story time because it has an audio CD.
The teacher can use CD during the student read
Reason\ example
the story. One researcher found that the
student who is listening, have a lot of friends
and it will help them to develop their self
esteem ( listening skills, 2015).
Response to text I did not feel any boring when I read this story
because it has a motive that motivate me to read
another page without stop reading.
Elements # setting: house.
# character: boy, girl, cat & 26 little cat.
# point of view: first point of view.
# mood: happy, fear, concern, confuse, work.
Activity After finish, each student will go to their seat.They
should make a table have two columns and 26 rows.
They should write the alphabet letter from A to Z.
under each letter, write two words that relate to that
Book title\ pages I wish that I had DUCK FEET. 64 pages.
Pictures of the
Grade level I will use this this book for level 4 (ESL) and level 3
Suggested theme I think could be good for imagination lesson and
funny lesson.
Summary ( only This story talks about the boy. He each time imagine
one paragraph) and wish that he has something like duck feet,
horns, spout, long nose and long tail. When he wish,
he remembers that each one has an advantages and
disadvantages. Then he decided that he want all of
the things that he wish but also it has an
disadvantage. Finally, he want to be like his.
Why it is It is effective in house using with parent's story
effective ? time. Because it has a lot of benefits when the
child was listening to this story.
Reason\ example
First, they will learn that they should thank
Allah. If Allah give us a duck foot, they will not
feel comfortable when we set. Also, Allah
provides us with a nice body.
Response to text I am very enjoy it when I read it. I learn from the story
that I should thanks Allah because he gives us all of
things without hurts people.
Elements Setting: Zoo, House.
Point of view: first point of view.
Character: main character is boy.
Pictures of the
Grade level I will use this book for grade three because it
includes numbers and the opposite word that relate
to their level.
Suggested theme I think this story is good for number lesson and
opposite words lesson. Also, for funny class.
Summary ( only This story included a beautiful story from start to
one paragraph) finish. At the beginning of the story, the writer talked
about the number and he types of fish as they
different from each other in several capacities. In the
middle, author brings us to the girl and the boy, as
Why it is I think this story would be sufficient to school use with
effective ? teacher story time because it includes opposite
words. One researcher found that teaching opposite
Reason\ example
words is one way that helps to develop student's
ability communicative ( Teaching opposite to children,
2014)*. This story is one of the simple stories that you
can do it to teach them opposite words. However,
parents can learn children about it by games, crafts,
toys & through movement. Also, this story is one
example of rhyme. There are a lot of benefits of
rhyme. However, one researcher found that a child
who hears animated stories rhyme, can estimated
him to spell big words and also assisted on the
progress reading ( the benefits of rhyme, 2015)*.
Through personal experience, I noticed that the child
be able to detect the acoustic components of words
through rhyme.
Genre Fantasy.
Grade level This story would be good for grade one (EFL) and
grade two ( ESL). Also it help children to have many
experience specially childe aged between five to
Suggested theme I think the teacher can use this story for funny time.
Summary ( only The three little pirates was wonderful story for
one paragraph) children. One day, they heard the sound of sea
waves and left the giant sea monster and has a
magic moonstone. In this stone Mo. She is one of
the mermaid. She asked them for help to save the
rest mermaid of the evil Vanilla Gringe. They decided
to go to the dolphin island to help their boys friend to
build submarine and to find all things that they need
it from shop. After that, they went to Sophia to give
them a magic power.
Then, they installed the ship and her boys friend
installed the submarine. The submarine went to save
the Mo. Mo tell them where is the rest of mermaid.
The submarine went to help all mermaid. At the
Why it is I think this story will be adequate for home using with
effective ? parents story time and adequate for school using with
teacher story time because it is fantasy story.
Reason\ example
There are a lot of advantages of reading fantasy
novels. One researcher found that children aged
between four years have the ability to answering
questions fantastic ( Sci, 2015).
Anther researcher found that fantasy story can
develop her kids imagination( Amalia, 2008).
Also it can gives the entertainment to the readers .
Pictures of the