371 11 Location
371 11 Location
371 11 Location
Engineering Management
Identify the factors affecting location choices
Explain how to apply the various methods to location decisions
Dr. Karndee Prichanont IES371 1/2005
Facility Location
Competitive Advantages
The need to produce close to the
customer due to time-based
competition, trade agreements,
and shipping costs.
The coordinates for the location of the new facility are computed as
n n x, y = Coordinates of the new facility
xW i i yW i i at center of gravity
x i 1
, y i 1
n xi, yi = coordinate of existing facility I
i 1
i W
i 1
i Wi = Annual weight shipped from
facility i
See also Example S5.2
Dr. Karndee Prichanont IES371 1/2005
Ex 1: Center-of-Gravity Technique
Several automobile showrooms are located according to the
following grid which represents coordinate locations for each
Q Showroom # of Z-mobiles sold
(790,900) per month
A 1250
(250,580) D 1900
Q 2300
(0,0) X
What is the best location for a new Z-Mobile
warehouse/temporary storage facility considering only
distances and quantities sold per month?
Dr. Karndee Prichanont IES371 1/2005
x, y = coordinates of the new facility
LD l i d i
i 1
xi, yi = coordinate of existing facility
LD = the load-distance value
di xi x 2 yi y 2 li = the load expressed as weight, number of trips, or unit
di = the distance between the new and existing facility
Ex 3: Break-even analysis
Transportation Tableau
Dr. Karndee Prichanont IES371 1/2005
Ex 3: Transportation Method
Fire Brand makes sauce in EL Paso
and New York City. Distribution FROM /
centers are located in Atlanta, TO Atlanta Omaha Seattle
Omaha, and Seattle. The
El Paso $4 $5 $6
shipment costs per case are as
shown in the table. NYC $3 $7 $9