Telephone Call Receiving Procedure

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phone Call Receiving Procedure

Today, I will share a detail tutorial on telephone

etiquette. I am confident enough that this tutorial
will solve your all sorts of queries regarding
handling telephone in different situation at the
same time you could implement some tips I have
shared here.
My prime goal is to make you understand how to
ensure consistent standard of handling calls to
give a good impression to your guest. So, let's
learn the tricks.
[email protected]

phone Call Receiving Procedure

Things You Should Learn:
1. You Should Know:
Your system first. You should be able to identify what is
external and what is internal call.
How to transfer a call.
Some frequently use telephone code
Country code for outbound calls
How to put your caller in hold
How to use different phrase while talking
How to receive other's call in your phone, etc

[email protected]

phone Call Receiving Procedure

2. You should always have pen or pencil and small note books to write
down message or notes.
3. Answer a telephone call within 3 rings.
4. If you receive an internal call then you should start with a greeting
then your department name then your name then asks how you can
assist him.
For example: Good Evening, Front Desk, Rihanna speaking, how may I
help you?
5. For an external call follow this procedure: Greeting then your hotel's
name then ask how you can assist him. For example: Good Morning,
Grand Hotel, Rihanna speaking,How may I help you?

[email protected]

Professional Telephone
A: During Call:

easily become friendly and feel happy if you call

him by his name. So, first ensure how should you address
him and then call him by his name.
While talking for quite a long time shows your caller that
you are eagerly listening to him. So sometimes making
noises like hmm, yes, ok, I understand can make
the conversation spontaneous. Otherwise in middle of a
long discussing if you keep silent for the whole time your
caller may be confused whether you are listing or whether
you are still on line or not. So, dont make your caller
[email protected]

Professional Telephone
Receiving call demands deep attention. If you talking over
telephone and at the same time doing other business then you
cannot concentrate on anything.
So, if you really have to finish another job then it is better to hold
the caller or tell him that you will call him after a certain period of
Make your tone as friendly as possible. Try to smile while talking,
the way you talk reflects in your tone.
Dont neglect any call. Take it as a business opportunity for your
If you or the caller cannot listen to other then offer him to call
[email protected]

Professional Telephone
B: Other Peoples Call:

Dont say, you dont, whether the person is whom the

callers looking for. Tell him that you will call him back after
locating him.
If you cant find that person then offer the caller to receive
any message on behalf of that person.
If you know when the person will be available then suggest
the caller to call him.
Dont share any personal contact address as long you are
not sure enough about the caller.
[email protected]

Widely Used Phrases:

Now we will learn some most common widely used phrases and
expressions used while handling calls:
1. Sometimes by hearing the tone you may not identify whether you caller is
male or female. It is better to ask How should I address you? or May I
have your name please?
2. If you need to transfer any call then say Please allow me to transfer your
call to Mr. X. Could you please hold down for a minute? After that if the
caller allows you and says Yes or Ok then transfer the call.
3. If you found the extension is not reachable or dead then say Thanks for
holding. But I am afraid Mr. Y is not available. Would you like to leave a
message for him or call back later?

[email protected]

Widely Used Phrases:

4. If you found the extension is busy then say Thanks for
holding. Mr. Y is busy and still on line. Would you like to
leave a message for him or call back later?
5. While finishing a conversation say Thank you Mr. X for
calling. Have a nice day.
6. Some common phrases are: May I have your name
please, May I have your contact number please, Mr. X
please let me repeat the message..Is that all right?, Mr.
X could you please hold down for a minute?

[email protected]

aking Message:
Always keep pad, pen or pencil to receive any message.
When you take any message try to write down these points of
information in clear handwriting so that you can understand
next time:
Date & Time of the message
Callers name
Reason of Calling
Message he left to deliver
Name of the Guest, caller calls
Guests room number
Callers telephone number, etc.

[email protected]

Good & Bad

Bad Practices

Good Practices

Just start a conversation with only Hello or

Department Name or Hotels Name

Start with greeting and then follow the procedure we

discussed at the beginning.

Avoid taking responsibility in the way like I am not

working in HR department.

If you are not the person whom caller need then

transfer to the appropriate person.

Requesting to hold down as because you dont find you

pen or pad

You should always keep your Pen, pad or


Being silent while talking for a long time.

Must make some noises like Hmm, Ok, Yes, I

Understand etc.

Use plain language .

Use some Magic words like Certainly, You are right,

I do understand, Thank you etc

Taking wrong or incomplete message

Pay deep attention while talking message

and then repeat and be sure you have
taken proper message.

Dont take follow up

While transferring any call or message be

careful to take follow ups.

Give personal information about guest

You cant share guest information or room

number to any unknown person. You
should only transfer a call or take message
on behalf of him

[email protected]

ering Telephone in Hotel & Restaurant:

DOs & DON'Ts
Telephone always plays a significant role in hospitality
industry. People from all round the world call for making
booking or asking information or transferring message to
the guest or for various other purposes. If you are a hotelier
then you may have to answer telephone calls.
This happens mostly with front desk staffs. Today we will
learn some most effective telephone answering tips. These
are some basic techniques you should apply while
answering any call in hotel or restaurant.

[email protected]


Answering Telephone in Hotel &

DOs & DON'Ts
Answer the telephone promptly within 3 rings.
Make the caller know your work area, your name and offer appropriate greeting. If
it is an inbound call then just mention your department and if it is outbound call
then mention name of the hotel with your identity.
Always have pen and paper on hand, specially front desk personnel should
always be ready to keep records.
Listen carefully. Pay close attention to details being expressed by the caller.
Make the caller feel that they have your undivided attention. Make an occasional
acknowledgment of what he/she says. Mention the name of the caller, once
If you have to ask the caller to hold on, explain why. Wait for the callers
agreement before actually putting him/her on hold.
[email protected]

Answering Telephone in Hotel &

DOs & DON'Ts
If you have to transfer the call, explain why and make sure that the caller is
properly introduced to the next party. If the purpose of the call has been said
already, repeat the same to the next party.
If you say you will call back, do so as soon as possible. Give him some sorts of
idea that how long he or she need to wait.
Sometimes you may not understand whether the caller is a man or lady. To be on
the safe side politely ask his or her name or you can say "how should i address
Repeat back any details and follow up in writing (if necessary).
Close conversation politely. Always say thank you for calling.
Lets caller hang up first.
Try to satisfy your guest with proper information. If you don't know detail then
transfer the call to the right person. Never give wrong information.
[email protected]


Answering Telephone in Hotel &

DOs & DON'Ts

Let the telephone ring more than 3 times.

Answer the phone with merely hello or yes.
Ask the caller to hold on while you scramble for pen and paper.
Rely on your memory instead of writing what the caller says. Asking the caller to
repeat the details is annoying and does not leave a good impression.
Say hold on and leave the caller wondering if he/she is still being attended
Say Ill transfer your call without saying to whom and why.
Say you will call back when you have no intention to.
Say you cannot help and not offer to connect the caller to someone who can.
Say he hasnt come in yet, she hasnt come back from lunch yet or he is in the
[email protected]


Answering Telephone in Hotel &

DOs & DON'Ts
People do not want to know the reason and are given the
wrong impression by such answers.
Hang up without trying to close the conversation.
Hang up without thanking the caller for calling.
Put your least intelligent, least coherent or panicky staff in
charge of the phone.
Keep talking to another person while answering phone.
Eating something while answering phone.
[email protected]

Globally used common telephonic

spelling codes:


for Alpha

for November
O for Oscar
P for Papa
Q for Quebec
R for Romeo
S for Sierra
T for Tango
U for Uniform
V for Victor
W for Whisky
X for X-ray
Y for Yankee
Z for Zulu
[email protected]

w to Take Reservation on Phone

Telephone plays an important role in times of reservation on
Perfect telephone handling ensures efficiency of the
reservation agent which at the same time upholds hotels
All the time you should follow proper telephone manner.
These are some basic tips you should follow while you are
taking reservation on phone.

[email protected]

w to Take Reservation on Phone

1. Pick up the phone before 3 rings.
2. Greet the caller according to the time. Try to keep very fresh, clear and friendly
voice tone so that guest from other side of the phone may feel comfortable.
Remember First Impression is the Last Impression.
3. It is advisable to greet in this way Good Morning. This is Hotel X. Thank you
for calling. How may I help you, sir?
4. Try to identify caller gender by his or her sound. Listen to the name properly.
Repeat the name with Mr. or Ms. Caller may be hurt if you by mistake call him
5. Try to understand why the caller calls. In a hotel people call not only for
making reservation but also for getting information, arranging party, sending
message to a guest or making business deal etc. So, first listen carefully to
identify what sorts of assistance the caller wants from you.
[email protected]

w to Take Reservation on Phone

6. If the caller calls for room reservation and if he is not a repeated guest then you should
try to give a short overview on your hotel including hotels feature and amenities,
specialty, special offer you are offering etc.
7. In the meantime, look at the room status or reservation chart. It will be so bad if after
informing everything, guest becomes convinced and wants to have a room booked but
you dont find any room to sell as all are occupied. So, always be updated specially
about room status.
8. If callers requested date indicates SOLD OUT which means you are unable to sell
the room for that specific date, then very politely say sorry to the guest and let him
know why you are unable to sell the room.
9. If the requested date indicates WAIT-LISTED then politely inform the guest about
the situation and inform him that reservation on that day is wait-listed for that reason
you are taking his reservation but not giving full guarantee and request him to check
again closer to that requested date.
10. After giving an overview of you hotel, now try to identify what sorts of room the
caller wants and try to offer him some options so that he can decide from his own or if
he needs then assist him.
[email protected]

w to Take Reservation on Phone

11. If the guest want to book the room then say that we are very pleased
to reserve a room for you. May I have some information from you
please? Now try to collect these information with proper spelling:
Name of the Guest
His Contact Address
Room Types
Room Rates
Date of Arrival
Date of Departure
Date of Reservation Made
Mode of Payment
Special Remark (if any)
Reservation Made by Person or Company
[email protected]

w to Take Reservation on Phone

12. Repeat all the information caller gives and at the same
time give him a reservation confirmation number.
13. If you have any objection about guests mode of
payment or anything then inform the guest about your rules
and request him to give you another option.
14. After settling everything thanks the caller for his
patience and calling you. End up the
call as warmly as you start and try to make him feel that he
just have made a perfect decision.
[email protected]

Making Room Reservation on

Telephone (SOP)
Discussion: For a front desk or reservation agent making
proper reservation is the most important job. Generally most
of the reservation has been done by phone. Here you will
learn exactly what steps a front desk agent needs to follow to
make a reservation in phone.
Steps You Should Follow:
Step-1: Answer the telephone within 3 rings.
Step-2: Greet the guest properly.
Good Morning, Front Desk. This is XXX hotel.
How may I assist you?
[email protected]

Making Room Reservation on

Telephone (SOP)

Step-3: In this stage be sure about the name and when guest wants to check in
and check out.
Try to understand this conversation:
Guest: I want to make a reservation
Agent: Ok sir. How should I address you?
Guest: I am Robert Temple.
Agent: Ok Mr. Temple, are you our priority Club Member?
(Ask to ensure about guest)
Did you stay here before?
(If guest says yes then ask following question)
May I have your previous check in & check out date, please?
(Ask this question to know what price was offered before and what is guest
preference and other information related to that particular guest)

[email protected]

Making Room Reservation on

Telephone (SOP)
Step-4: After confirming about guest proceed to the next level. In this case, first
look for room inventory. You may either find any vacant room or no room for sale.
Now, follow these steps in those cases.
If you dont find any room Available:
Agent: I am terribly sorry, Mr. Temple. All our rooms are booked on XXX date. If
you wish then I can put your reservation on waiting list or would you like me to
recommend another hotel?
Now if guest want his reservation to be put on waiting list then take full details
about the guest and give him a reservation confirmation number.
If you find a room Available:
Now your approach will be to know which room will best match with guest.

[email protected]

Making Room Reservation on

Telephone (SOP)
Follow these steps:
Agent: OK, MR. Temple, will you travel alone or not?
(As a agent your duty is to recommend such room which match with guest.
If guest travel with family then you cannot recommend him a single room and on the
other hand if he comes with a family or friends then you should look for family room
or others which is for more than 1 person. Read our Room Types tutorial for clear
Agent: MR. Temple, currently we have deluxe room, suit and studio room to
accommodate your family.
(If you have different types of rooms vacant then give some options to guest.)

[email protected]

Making Room Reservation on

Telephone (SOP)
Step-5: Try to highlight different features of each type of rooms and their price. If
there any is any discounted offer, offer it. Be ready all the time for up selling.
Step-6: Make reservation properly. First be sure about guest name.
Agent: How should I spell your name sir?
Guest: It is R-O-B-E-R-T Robert and Then T-E-M-P-L-E Temple
Agent: Is it R-O-B-E-R-T Then T-E-M-P-L-E ?
Guest: Yes, you are right.
Then politely request him for guaranteed booking.
Agent: Mr. Temple as you know our hotel is a busy hotel. So, I would like to
recommend you to guarantee your booking as we have very high occupancy rate,
you know.
[email protected]

Making Room Reservation on

Telephone (SOP)
Step-7: Explain your procedure for guaranteed reservation.
Agent: Mr. Temple I just make your reservation guaranteed. This will ensure your booking.
Now, if you do not come on XXX date, without informing us then one night room rate will
be charged from your credit card as penalty. But if you like to change your reservation
then you have to inform us 24 hours in advanced. I guess you understand our policy.
Step-8: Get contact details.
Agent: May I have your contract number and address, please.
Step-9: Offer more services to your guest.
Agent: Mr. Temple we are offering more for our guest. Would you like us to arrange pick
up service for you in the airport?
Guest: Yes, thats great.
Agent: Ok Sir. For transportation facility, both fax or telephone and credit card guarantees
are required. Once we received confirmation from you, our concierge will contact you and
make all the arrangements.
[email protected]

Making Room Reservation on

Telephone (SOP)
Step-10: Now you will approach to close down the selling. Repeat all required
information to be sure that you have made proper reservation.
Agent: So, Mr. Temple now I am going to repeat your reservation details. You like to
be checking in on XXX and your checking out date is XXX. You preferred nonsmoking, twin bed supreme room for you and your family. Room rent is XXX US$
per night which included complimentary breakfast. You also pay in advanced for
transportation service. Your confirmation number is XXX
Guest: Yes, you are right.
Step-11: Thanks the guest for his calling and finish the conversation.
Agent: Thanks you Mr. Temple for choosing XXX hotel. Certainly you take the right
decision. So, Mr. Temple see you on XXX. Have a nice day.

[email protected]

Wake-up call Handling

Wake up call is an in-house telephone call to a sleeping guest at a specific
time to wake him up, predetermined by the guest. It is generally done in the
morning but a guest may require any time of the day.
It is the duty of telephone department to wake up the guest but if the call
will be made up for airline crews or group of guests then lobby personal will
take get calls from local airline operators about the timing of the flight and
then they should forward the message to telephone operator.
In case of airline crews or groups generally the wake-up call should be done
45 minutes or 1 hour before the pickup time. In small hotels it is the duty of
front desk agent to wake-up guests. Here are some tips you should follow:

[email protected]

Wake-up call Handling

Give full attention to write proper room number, name and time to wake-up
guest to avoid any mistake.
Always insure that guest really wakes up after your call. You can politely ask
the guest that if he wants to have a 2nd wake-up call or not.
If no reply is done by the guest while you are calling or guest just hang up the
phone and hardly give any reply then you should call him again.
While calling you should start this way, Good Morning, Mr. X. This is 6 Am in
the morning which is your wake up time. Have a nice day.
After getting your call, a guest may not understand the situation quickly as he
just wakes up. So give him some time and explain again why you call him.
If after 2nd call, guest does not respond at all then send the bell person to
knock his door and wake him up.
[email protected]

Proper Telephone Manner in

Telephone plays a very important role in hotel industry. Generally people
outside from hotel calls for reservation or booking or change of schedule
or passing message knowing information or talking to any guest.
In all the cases the person who will receive the phone has to consider
some basic telephone manner.
Also if you are a front desk agent then you have to know some telephonic
spelling codes used globally to write proper spelling of a guest.
So if you are a non-English or even an English speaker you should know
some well-known telephone manners.

[email protected]

Tips for using telephone in

1. Let the caller know who you are and from where you are talking by let him know your
name, your department name, designation you are holding etc.
2. Use some common phrases over telephone.
3. If you have to receive phone call frequently then you must have to have some essential
materials like telephone guide, essential number and price list of your hotel, notepad, pen,
pencil, eraser etc.
4. Try not to make the conversation lengthy, make it short and be specific
5. If possible try to ask some questions to know what guest want to inform that will
ensure your sincerity to guest.
6. As over telephone no one can see each other so set your voice tone in a friendly
7. You must not engage with other work like eating, drinking or writing while talking to
guest because that could be an obstacle.
8. Remember and must use globally used common telephonic spelling codes.
[email protected]


Globally used common telephonic

spelling codes:

A for Alpha
B for
C for
D for Delta
E for Echo
F for
G for Golf
H for Hotel
I for India
J for Juliet

N for November
O for Oscar
P for Papa
Q for Quebec
R for Romeo
S for Sierra
T for Tango
U for Uniform
V for Victor
W for Whisky
X for X-ray
Y for Yankee
Z for Zulu

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Thank you

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