Measurements & Transducers

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Mechanical Measurements

•Measurements means determination of

anything that exists in some amount.
•Measurement of any quantity is essential in
order to control it. For ex, one must be able to
measure a variable such as ‘temperature’ or
‘flow’ in order to control it.
•The accuracy of control is dependent on the
accuracy of measurement & hence good
knowledge of measurement is essential for
design of control systems.
Mechanical Measurements
• Definition of measurement: Measurement is defined as the
process of obtaining a quantitative comparison between a
predefined standard & an unknown magnitude.
• Requirements of a Measurement system:
(1) The standard used for comparison must be accurately
known and commonly accepted.
(2) The procedure & the apparatus used for comparison
must be commonly accepted and must be provable.


Unknown Process of
magnitude Comparison
Significance of Measurement system
(1) Measurement provides the fundamental basis for
research & development as it involves
measurement of various quantities pertaining to
operation & performance of the device being
(2) Measurement is also a fundamental element of
any control process, which requires the
measured discrepancy between the actual &
desired performances.
(3) To ensure proper performance in operations of
modern power stations to monitor temperature,
pressure, vibrational amplitudes etc.
(4) To establish the cost of products on the basis of
amount of material, power, time & labour, etc.
Fundamental methods of Measurement
(a) Direct comparison with primary or secondary standard.
(b) Indirect comparison through the use of calibrated system.
Direct comparison
In this method, measurement is made directly by
comparing the unknown magnitude with a standard & the
result is expressed by a number.
For ex, length measurement using a meter scale.
Here, the comparison is made with human senses which
vary from person to person & hence highly undependable.

In case of measuring mass, if the difference between

standard mass & the unknown mass is very small, it
cannot be distinguished by direct comparison.
Hence this method is not suitable for scientific & research
Indirect comparison
• In this method a chain of devices which is together
called as measuring system is employed. The chain
of devices transform the sensed signal into a more
convenient form & indicate this transformed signal
either on an indicator or a recorder or fed to a
• For ex, to measure strain in a machine member, a
component senses the strain, another component
transforms the sensed signal into an electrical
quantity which is then processed suitably before
being fed to a meter or recorder.
The generalized measurement system

Auxiliary power
Auxiliary power
Calibration source Indicator
Source (optional)

Transduced Intermediate Analogous

Detector- Signal Driving
Input Transducer Modifying signal Recorder
signal stage (analogous stage
to input)


Most measuring systems fall within the frame work of a generalized

system Consisting Of three stages namely
(1) A detector-transducer or sensor stage
(2) An intermediate modifying stage or signal conditioning stage
(3) A terminating or read-out stage, as shown in the block diagram
Basic elements of a Measuring system
Stage I-Detector Transducer Stage II-Intermediate Stage III-Terminating
Senses only the desired inputModifies Transduced signalProvides an indication or
& provides analogous output into a form usable by finalrecording in a form that can
stage. Usually increases be evaluated by human sense
amplitude and power or by a controller
Types & Examples Types & Examples Types & Examples
Mechanical : ContactingMechanical : Gearing, cranks, INDCATORS
spindle, Spring-mass, elasticlinks, cams, etc. (a) Displacement types
devices such as bourdon Moving pointer & scale, light
tube, proving ring,etc. Hydraulic-Pneumatic: Piping,beam & scale, CRO, liquid
Hydraulic-Pneumatic: valves, dash-pots, etc column, etc.
Buoyant-float, orifice, venturi,
vane, propeller (b) Digital types: Direct
Optical: Mirrors, lenses,
Optical: Photographic film,Optical filters, light levers,alphanumeric read out
Photoelectric cell Optical fibers. (c) Recorders: Digital
Electrical: printing, inked pen & chart
Contactors, resistance,Electrical: Light beam & photographic
capacitance, PiezoelectricAmplifying systems, matchingFilm, magnetic recording
crystal, Thermocouple, etc. devices, filters, telemetry(d) Controllers: All types
systems, etc.
The generalized measurement system
Stage-I-Detector Transducer stage: The important function
of this stage is to detect or to sense the input signal. At
the same time, it should be insensitive to every other
possible input signals. For ex, if it is a pressure signal, it
should be insensitive to acceleration.
Stage-II-Intermediate modifying stage: The function of this
stage is to modify the transduced information so that it is
acceptable to the third, or terminating stage. The
important function of this stage is to increase either
amplitude or power of the signal or both, to the level
required to drive the final terminating device.
In addition to the above, it is designed for proper matching
characteristics between the first & second and between
the second & third stages.
It also performs selective filtering, integration,
differentiation, etc. as required.
Stage III-Terminating stage
• This stage provides information in a form which can be
understood by the human senses or a controller.
• An example of a generalized measurement system is a simple
Bourdon tube pressure gauge.
• In this case, the pressure is sensed by a tube of elliptical cross
section which undergoes mechanical deformation. (c/s tends to
become circular)
• The gearing arrangement amplifies the displacement at the end of
the tube so that a relatively small displacement of the tube end
produces a greater revolution of the center gear.
• The final indicator stage consists of a pointer and scale
arrangement, which when calibrated with known pressure inputs,
gives an indication of pressure signal acting on the bourdon tube.
Input Displacement Mechanical Pointer Pointer
Bourdon tube
pressure links & gearing movement & Scale

Detector Terminating
transsducer stage stage


Gears (Intermediate
modifying stage)

Bourdon tube
(detector-transducer stage)

Pressure input
In 1849 the Bourdon tube pressure gauge was patented in France by
Eugene Bourdon. It is still one of the most widely used instruments for
measuring the pressure of liquids and gases of all kinds, including steam,
water, and air up to pressures of 100,000 pounds per square inch. Eugene
Bourdon founded the Bourdon Sedeme Company to manufacture his
Definitions & basic concepts
(1) Readability: This term indicates the closeness with which
the scale of the instrument may be read. For ex, an
instrument with 30 cm scale has a higher readability than that of a 15
cm scale.
(2) Least count: It is the smallest difference between two
indications that can be detected on the instrument scale.
(3) Range: It represents the highest possible value that can
be measured by an instrument or it is the difference
between the largest & the smallest results of
(4) Sensitivity: It is the ratio of the linear movement of the
pointer on the instrument to the change in the measured
variable causing this motion.
For ex, a 1 mV recorder might have a 10 cm scale. Its
sensitivity would be 10 cm/mV, assuming that the
measurement is linear all across the scale.
Sensitivity (contd…) The static sensitivity of an instrument
can be defined as the slope of the calibration curve. The
sensitivity of an instrument should be high and the
instrument should not have a range greatly exceeding the
value to be measured. However some margin should be
kept for accidental overloads.
Hysterisis: An instrument is said to exhibit hysterisis when
there is a difference in readings depending on whether the
value of the measured quantity is approached from higher
value or from a lower value as shown in fig. Hysterisis
arises because of mechanical friction, magnetic effects,
elastic deformation or thermal effects.
True value or actual value (Va): It is the actual magnitude
of the input signal which may be approximated but never
truly be determined.
The true value may be defined as the average of an
infinite number of measured values, when the average
deviation of the various contributing factors tend to zero.
si n


s in
Maximum output

Maximum input

Typical Hysterisis curve

Indicated value (Vi): The magnitude of the input signal indicated by a measuring
instrument is known as indicated value.

Correction: It is the revision applied to the indicated value which improves the
worthiness of the result. Such revision may be in the form of either an
additive factor or a multiplier or both.

Result (Vr) : It is obtained by making all known corrections to the indicated

value. Vr= AVi + B, where A & B are multiplicative & additive corrections.

Error: It is the difference between the true value (Va) & the result (Vr). Error=(Vr-
Va )

Accuracy: The accuracy of an instrument indicates the deviation of the reading

from a known input. In other words, accuracy is the closeness with which the
readings of an instrument approaches the true values of the quantity

Precision: The precision of an instrument indicates its ability to reproduce a

certain reading with a given accuracy. In other words, it is the degree of
agreement between repeated results.
• A measurement can be accurate but not precise,
precise but not accurate, neither, or both. A
measurement system is called valid if it is both
accurate and precise.

Low Accuracy High Accuracy High Accuracy

High Precision Low Precision High Precision
Resolution or Discrimination: It is defined as the
smallest increment of input signal that a
measuring system is capable of displaying.
Threshold: If the instrument input is increased very
gradually from zero, there will be some minimum
value of input below which no output change can
be detected. This minimum value defines the
threshold of the instrument.
Resolution is defines the smallest measurable input
change while threshold defines the smallest measurable
Threshold is measured when the input is varied from
zero while the resolution is measured when the input is
varied from any arbitrary non- zero value.
Repeatability: It is defined as the ability of a measuring
system to reproduce output readings when the same
input is applied to it consecutively, under the same
conditions, and in the same direction.
Reproducibility: It is defined as the degree of closeness
with which the same value of a variable may be
measured at different times.
Calibration: Every measuring system must be provable.
The procedure adopted to prove the ability of a
measuring system to measure reliably is called
In this process, known values of input are fed to the
system and the corresponding output is measured. A
graph relating the output with input is plotted which is
known as ‘calibration curve’.
Linearity: A measuring system is said to be linear if the
output is linearly proportional to the input. A linear
system can be easily calibrated while calibration of a non
linear system is tedious, cumbersome & time consuming.
The best fitting straight line or method of least squares
may be used to plot input vs. output data.
Loading effect: The presence of a measuring instrument in
a medium to be measured will always lead to extraction
of some energy from the medium, thus making perfect
measurements theoretically impossible.
This effect is known as ‘loading effect’ which must be
kept as small as possible for better measurements.
For ex, in electrical measuring systems, the detector stage receives
energy from the signal source, while the intermediate modifying
devices and output indicators receive energy from auxiliary source.
The loading effects are due to impedances of various elements
connected in a system
System response: Response of a system may be defined
as the ability of the system to transmit & present all the
relevant information contained in the input signal & to
exclude all others.
If the output is faithful to input, i.e. the output signals
have the same phase relationships as that of the input
signal, the system is said to have good System
response. If there is a lag or delay in the output signal
which may be due to natural inertia of the system, it is
known as ‘measurement lag’
“Rise time” is defined as the time taken for system to
change from 5% to 95% of its final value. It is a
measure of the speed of response of a measuring
system and a short rise time is desirable.
Response to a step input showing measurement lag

Step input


Rise time
Amplitude Response
A system is said to have to good amplitude
response if it treats all the input amplitudes
uniformly. i.e. if an input amplitude of 5 units is
indicated as 20 units on the output side, an input
of 10 units should give 40 units on the output
In practice a measuring system will have good
amplitude response over an unlimited range of
input amplitudes.
For ex, a 3-stage amplifier used for strain
measurement has good response upto an input
voltage of 10-2 volts as shown in fig.
Amplitude response of 3-stage amplifier used for
strain measurement

Output voltage
Input voltage

Gain =


-4 -3 -2 -1
10 10 10 10
Input voltage
Frequency response
A system is said to have a good frequency
response when it treats all input frequencies with
equal faithfulness.
For ex, if an input amplitude of 5 units at 60 Cps is
indicated as 10 units on the output side, then
irrespective of the change in input frequency, the
output amplitude should not change as long as
the input amplitude does not change.
In practice a measuring system will have a lower &
upper limits beyond which the system can not
have a good frequency response.
The fig shows response curve of a device which
has good frequency response between 5 Cps &
30,000 Cps.
Frequency response of 3-stage amplifier
used for strain measurement



0 10 100 1000 10,000

Phase response
Amplitude response and frequency response are important
for all types of input signals whether simple or complex.
The phase response is, however, important only for
complex waves.
If the input signal is simple like a sine wave, the amplitude
of the output, though out of phase with input, will not be
affected. This is because the shape of the cycle is
repetitive and does not change between the limits of the
But if the input signal is complex with different phase
relationships among its components, then the output
signal will be totally distorted having no resemblance with
the input. Such distorted signals will lead to incorrect
measurements. They can be minimized by using special
circuits known as phase distortion circuits.
Effect of poor phase response on recording of


Strain 300



0 100 200 300 400

Harmonic angle, degrees
Errors in Measurements
Error may be defined as the difference between the measured value and the
true value.
Errors may be classified as follows;
(1) Systematic or fixed errors:
(a) calibration errors (b) Certain types of consistently recurring human
errors (c) Errors of technique (d) Uncorrected loading errors
(e) Limits of system resolution
Systematic errors are repetitive & of fixed value. They have a definite
magnitude & direction.
If a measuring instrument is not calibrated periodically it will lead to errors in
measurement .
Human errors are due to variation of physical & mental states of a person which
may lead to systematic or random errors.
Errors of technique are due to improper usage of measuring apparatus. This
may include errors resulting from incorrect design, fabrication or
Loading errors result from influence exerted by the act of measurement on the
physical system being tested.
(2) Random or Accidental errors:
(a) Errors stemming from environmental variations
(b) Certain types of human errors
(c) Due to Variations in definition
(d) Due to Insufficient sensitivity of measuring system
Random errors are distinguishable by their lack of consistency. An
observer may not be consistent in taking readings. Also the process
involved may include certain poorly controlled variables causing
changing conditions. The variations in temperature, vibrations of
external medium, etc. cause errors in the instrument. Errors of this type
are normally of limited duration & are inherent to specific environment.
(3) Illegitimate errors:
(a) Blunders or Mistakes (b) Computational errors (c) Chaotic errors
Illegitimate errors should not exist and may be eliminated by careful
exercise & repetition of measurement. Chaotic errors which may be due
to extreme vibration, mechanical shock of the equipment, pick up of
extraneous noise make the testing meaningless unless all these
disturbances are eliminated.
Sources of errors
(1) Noise: It is defined as any signal that does not convey useful
(2) Design limitations: These are certain inevitable factors such as
friction & resolving power which lead to uncertainty in
(3) Response time: It is the time lag between the application of input
signal & output measurement.
(4) Deterioration of measuring system: Physical and/or chemical
deterioration or other alterations in characteristics of measuring
system constitute a source of error in measurement.
(5) Environmental effects: The change in atmospheric temperature
may alter the elastic constant of a spring, the dimensions of a
linkage, electrical resistance etc. similarly other factors such as
humidity, pressure etc. also affect measurements.
(6) Errors in observation & Interpretation: It is the mistake of
operators in observing, interpreting & recording the data.
Introduction to Transducers
A transducer or sensor usually transforms physical variables into
a more convenient form such as electrical signals.
Transfer efficiency: It is the ratio of output information delivered by
the pick up (Sensor) to the information received by the pick up.
Transfer efficiency
I out
Since the pick up can not generate
Iin any information , the transfer
efficiency can not be greater than unity. The detector-
transducer stage must be designed to have a high Transfer
efficiency to the extent possible.
Active & Passive Transducers: An active transducer has an
auxiliary power source which supplies a major part of the
output power while the input signal supplies only an
insignificant portion. In other words, active transducers are self
powered & there may be or may not be conversion of energy
from one form to another. Ex, Electronic & Piezo electric
Passive Transducers: A component whose output
energy is supplied entirely or almost entirely by its
input signal is called a passive transducer. The
output & input signals may involve energy of the
same form or there may be energy conversion from
one form to another. (For ex, from mechanical to
electrical) Ex: Bonded wire strain gauge

Mechanical Transducers
Mechanical quantities include force, pressure,
displacement, flow, temperature, etc. The
mechanical transducers commonly used to convert
the applied force into displacement are elastic
members. They may be subjected to either direct
tension/compression, Bending or Torsion.
Mechanical Transducers
Spiral springs: These are used to produce controlling
torque in analogue type electrical instruments and
clocks. The controlling torque will be proportional to the
angle of deflection. Care must be taken not to stress the
springs beyond the elastic limit as it will lead to
permanent deformation.
Torsion bars: These are used in torque meters to sense
torque which causes a proportionate angular twist which
in turn is used as a measure of applied torque. (with the
help of a displacement transducer)
Some torque meters, the strain gauges are used to sense
the angular deformation.
Proving rings: They are used to measure weight, force or
load. The deflection can be measured with the help of
micrometers, dial gauges or electrical transducers.

Spiral springs Torsion bars

Pressure sensitive elements
Most pressure measuring devices use elastic members to
sense the pressure. These elastic members convert
pressure into displacement & ca be of the following types;
(i) Bourdon tubes (ii) Diaphragms (iii) Bellows
Bourdon tubes are elliptical cross section tubes bent into
shapes as shown in fig. One end of the tube is sealed and
physically held while the other end is open for the fluid to
enter. The fluid whose pressure is to be measured enters
the tube and tends to straighten the tube. This causes the
movement of the free end which can be measured. The
commonly used materials for bourdon tubes are brass,
Phosphor bronze, Beryllium copper,etc.
Diaphragms: Elastic diaphragms are used as primary pressure
transducers in many dynamic pressure measuring devices.
These may be either ‘flat’ or ‘corrugated’ as shown in fig.

Spiral tube


Helical tube

Twisted tube
Diaphragms (contd…)
A diaphragm is a thin flat plate of circular shape fixed around
its circumference. When a differential pressure (P1-P2)
occurs across the diaphragm, it will deflect as shown in fig.
The deflection may be sensed by an appropriate
displacement transducer such as strain gauge.
A flat diaphragm is often used in conjunction with electrical
secondary transducers whose sensitivity permits small
diaphragm deflections. A corrugated diaphragm is useful
when large deflections are required.
An alternative form of diaphragm to obtain large deflections is a
metallic capsule or pressure capsule, in which two
corrugated diaphragms are joined back to back at their
edges as shown in fig. Pressure P2 is applied to the inside of
the capsule which is surrounded by the pressure P1
Pressure P1
Pressure P1 Corrugated

when pressure is
applied Pressure P2 Pressure P2

Flat Diaphragm Corrugated Diaphragm

Pressure P1 Corrugated
joined back to


Pressure P2
Bellows: Metallic bellows are thin walled tubes formed by
hydraulic presses into a corrugated shape as shown in fig.
Bellows can be of diameters upto 300 mm & are made of
Brass, (80%copper & 20% zinc), Phosphor bronze,
stainless steel, Beryllium copper.
A differential pressure causes displacement of the bellows,
which may be converted into an electrical signal.
Electrical transducer elements
Most measuring devices have electrical elements as
secondary transducers which convert the displacement of a
primary sensor into electrical current or voltage. The
transducers may be of resistive, inductive or capacitive
Advantages of electrical transducers:
(1) Very small size & compact. (2) Frictional & inertial effects are reduced
(3) Remote recording & control possible (4) Amplification & attenuation
of signals may be easily obtained (5) An output of sufficient power for
control may be obtained
Fixed end

Pressure P2 Pressure P1


Metallic Bellow
Guide rod slide

Sliding contact
Resistance element

Resistance wire

Angular motion potentiometer
Resistive Transducers
The resistance of an electrical conductor varies according to
the relation, ρL
where R= resistance in ohms, ρ = Resistivity of the material in
ohm-cm, L= length of the conductor in cm, A= cross sectional
area in cm2.
Any method of varying one of the quantities involved may be
the design criterion for the transducer. Following are some
(i) Sliding contact devices: These convert mechanical
displacement input into either current or voltage output. This
is achieved by changing the effective length of the conductor.
The slide or contactor maintains electrical contact with the
element and the slide is a measure of the linear
displacement of the slide. These types of devices are used
for sensing relatively large displacements.
Potentiometers: The resistance elements may be formed by
wrapping a resistance wire around a card as shown in fig.
In this the effective resistance between either end of the
resistance element and the slide is a measure of angular
displacement of the slide.
• Inductive transducers: Inductance is the property in an
electrical circuit where a change in the current flowing
through that circuit induces an electromotive force (EMF)
that opposes the change in current.
• In electrical circuits, any electric current i produces a
magnetic field and hence generates a total magnetic flux
Φ acting on the circuit. This magnetic flux, according to
Lenz's law tends to oppose changes in the flux by
generating a voltage (a counter emf) that tends to oppose
the rate of change in the current.
• The ratio of the magnetic flux to the current is called the
self-inductance which is usually simply referred to as the
inductance of the circuit
Mutual Inductance: When the varying flux field from one coil
or circuit element induces an emf in a neighboring coil or
circuit element, the effect is called Mutual Inductance.
Magnetic reluctance or magnetic resistance, is analogous to
resistance in an electrical circuit. In likeness to the way an
electric field causes an electric current to follow the path
of least resistance, a magnetic field causes magnetic flux
to follow the path of least magnetic reluctance. Permeance
is the reciprocal of reluctance


When a single coil is used as a transducer element, the
mechanical input changes the permeance of the flux path
generated by the coil, thereby changing its inductance.
This change can be measured by a suitable circuit,
indicating the value of the input. As shown in fig, the flux
path may be changed by a change in the air gap.
Meter ~ Exciter
Single Coil
Self inductance
Air gap arrangement


Core of magnetic
material Non magnetic

Variable self inductance -Two Coil (Single coil with center tap)
The Two Coil arrangement, shown in fig, is a single coil
with a center tap. Movement of the core alters the
relative inductance of the two coils. These transducers
are incorporated in inductive bridge circuit in which
variation in inductance ratio between the two coils
provides the output. This is used as a secondary
transducer for pressure measurement.
Variable Mutual inductance -Two Coil
In this type, the flux from a power coil is coupled to a
pickup coil, which supplies the output. Input information
in the form of armature displacement, changes the
coupling between the coils. The air gap between the
core and the armature govern the degree of coupling.
Power coil
Pickup coil

To stage II
Excitation ~ Air gap circuitry


Two Coil Mutual Inductance Transducer

Note: Three Coil mutual inductance device (LVDT) is already

discussed in Comparators Chapter.
A Variable reluctance Transducers are used for dynamic
applications, where the flux lines supplied by a permanent magnet
are cut by the turns of the coil. Some means of providing relative
motion is included into the device.
The fig shows a simple type of reluctance pickup consisting of a coil
wound on a permanent magnetic core. Any variation of the
permeance of the magnetic circuit causes a change in the flux,
which is brought about by a serrated surface subjected to
movement. As the flux field expands or collapses, a voltage is
induced in the coil.
N Permanent magnet

Serrated Variable
surface Reluctance
S Transducer
Capacitive Transducers: The principle of these type is that
variations in capacitance are used to produce measurement
of many physical phenomenon such as dynamic pressure,
displacement, force, humidity, etc.
0.088KA( N − 1)
An equation for capacitance is C = Pico farads
Where K= dielectric constant (for air K=1), A= area of one side
of one plate, N= Number of plates, d= Separation of plate
surfaces (cm)
Fig shows a device used for the measurement of liquid level in
a container. The capacitance between the central electrode
and the surrounding hollow tube varies with changing
dielectric constant brought about by changing liquid level.
Thus the capacitance between the electrodes is a direct
indication of the liquid level.
Variation in dielectric constant can also be utilized for
measurements of thickness, density, etc.

electrode Capacitance Pickup to
Hollow tube measure liquid level
(Changing dielectric constant)

***capacitance is the ability of a body to hold an electrical charge.

Capacitance is also a measure of the amount of electric charge stored for
a given electric potential. A common form of charge storage device is a
two-plate capacitor. If the charges on the plates are +Q and −Q, and V
gives the voltage between the plates, then the capacitance is given by
The SI unit of capacitance is the farad; 1 farad = 1 coulomb per volt
Capacitive Transducer- Changing area: Capacitance changes
depending on the change in effective area. This principle is
used in the secondary transducing element of a Torque meter.
This device uses a sleeve with serrations cut axially and a
matching internal member with similar serrations as shown in
Torque carried by an elastic member causes a shift in the relative
positions of the serrations, thereby changing the effective area.
The resulting capacitance change may be calibrated to read the
torque directly.


Torque Meter
Internal member Air gap
(Capacitive type)
Capacitive Transducer-Changing distance
The capacitance varies inversely as the distance between the
plates. The fig shows a capacitive type pressure transducer
where the pressure applied to the diaphragms changes the
distance between the diaphragm & the fixed electrode which
can be taken as a measure of pressure.
Fixed electrode

Capacitive type
pressure pickup
Change in
clearance 'd'

Pressure Diaphragm
Advantages of Capacitive Transducers
(1) Requires extremely small forces to operate and are highly sensitive
(2) They have good frequency response and hence useful for dynamic
(3) High resolution can be obtained.
(4) They have high input impedance & hence loading effects are minimum.
(5) These transducers can be used for applications where stray magnetic
fields render the inductive transducers useless.
Disadvantages of Capacitive Transducers
(1) Metallic parts must be properly insulated and the frames must be
(2) They show nonlinear behaviour due to edge effects and guard rings
must be used to eliminate this effect.
(3) They are sensitive to temperature affecting their performance.
(4) The instrumentation circuitry used with these transducers are complex.
(5) Capacitance of these transducers may change with presence of dust
particles & moisture.
Piezoelectric Transducers :Certain materials can produce an electrical
potential when subjected to mechanical strain or conversely, can change
dimensions when subjected to voltage. This effect is called ‘Piezoelectric
effect'. The fig shows a piezoelectric crystal placed between two plate
electrodes and when a force ‘F’ is applied to the plates, a stress will be
produced in the crystal and a corresponding deformation. The induced
charge Q=d*F where ‘d’ is the piezoelectric constant.
The output voltage E=g*t*p where ‘t’ is crystal thickness, ‘p’ is the
impressed pressure & ‘g’ is called voltage sensitivity given by
g=(d/ε ), ε being the strain.

crystal Output voltage


Piezoelectric materials
The common piezoelectric materials are quartz, Rochelle
salt (Potassium sodium tartarate), ammonium
dihydrogen phosphate and ordinary sugar. The desirable
properties are stability, high output, insensitivity to
temperature and humidity and ability to be formed into
desired shape.
Quartz is most suitable and is used in electronic oscillators.
Its output is low but stable.
Rochelle salt provides highest output, but requires
protection from moisture in air & cannot be used above
Barium titanate is polycrystalline, thus it can be formed into
a variety of sizes & shapes.
Piezoelectric transducers are used to measure surface
roughness, strain, force & torque, Pressure, motion &
Photoelectric Transducers: A photoelectric transducer converts a light beam
into a usable electric signal. As shown in the fig, light strikes the photo
emissive cathode and releases electrons, which are attracted towards the
anode, thereby producing an electric current in the circuit. The cathode & the
anode are enclosed in a glass or quartz envelope, which is either evacuated
or filled with an inert gas. The photo electric sensitivity is given by;
I=s*φ where I=Photoelectric current, s=sensitivity, φ = illumination of the
The response of the photoelectric tube to different wavelengths is influenced
by (i) The transmission characteristics of the glass tube envelope and
(ii) Photo emissive characteristics of the cathode material.

I Photoelectric tubes are useful for
Light counting purposes through
periodic interruption of a light
R E source

- +
Photoconductive Transducers: The principle of these transducers is
when light strikes a semiconductor material, its resistance decreases,
there by producing an increase in the current. The fig shows a cadmium
sulphide semiconductor material to which a voltage is applied and when
light strikes, an increase in current is indicated by the meter.

Photoconductive transducers are used to measure radiation at all

wavelengths. But extreme experimental difficulties are encountered
when operating with long wavelength radiations.

Light Ammeter


material - +
The principle of photovoltaic cell is illustrated in the fig. It
consists of a bas metal plate, a semiconductor material, and a
thin transparent metal layer. When light strikes the transparent
metal layer and the semiconductor material, a voltage is
generated. This voltage depends on the load resistance R. The
open circuit voltage is a logarithmic function, but linear behavior
may be obtained by decreasing the load resistance.
It is used in light exposure meter for photographic work.
Thin transparent
metal layer

material +
Base plate
Ionization Transducers consist of a glass or quartz envelope with two
electrodes A & B and filled with a gas or mixture of gases at low
pressures. The radio frequency (RF) generator impresses a field to
ionize the gas inside the tube. As a result of the RF field, a glow
discharge is created in the gas, and the two electrodes A & B detect a
potential difference in the gas plasma. It depends on the electrode
spacing and the capacitive coupling between the RF plates & the gas.

When the tube is at the central position between the RF plates, the
potentials on the electrodes will be the same, but when the tube is
displaced from its central position, a D.C potential will be created. Thus
ionization transducer is an useful device for measuring displacement.

Pressure, acceleration & humidity measurements.
They can sense capacitance changes of 10-15 farads or
movements of 2.5x10-5 mm can be accurately measured with a
linearity better than 1%.
Radio frequency

RF plates


Gas filled
tube Displacement

Ionization Transducer
The fig shows the schematic diagram of an Electronic
transducer element which is basically an electronic tube in
which some of the elements are movable. Here, the plates are
mounted on an arm which extends through a flexible
diaphragm in the end of the tube. A mechanical movement
applied to the external end of the rod is transferred to the plates
within the tube thereby changing the characteristics of the tube.

Applications: Electronic transducer element is used as surface roughness

indicator, in accelerometers, pressure and force measurements.

Electronic Transducer Plates on movable support


Flexible diaphragm
Electrokinetic Transducer
The Electrokinetic phenomenon is also referred to as ‘Streaming Potential’ which
occurs when a polar liquid such as water, Methanol, or acetonitrile (CH3CN) is
forced through a porous disc. When the liquid flows through the pores, a
voltage is generated which is in phase with and directly proportional to the
pressure across the faces of the disc. When direction of flow is reversed, the
polarity of the signal is also reversed.
An unlimited supply of liquid is required on the upstream to measure static differential
pressure with this type of pickup. Since this is impractical, finite amount of liquid is
constrained within the electrokinetic cell. i.e. the device is used for dynamic rather than
static pressure measurements.
Fig. shows a typical electrokinetic cell. It consists of a porous porcelain disc fitted into the
center of an impermeable porcelain ring. The diaphragms are tightly sealed on either
side to retain the polar liquid, which fills the space between the diaphragms. A wire
mesh electrode is mounted on either side of the porous disc, with electrical
connections via the aluminium strips. The whole assembly is fitted in a suitable
Applications: Measurement of small dynamic displacements, pressure & acceleration.
Limitations: Can not be used for measurement of static quantities.
Electrokinetic Transducer
Inpermeable porcelain ring

Porous porcelain disc

Wire mesh electrodes

Thin diaphragm

Polar liquid

Aluminium strips

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